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going for it now, hope you guys didnt steer me wrong, i'm really scared at the moment. I cant believe i'm trust words on the internet from strangers. I hope this is a concerned community. 6am now yikes, going to lock myself in basement and see what happens. took 200mg caapi and now going to take 100mg dmt mixed in lemon juice and 2 tabs vitamin c
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you should rather take a smaller dose of dmt for the first time, like 50mg or so.. For me 100mg would be mild but for others it would be way too strong. Better be prudent the first time and find out how your own metabolism works for this particular substance
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50 mins into it now. feel really tired . so far watching 4d youtube videos of really really bizzare shapes, but nothing feels anything remotely like i had just smoked...yet. SWIM or whoever just ripped a giant bowl earlier tonight and had nex to no effects while everyone else went way out to outerhyperspace.. Interesting hard to type and starting to see spiraling objects behind each word i type. Perhpas its time. lol so far I think i should have tried the 150mg. Also zero nausea however when i first drank the juice i did actually feel like puking, i just feel ...high right now ...nice but sucks..
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fnog9 wrote: The effectcs of oral dmt freebase are unpredictable, has a deleyed onset, and worst, it can cause severe gastro discomfort and cramps. Freebase in highly basic, when it gets to your stomach, it will react with your stomach acids, and go through a long process before it gets to your brain, and you feel the psychedellic effects. Very interesting - does freebase get converted in the stomach to hydrochloride (or other) or does it remain fb as it enters the bloodstream? If it remains fb, why the delayed/unpredictable onset, and is there maybe something going on with blood solubility of fb vs say fumarate? It must eventually be converted in the body to fb to pass the b/b barrier anyway, right? Where is the problem occurring?
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lasted about 8 hours, saw every type of creature/event i wanted to see, the problem however is that the visuals were extremely weak. Much much more dreamlike than "hyperreality" state. felt like i was just plugged into a conscious dream that i controlled. I puked twice, but it wasnt bad at all. Just mostly dissapointed by how minor the visuals were at 100mg dmt and 200mg caapi. I'm a major lightweight concerning any foreign substances so i'm surprised by my sudden tolerance to DMT lately.
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Oral dmt is less visual than vaporized. What I do, appart from finding my right dosage, is having the vaporgenie loaded with changa and sometimes towards the comedown of the pharma I launch. It can be really really really special !
But take it easy, no rush, you'll slowly adjust and find your own methods and dosages and settings to work with this substance. Good luck on your future journeys!
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skinwalker wrote:lasted about 8 hours, saw every type of creature/event i wanted to see, the problem however is that the visuals were extremely weak. Much much more dreamlike than "hyperreality" state. felt like i was just plugged into a conscious dream that i controlled. I puked twice, but it wasnt bad at all. Just mostly dissapointed by how minor the visuals were at 100mg dmt and 200mg caapi. I'm a major lightweight concerning any foreign substances so i'm surprised by my sudden tolerance to DMT lately. I can't believe you found 100mg of spice to be weak! 100g is enough to kick the shit out of me. I'm also surprised you barfed. Was the dmt good and mixed up? I usually stir it for a few mins to make sure the chemical reaction takes place from base to acid. I wonder if maoi was a high enough dose. I'm also really surprised you say very little of body load and physiological effects, and effects on thought process and insights. For me these are as profound as any "hallucinations" I have on dmt.
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HyperQuill wrote:fnog9 wrote: The effectcs of oral dmt freebase are unpredictable, has a deleyed onset, and worst, it can cause severe gastro discomfort and cramps. Freebase in highly basic, when it gets to your stomach, it will react with your stomach acids, and go through a long process before it gets to your brain, and you feel the psychedellic effects. Very interesting - does freebase get converted in the stomach to hydrochloride (or other) or does it remain fb as it enters the bloodstream? If it remains fb, why the delayed/unpredictable onset, and is there maybe something going on with blood solubility of fb vs say fumarate? It must eventually be converted in the body to fb to pass the b/b barrier anyway, right? Where is the problem occurring? Unfortunately, I do not know. All I've read about that is something like..... the freebase doesn't get immediately converted as soon as it hits your stomach, and that's why there's a delayed onset, and that's why you get cramps for so long. The cramps are your body working on the freebase somehow, and complaining about how alkaline it is.
