how to take dmt capsules and a MAOI Options
#1 Posted : 5/20/2010 1:12:02 AM

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i'm not sure i comletely understand how to take both in a capsule form. i understand how to make and extract DMT, howver i'm very confused if the MAOI needs to be purchased complete online or if one must extract it through a difficult tek (i've seen several online). Is it legal to buy already extracted and in the pure form so i can simply add the proper amount to a capsule?

I found this link on ebay :

(not trying so push that sellers product, i just really dont know what to buy or where to start). I've read several extract tek guides but if i can just legally buy it in its final state i would prefer to do so.

also what MAOI does one suggest and which causes the least nausea? Sorry for such Newbie questions that have been answered a million times already but I'm still confused after browsing these forums, and i'm very excited about extending the trip and removing the horrible smoking part of it so that friends can experience hyperspace (they cant handle the smoke)

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 5/20/2010 2:41:51 AM

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That ebay vendor sells a great product. Two of his capsules will give you a nausea-free four or five hour trip if you take them DMT with it. There are other places that sell MAOI extracts too, but make sure to eventually buy some shredded caapi and make your own brew because none of the extracts can compare to the experience that the plant will provide. It is fun experimenting with the harmala alkaloids and gauging their effect on the trip, and that vendors extract is good stuff.

I have found that taking two pills and waiting 30 minutes before dropping the DMT provides the longest trip because it gives my stomach time to digest harmala alkaloids.
#3 Posted : 5/20/2010 3:27:13 AM

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thank you so i want to be crystal clear, i can buy from that vendor or a similar one and not have to do another tek just to make my MAOI? I can simply buy it premade and use SWIM's DMT?

any other vendors I should buy from or names of other PREMADE MAOI's? I'm somewhat afraid of the purging from the aly brew and smoking DMT seems much much too short to do any serious self discoveries... and SWIM doesnt want to fudge up a semi complicated tek on making the MAOI.

so again where can i buy it premade? and what exactly should I be looking for. Thank you for helping me Smile (also i've read about how to take it propertly and what not to eat prior)
#4 Posted : 5/20/2010 8:08:02 AM

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Yes, the extract you linked to will prove sufficient for enabling oral DMT. It does, however, only have harmine and harmaline, it lacks THH. For a real ayahuasca feeling, you would need THH as from the harmala-alkaloids from Banisteriopsis caapi. At FV you may purchase pure caapi alkaloids in an extract. If you buy this, you will not need the other extract you linked to previously.
#5 Posted : 5/20/2010 9:34:04 AM

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thank you evening glory! i have much to learn from you despite my earlier comments.
#6 Posted : 5/20/2010 4:43:53 PM

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i want to avoid the purging and nausea wont this new extract cause these symptoms?
#7 Posted : 5/20/2010 5:07:39 PM

illudium Q-36

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no more than the ebay guys product. the caapi copy product is also a purified harmala extraction. It just also includes THH alongside the harmaline and harmine. The source material is caapi rather than rue.

All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.
#8 Posted : 5/20/2010 5:39:37 PM

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What Madcapv2 says is correct, but take notice that you still might purge. Some people purge from the harmala-alkaloids and from DMT alone. You will for sure not feel as nauseous as you would from original Ayahuasca though.
#9 Posted : 5/20/2010 7:17:28 PM

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last ignorant and poorly researched question, but will the "200 mg of Banisteriopsis Caapi pure alkaloids" be enough for 1 trip or for multiple? having a hard time finding the ratio.

i believe from a few sources i found it would allow for 2 explorations.
#10 Posted : 5/21/2010 3:04:08 AM

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200mg is my standard dose and it always makes for at least a four hour trip.
#11 Posted : 5/21/2010 3:19:02 AM

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200mg of caapi copy is a good dose for one ayahuasca cup. It contains the same amount of alkaloids as about 40g of caapi vine.
#12 Posted : 6/11/2010 7:45:48 AM

