K + DMT Options
#1 Posted : 5/26/2010 8:40:26 PM

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Alright so I want to know what you guys think about the combo of K + DMT.

About a week ago SWIM snuffed a reasonable amount of K and about 20 minutes later decided to smoke a very small amount of spice to see where it would take him. To his surprise he found that he went further with the small amount of spice than he would have gone with a bigger dose without the K.. and it lasted longer too. According to SWIM it also felt more "protected" with the K.. as if the K gave him some form of defense.

SWIM is interested in exploring this combination again.. It had a very unique feel to it.

Anyone have any experience with this combination?

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#2 Posted : 5/26/2010 9:17:09 PM


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No experience though I would like to try.

Ketamine is something that is not very often found where I stay. Any K is usually snatched up quite quickly. This sounds like a good combonations, as long as dose ranges stay toward the lower end of the spectrum.
Lets go extract something together Smile

house wrote:
19:10:05 ‹house› mama aya gave me lego man eye healers

Smoke Spice, NOW

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#3 Posted : 5/26/2010 9:17:20 PM


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SWIM has tried GHB (Also a dissociative that one can, but really shouldn't, "Hole" on) and DMT once and it may have been slightly stronger but it was so hard to tell, he was very up on the G.

It was a wild experience of GHB and DMT mental effects in his head at the same time. He only smoked ~16mg so it was very visual but not a breakthrough. It would be really odd if he smoked a lot on that.
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

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#4 Posted : 5/26/2010 9:22:07 PM

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As long as you aren't in a K hole and it is a manageable dose, I think this combination has great potential.
#5 Posted : 5/26/2010 9:23:11 PM

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K + another psychedelic or entheo egual plain wild !!
SWIM didn't tried this combo yet..
Maybe one day though, he used to like K with many many things some time ago...
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#6 Posted : 5/26/2010 9:46:18 PM

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Cloud wrote:
As long as you aren't in a K hole and it is a manageable dose, I think this combination has great potential.

K hole + DMT sounds like the strangest possible place I can imagine. Not for me, or most people I imagine, but I'd love to hear a report of the effects.
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#7 Posted : 6/2/2010 3:12:35 PM

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1664 wrote:
Cloud wrote:
As long as you aren't in a K hole and it is a manageable dose, I think this combination has great potential.

K hole + DMT sounds like the strangest possible place I can imagine. Not for me, or most people I imagine, but I'd love to hear a report of the effects.

A very strange place is K + salvia, this is utterly bizarre !! But not always pleasant.
You get much more sensitive to the plain leaf when on K. I would therefore advise anyone willing to try a combo to go easy with the spice or salvia after K.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
corridors of my cells
#8 Posted : 6/2/2010 3:28:06 PM

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dude sorry if im a bit harsh but, topics like this one, is the last thing i like to see on this form... like other random drug forums... i would never go for such combo if u ask me... but why should someone need to do it anyways..DMT has a character, but ketamine is the lamest shit ever... dont degrade dmt with such a combo if u ask me
#9 Posted : 6/2/2010 3:39:13 PM

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corridors of my cells wrote:
dude sorry if im a bit harsh but, topics like this one, is the last thing i like to see on this form... like other random drug forums... i would never go for such combo if u ask me... but why should someone need to do it anyways..DMT has a character, but ketamine is the lamest shit ever... dont degrade dmt with such a combo if u ask me

I am sorry, but your thoughts about ketamine does not rule the view the community has. You may think it is the lamest shit ever, and some may agree, but it is still an interesting substance to some. I see your point and I do agree to a certain extent, but I feel we should be able to discuss combinations with our entheogens. Why should it be taboo?

Now, I also think ketamine combined with serotonergic entheogens is a wonderful combination. I tried it recently on the peak of a mushroom trip, that was really otherworldly! But I do agree that ketamine feels sort of nasty, I mean, it's an addictive animal tranquillizer... I would really love to see a plant based NMDA antagonist!
corridors of my cells
#10 Posted : 6/2/2010 4:01:22 PM

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Evening Glory wrote:

I am sorry, but your thoughts about ketamine does not rule the view the community has. You may think it is the lamest shit ever, and some may agree, but it is still an interesting substance to some. I see your point and I do agree to a certain extent, but I feel we should be able to discuss combinations with our entheogens. Why should it be taboo?

Now, I also think ketamine combined with serotonergic entheogens is a wonderful combination. I tried it recently on the peak of a mushroom trip, that was really otherworldly! But I do agree that ketamine feels sort of nasty, I mean, it's an addictive animal tranquillizer... I would really love to see a plant based NMDA antagonist!

i didnt wanna sound too harsh.. because i already said its my own opinion.. im not talkin for a whole community my friend pls dont get me wrong Smile.... and i told him my thoughts about this combination too.. Razz we cant stop any person who wants to try any combo.. just can give suggestions.. Smile
#11 Posted : 6/2/2010 6:18:33 PM

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Evening Glory wrote:
, it's an addictive animal tranquillizer.