 DMT-Nexus member
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Quote:I can't believe you found 100mg of spice to be weak! 100g is enough to kick the shit out of me. I'm also surprised you barfed. Was the dmt good and mixed up? I usually stir it for a few mins to make sure the chemical reaction takes place from base to acid. I wonder if MAOI was a high enough dose.
I'm also really surprised you say very little of body load and physiological effects, and effects on thought process and insights. For me these are as profound as any "hallucinations" I have on dmt. i figured if i was going to do somthing i would rather do it right than too weak. Even smoking DMT i load HUGE bowls are only get very very mild effects lately while my friends are blasting off to hyperspace. I had a major breakthrough a month ago but ever since then its like the gates to dmt heaven have been locked for me. I really think visually i was absolutely UNimpressed with what i was shown and more "thought" in comparison to a smoking experience. WHile smoking what i'm shown and see appears more real than reality, where as the oral felt more like a very vivid dream that i had a fair degree of control over (but not full as it would steer me back to whatever process it was flowning down). I would agree that the insights were definatly more profound on oral than smoked, when smoking i feel its a one way conversation and i'm belted up lockin in for a wild roller coaster ride for the next 10 minutes. INSECTS 
there was soooooooo much that happend that night that i think it would take too long for a proper trip report. To summarize i really did a summary of many of the trip reports i have read about and almost wonder if subconsciously i made it all up based on previous read stories. I went to the insect world, i saw a bee or a wasp and it buzzed around me. It was about the same size as myself. (keep in mind with all these "hallusinations" they were more dreamlike than actually seen with my open eyes. I also saw a ant like creature alittle bigger than me, and it looked at me alittle surprised, then went back to gnawing on a wood hole it had carved. There was also a praying mantus I think but I dont remember much about it. What i got the sensation most of was that these "insects" although appearing intelligent where NOT aliens or interdimensinal beings but rather i was more given a unique perspective into their mindset and onto their level. I actually think they all had something to do with the root bark and the tree and somehow left an imprint into the dmt itself. Rather than taking me to some multiverse world i think i was being shown life and understanding from the insects perspective as they lived on the tree that my root bark had come from. One scary thing i clearly remember was that if i thought my intensions or asked them they could possibly show me what i wanted to see. So stupid me i wanted to see a spider (I HATE SPIDERS!!) well the moment i thought this no sooner was a large nasty spider looking at me, mu--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ch larger than myself tarantula in appearnace. Then like a bigger fool i asked what would it be like to BE the spider, how does it think...look, move, feel... I was then slowly transformed into the spiders form with mandables as a mouth, multiple eyes... as the transformation was occuring I was absolutely revolted and horrified at the prospect of being this spider, it was somewhat real, complicated, and absolutely foreign. I wanted NO part of it and willed myself out of this bizarre insect world. CARNIVAL OF DREAMS 
I remember the carnival and funland theme some trippers discuss. It was very circus like, with bizzarre circuls colored rides and contraptions. My absolutely impression about this was that it was absolute bullshit, it was completely and entirely fake. This too was no real world or dimensinal realm where these carnival creatues exist, but it was more of a distraction and a entertainment tool used by whatever larger force was overseeing me while i was in my trip. It actually angered me to try to be tricked by this meaningless dreamlike waste of time. I sort of zoomed out of all of this with my astral body and took at look at what was really occuring. It seemed to look like a giant tree with roots below and people when they dream or whenever the entities controllng all of these want to put huamns in a vegatative state they make them go to this carnival entertaining place for whatever reason. It was like all these levels of consciousness and the roots represented the lowest level where this stupid insane carnival was at. I got pissed at this point and demanded, willed my way out, i felt punished emotional or spiritually for this decison, but was absolute in my determination. I then had a really weird experience. THE CONTROLLERS  omg i just found this picture from a UFO abductee! this is what i saw 
