Crumbles wrote:Thank you for sharing this! It takes a lot to be vulnerable and admit mistakes, fears and/or apprehensions. It may sound counter-intuitive but have you thought about a hiatus from psychoactive substances? Sometimes I step away from the experiences I enjoy the most to remind myself who I am apart from my addiction or affinity for transcendental enlightenment. I am currently undergoing a self-imposed moratorium on spice as a mechanism for perfecting myself more completely before my next communion with the Life Force.
Best wishes to you and your travels! I pray only love and blessings find you moving forward!
yes i am stopping my constant drug use for a long while so that when i aproach a substance i will be able to do it with my head clear and straight and not just focus on getting higher and higher but be able to use itas a tool for introspection and overall life improvement. when i was tripping i remembered one of my friends calling me a douche bag and telling me how i used to be so cool but now i suck, etc. i told him to never talk to me again and hung up.
But while i was tripping i began to realize that he was actually right about me. i was a douche bag to him and i used him as for his weed. so i called him, still feeling quite intoxicated and hallucinating, and appologized to him and told him that he was right about me. we talked on the phone for a long time, tears were shed and it was a very real and honest talk.
i think the overall character of the trip was 'honest'. i reconnected with myself in a way that makes me an overall better person. it was a very magical trip to say the least, i drank the pharmahausca on a full stomach at 9:30p was tripping till 3:30a. at the peak of it was taking large tokes of changa and that really synergized perfectly with the pharma

the trip made me think of all the reprecussions of my actions to other people. i didnt realize that i was actually hurting people that were very close to me and lot of it had to do with me not having my priorities in order and being high was pretty damn high on that list.
"I'm creeping back to life, my nervous system all awry, I'm wearing the inside out. Look at him now, he's paler somehow, but he's coming round. He's starting to choke It's been so long since he spoke, well he can have the words right from my mouth. And with these words I can see, clear through the clouds that covered me, Just give it time then speak my name. now we can hear ourselves again" Pink Floyd- Wearing the Inside Out
Mogascreeta is a pathological liar and should not be taken seriously under any circumstance.