Just to be clear again, this is not only an animal tranquilizer. It is used in hospital.
For human, babies and elderly since it is a very safe anesthetic. Safe if used in a medical context of course.
It can be psychologically addictive, so there is no need to "advertise" this substance, and I'm sure this wasn't the meaning of this thread.

Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#12 Posted : 6/2/2010 6:30:31 PM

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Im interested in Ketamine, but just the S-isomer, I think thats the more psychedelic one anyway..if and when I ever find some that I am sure is pure and the S isomer I will definatily be trying it. I want the full Ketamine experience in silent darkness though first, then maybe id try it with other psychedelics.
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#13 Posted : 6/2/2010 6:40:31 PM

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I'm interested as well - not in casual insufflation or in combination with anything else, but in getting to the meat of the full blown experience, via IM administration. I trust its rap as "psychedelic heroin" as a lot of people call it, and I'm sure it's something to be wary of, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not somewhat curious. I just don't ever come across the stuff.
#14 Posted : 6/2/2010 6:48:46 PM

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I will say that K by itself does not interest me really. After SWIM tried the combo of K + DMT he grew a new type of appreciation for the substance.. This is only my view. I am not trying to push the idea of ketamine on anyone. I do personally think it is a combination worth exploring.

Someone once likened it to going deep sea diving with a submarine, as opposed to just using regular diving gear.
#15 Posted : 6/2/2010 6:51:54 PM

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interestingly, i've never insulfated ketamine. my only experience with it was injected intermuscularly. 110cc. i was so gone it was ridiculous and actually what i really enjoyed about the experience was that it almost seemed impossible to even consider the notion of 'fear'.

i was in....EXTREMELY TRANQUIL!! out of body, out of mind, out of ego....

adding the dimension-portal-opening qualities of DMT to such a state sounds extremely interesting to me to be honest.....though i have NO CLUE where i would even begin to try and find a vial of ketaset (what we used). it was shortly after my couple of injection experiences that ketamine really blew up in the whole rave/trance scene. it has since become next to impossible to get Sad

ah well....if it is on my path, it will present itself at it's appropriate time. til then i'll just have to make do with this plain ol' DMT stuff... Pleased

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#16 Posted : 6/2/2010 6:58:02 PM

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I guess its all down to personal preference but I wouldnt regard ketamine as lame shit.It is a veterinary tranquiliser but its also frequently used in humans-at doses somewhat in excess of those used recreationally.For some poorly understood reason, children dont tend to 'trip out' on this substance but we grown-ups do (?something to do with a less mature brain)-its not a first line anesthetic in adults due to the 'emergence' phenomena-people get tripped out whilst emerging from the anesthesia it provides.It causes less respiratory depression than the barbiturate and volatile anesthetics making it very useful in the battlefield situation or at the site of major road traffic accidents.

I have never used it with tryptamines/indole hallucinogens but I suspect you would want to use fairly small doses of both.I think a K-hole dose with a breakthrough dose of DMT would be too much.

DXM, a less user-friendly dissociative is incredible with MDMA but this combination can be potentially lethal hence not recommended.But if you have been there, it is absolutely incredible.

By far the best route of administration of K is IM;if your tackle is pure enough I wouldnt bother taking it orally.I think it takes you places beyond those accessed by DMT but qualitatively different;if you can cope with a breakthrough on DMT I think you find a K-hole mission a revelation and most enjoyable.
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#17 Posted : 6/2/2010 7:28:21 PM

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antrocles wrote:
i was so gone it was ridiculous and actually what i really enjoyed about the experience was that it almost seemed impossible to even consider the notion of 'fear'.

This is the aspect of K that is somewhat appealing. If it takes away fear, it puts you into an appropriate mindset to enter the DMT space without as much apprehension, making for a smoother transition into hyperspace.

The amount of spice needed is very small as well.. Time also seemed to dilate further.
#18 Posted : 6/2/2010 8:26:53 PM

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5meodmt and ghb is a good combination. dmt and nitrous is a good combination. swim would imagine that dmt and ketamine would be a fantastic combination.

This is the aspect of K that is somewhat appealing. If it takes away fear, it puts you into an appropriate mindset to enter the DMT space without as much apprehension, making for a smoother transition into hyperspace.

agree about the lack of fear.
#19 Posted : 6/2/2010 8:38:47 PM

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burnt wrote:
5meodmt and ghb is a good combination. dmt and nitrous is a good combination. swim would imagine that dmt and ketamine would be a fantastic combination.

This is the aspect of K that is somewhat appealing. If it takes away fear, it puts you into an appropriate mindset to enter the DMT space without as much apprehension, making for a smoother transition into hyperspace.

agree about the lack of fear.

I find the s-isomer to take away anxiety a lot more then the rasemic with r-isomer dominating.
50% of the times i have used the r-isomer it makes me somewhat uncomfortable.
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