It was like I was standing outside on a temple again in astral or OBE form and could see all of these very tall creatues in long decorated robes and tall oranate hats that were overseeing me and this process. I dont remember their faces other than their clothing looked like the Imperial Guards from star wars except with lots of jewels inlaid and a tall ornate rectangular hats. I felt these these creatures were real, that i was NOT supposed to see them observing me, and they were somehow important or of some stature. They reminded me of scientists or young gradulate students observing a test animal for some reacation. I felt they were somewhat unaware of me observing them and wouldnt be pleased if they noticed. RELIGION 
I remember at one point feeling overwhelmed by some presence or being shown too much and for whatever reason i became very religious or perhaps i wanted to test religion on the dmt world. I said out loud that in JEsus name i want these creates (i cant remember what i was seeing or experiencing when i said this or what the creatures where) to go away and not invade me. Right as i said this it felt like the entire dmt trip suddenly stopped. All dreams/visuals ceased immediately and i felt completely disconnected from the experience or unplugged. It was just blank nothingingness. I then thought to myself if the name of Jesus has this much power here i've always been curious to see if i have a guardian angel and what he/she looks like. So i willed myself to see my guardian angel. Remember whatever i was experiencing i remember the sensation that if you ask you may get what you ask for. Suddently i got hte mental impression or the words "just open your eyes and you will see me!" i started crying for some reason at this point and was excited beyond belief to finally see an angel or whatever entity protects me. I opened my eyes to see the sun raising in the morning fog, and saw absolutely NOTHING. Somewhat dissapointed me to say the least. ACCENTION 
I remember going back in front of the overseeing entities who were treating me like a misbehaving child and i told them i want to be able to heal people (no clue why i said this). They said OK let us check to see if you are ready. Then this black thick snake/worm like creature somehow entered my body. I could feel it swimming throughout my veins, my chest, my brain, eyes. I remember clearly my breathing become very very erratic, and i started hiccuping. Also it felt as if i had a heart murmer or it stopped for a second or skipped a beat. Very concerning to say the least. I felt the snake was reporting back to the entities regarding my memories and spirtual progress, actually for all i know it was posessing me as it did feel to be a new part of me, not necessarily welcomed by me the host. I dont remember the snake creature ever leaving me and I would have this same weird breathing, hiccups, and skipping heart beat every single time i would think about this creature inside of me (still happens now 20 hrs later!). Well the snake thing reported back to the entities that it had finished scanning. I was then told to wait a moment and that i was extremely extremely lucky to see a entitiy far greater than all of us here was coming to meet me. At that moment i felt crushed by the weight of the presence of this new entity. I remember it coming from above, and was told it was a 24th level dimensional entity (whatever the hell that means). I got the impression that the entities i was speaking with and me myself were no where near that level. It decended from the sky(?) and it has th shape of a massive marble pillar like a greek pillar. I was absolutely crushing me in its presnce it was like a planet has decended down and its gravitational force alone was unbearable. I remember feeling humbled and exhaulted by its presence. It created a strange alien symbol which then somehow fused with me. thats all i can remember at hte moment and i need to mow the lawn this was more than i expected to write
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 14-May-2010 Last visit: 16-Jan-2013
can someone point me in the right direction again for a MOI inhibitor to take prior to injesting the dmt? What do I type into Ebay? "caapi"? "syrian rue"? do i just take the powder form and put it in a capsule? Am i supposed to make these into a tea? I really want to avoid getting sick this time and was told i messed up by not making the capsule into a tea(??)
I'm pretty decent at extracting the DMT but clueless on how best to obtain and the procedures to take the inhibitor.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 69 Joined: 29-May-2010 Last visit: 20-May-2013 Location: Canada
What if you took just your MAOI then instead of ingesting some one waited an hour then smoked. Would that experience be extended as well? "Prying open my third eye."