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well i finally got the caapi in the mail, SWIM has some dmt and i'm ready to blast off tomorrow. also have a mg scale. the problem now is i'm still not quite sure of the ratio and the timing. I have 200mg of the caapi and i wanted enough for me and a friend to enjoy/suffer together. Do i pack 100mg caapi along with 30mg dmt into a pill and swallow with water and wait 45 minutes? do i change the ratio? do i swallow one pill first, then wait,then swallow a second? I'm excited but i want to make sure this is done EXACTLY correct.
#13 Posted : 6/11/2010 10:07:02 AM

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100mg for each might not be enough for 2, so you could have a weak and/or short trip..

also notice there seems to be a very very big variation between different people when it comes to needed dose in oral dmt.. Some people may need 200mg harmalas + 30mg dmt and have a 5 hours strong experience, while other people like me need 200+mg harmalas + 150+mg dmt and this will be a 3 hour trip max. 30mg dmt would barely make me feel anything. But since its your first time trying it, you just dont know whether you are on the low-dose type of metabolism or not, so better start low. Im just telling you so that, if by any chance you have a weak trip, you know why it might be so....

oh and, remember to poke a hole (or snip one end of the capsule of) before swallowing, otherwise it seems the absorption is very poor.

but yeah just swallow that and in maybe an hour or so you should be feeling something. If harmalas+dmt are instead of put in a capsule, redissolved in some acidic juice and taken together, it hits faster (like 30mins), might have a stronger peak but also has a shorter duration (and more chance of nausea)
#14 Posted : 6/11/2010 3:49:46 PM

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so it sounds to me like i **MIGHT** get away with 100mg harmalas combined with 100mg dmt in a capsule with a hole poked in it, take the combined pill at once with an empty stomach and with an hour...

#15 Posted : 6/11/2010 3:50:27 PM

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also how does this compare to a smoked trip? Much weaker? more controllable? weaker visuals?
#16 Posted : 6/11/2010 5:52:53 PM

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Skinwalker, in case anyone hasn't told you yet, DON'T TAKE DMT FREEBASE ORALLY!!!! If the dmt you have is the white powder, or crystals, you shouldn't just cap that and eat it. The effectcs of oral dmt freebase are unpredictable, has a deleyed onset, and worst, it can cause severe gastro discomfort and cramps. Freebase in highly basic, when it gets to your stomach, it will react with your stomach acids, and go through a long process before it gets to your brain, and you feel the psychedellic effects. This process causes much discomfort, and lasts an hour or two before the dmt kicks in.

Ayway, the solution to all this is to dissolve your freebase dmt in acid before taking it. I take two vitamin c tabs and dissolve them in just a couple thimbles of water, then add the dmt to the solution and mix it up until it dissolves. Then you can drink the solution. It doesn't taste good, but it's only one gulp. Or you could use vinegar, or lemon juice instead of vitamin c. Your choice. I find vitamin c tastes least bad. The dmt will move through your system without going through the base-acid conversion and it will hit in about 10-15 minutes with minimal stomach upset.

Also, you mentioned difficult teks for harmalas. The Manske tek is one of the easiest teks ever. You said extracted maoi's are legal. Unfortunately, they are not legal everywhere.
#17 Posted : 6/11/2010 6:20:55 PM

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now i'm totally confused, so do NOT simply put the crystals and caapi into one capsule poke a hole and swallow or i will get sick? (i'm asking these questions to AVOID being sick).