"We are all one conciousness experiencing itself subjectively..." Bill Hicks
 DMT-Nexus member

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skinwalker wrote:can someone point me in the right direction again for a MOI inhibitor to take prior to injesting the dmt? What do I type into Ebay? "caapi"? "syrian rue"? do i just take the powder form and put it in a capsule? Am i supposed to make these into a tea? I really want to avoid getting sick this time and was told i messed up by not making the capsule into a tea(??)
I'm pretty decent at extracting the DMT but clueless on how best to obtain and the procedures to take the inhibitor. Take a look at the Pharma threadAlot of good info there. But no, you dont just type into ebay. Read the thread above to get a better idea of whats best. If you have extracted DMT then get some harmala extracts(check the suppliers forum), dissolve those harmalas in some OJ and swallow, then a few mins later dissolve the DMT freebase in some OJ too and drink. Most people report that it takes a few tries to find ones sweet spot. Start low with the DMT and work your way up. Also somthing to remember, while on a pharma journey, have a bowl of DMT/Changa ready to vape. If one finds themselves not where they would like to be, they could vape some to make some use of the harmalas. Even at the tailend of a journey vaping some DMT does wonders 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 14-May-2010 Last visit: 16-Jan-2013
thanks Gammagore, where is the suppliers forum? and hte Harmala is already extracted so no need to do any more teks (i hope!) Never mind i was lazy! https://dmt-nexus.me/for...t.aspx?g=topics&f=39 that is the link. thanks again.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 14-May-2010 Last visit: 16-Jan-2013
actually after going there i still have no idea who sells harmala extract? any other advice on how to search more accurately? i found this listing (NO i'm not trying to plug this guy) but i cant find anywhere else) http://cgi.ebay.com/10-G...&hash=item3f02ceb2ca YIKES 2 weeks. forget that! http://shop.ebay.com/i.h...14&_sop=15&_sc=1those are all also harmala except they are just seeds and not the extract will seeds work if grounded up? what about caapi and caapi copy? Do they do the same thing (or are the same?) without the nausea?
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skinwalker wrote:actually after going there i still have no idea who sells harmala extract? any other advice on how to search more accurately?
Search more Harmalashop sell extracted harmine/harmaline, you can get them at FV (:oops  too. One could just grind up some sirian rue seeds and take em as is, but you are almost guaranteed to get some nausea with whole seeds. Whole seeds have alot of undesired alks that give the body a hard time. Much better to perform a Manske on the seeds to extract the desired harmalas. You could order some caapi vine and brew that up, but here you will have ayahuaska and not pharma. Hope that helps 
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Posts: 257 Joined: 14-May-2010 Last visit: 16-Jan-2013
took 140mg caapi and 70mg dmt. took the caapi powder as a pill with a hole, waited 1/2 hour, then took mix of dmt, lemonade, and vitamin c. waited an hour and went to bed, nothing happened all night just woke up now. what went wrong?
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Posts: 98 Joined: 07-Apr-2011 Last visit: 16-Dec-2022
maybe you didnt give it enough time to kick in, it usually hits me at about an hour after the spice. i usually take 200-300 mgs of harmine with 50-75 mgs of DMT 30-45 minutes after MAOI and that is a pretty hefty dose for me. maybe its the quality of your MAOI, ive found some vendors to have pretty low quality harmalas. i always dose the harmalas higher with the same amount of DMT, cause if was dosing 100 mgs of DMT and not having sufficent MAOI and then i dosed 100 mgs with sufficient MAOI i know i would i would be in for a ride, i guess i am one of the sensitive ones.
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skinwalker wrote:took 140mg caapi and 70mg dmt. took the caapi powder as a pill with a hole, waited 1/2 hour, then took mix of dmt, lemonade, and vitamin c. waited an hour and went to bed, nothing happened all night just woke up now. what went wrong? 140mg caapi extract? did you extract this caapi yourself? if you got it from a vendor then id say you need to find out what strength it is. Skinwalker, did you feel the harmalas at all? If not then you need to take more caapi.