If i understand you i must disolve the dmt crystals into acid? (i dont understand...battery acid?...citrus juice which is acidic?...) then get vitamin c tablets? can you just explain this to me like the tard that I am... lol sorry i really really do NOT want to make a single mistake tonight and want to follow advice to the letter. I have vinegar and lemon juice here already..but i dont understand how acid, lemon juice, viegar, dmt, and capsules with holes all fit together... i'm alittle confused at the moment (and i'm apparently not the brightest chemist!)
#18 Posted : 6/11/2010 6:46:35 PM

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when people put dmt in capsules, they usually do with dmt fumarate, not dmt freebase. freebase is very harsh on the stomach, I also confirm this from experience... It will work but will not be nice for your body.. youre much better off redissolving it in some acidic juice (yeah like lemon juice and hot water and plenty of stiring should do the trick). you can redissolve the caapi together in the same acidic juice. It wont taste very pleasant, swallow quick and follow with fresh juice

if you want to help preventing nausea, chew and swallow some pieces of ginger. It helps but doesnt completely get rid of it (at least depending on your stomach's natural sensitivity)
#19 Posted : 6/11/2010 7:08:57 PM
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Yesterday swim tried "pharmahuasca" for the first time. Chewed and swallowed 2.5 grams of syrian rue followed about 25 minutes later with about 38 mg of freebase dmt that had been dissolved in lemon juice mixed with warm water.

About 30 minutes after ingesting the dmt he ate a few potato chips and immediately started experiencing light effects. It was fairly brief, and not very intense but good for the first time as he wanted to err on the side of caution.

The rue of course tasted awful but hurriedly swallowed followed by water was tolerable. There was very little nausea, but swim has a strong stomach so this method won't work for everyone.

Next time he'll up the dmt dose to about 60 mg.
#20 Posted : 6/11/2010 7:48:39 PM

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skinwalker wrote:
now i'm totally confused, so do NOT simply put the crystals and caapi into one capsule poke a hole and swallow or i will get sick? (i'm asking these questions to AVOID being sick).

If i understand you i must disolve the dmt crystals into acid? (i dont understand...battery acid?...citrus juice which is acidic?...) then get vitamin c tablets? can you just explain this to me like the tard that I am... lol sorry i really really do NOT want to make a single mistake tonight and want to follow advice to the letter. I have vinegar and lemon juice here already..but i dont understand how acid, lemon juice, viegar, dmt, and capsules with holes all fit together... i'm alittle confused at the moment (and i'm apparently not the brightest chemist!)

lol. OK, I'm the kind of guy who needs everything spelled out really specific as well. I'll just tell you what I do.

1) First, pop your harmala capsule and wait 15-30 minutes before taking dmt. Or if you choose, you can take the harmala without a cap. It will taste bad, but it will hit your system all at once. Some people prefer this. I just cap the stuff.

2) You will not be taking a dmt capsule. You will take your freebase dmt and mix it with an acidic solution. When I said take dmt with acid, I meant an edible acid. Vitamin C is ascorbic acid. Vinegar is acetic acid. Citrus fruits contain citric acid.

Take one or two vitamin c pills (ascorbic acid), dissolve them in a small amount of water. A small amount is all that's necessary. Just enough to dissolve your quantity of dmt.

3) take your freebase dmt dose and drop it in your acidic mix. Mix it up with a fork or something until all the dmt is dissolved.

4) drink up (15-30 minutes after taking the maoi).

Some people take harmalas at the same time as taking dmt. I would not do this with capsules because the capsules take time to dissolve and get in your system. But the dmt solution will go straight to your gut without being in a capsule. I got in to the habbit of taking some harmalas, then taking another dose of harmalas at the same time I take the dmt. It ensures there will be sufficient maoi's in your system for a good while.

Some people take dmt fumarate, but dmt fumarate seems more of a hassle to make, imo. All you're doing for my method is mixing dmt with water that has vitaminc c in it. It's extremely simple.

skinwalker wrote:
now i'm totally confused, so do NOT simply put the crystals and caapi into one capsule poke a hole and swallow or i will get sick?

That's right, do not do that. You could do it, but you might feel shitty, and it seems dmt freebase, taken orally, does not have the same powerful effect as dmt in its acidic form. I've taken a dmt-acetate dose half the size of dmt freebase, and the effect was more than twice as powerful. Note: dmt-acetate is the name of the molecule after dmt was mixed with vinegar.
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