Plane of Light: First Hyperspace Visit Options
#1 Posted : 5/20/2010 6:23:47 AM

everything is becoming

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Yesterday was the day. The first time I hit hyperspace, and let me tell you what an amazing, beautiful and mysteriously frightening experience.

I first had wanted to extract this substance to use as an entheogen during my meditation sessions. So I started the evening off with my typical routine, working myself into a trance by which to ready my mind for the 0 to 60 mindfuck it was about to take itself on. As my trance got deeper, I ready myself more and more, until I finally ripped the bong. We loaded the bong with a little bit of weed, then placed a large (35mg+) DMT dose, sandwiched by another layer of weed. By barely tapping the flame over the weed, I achieved three solid bong rips, that as I reached for the third hit the buzzing in my ears began until I reeled back into the ethereal plane.

My closed eye visuals started with 3D fractal images that keep zooming deeper and deeper into each other, morphing, expanding and enveloping me. My physical body had melted into a plane of a pure light and energy as I dwelled in between two worlds. Creatures started to appear on the edges of my "view", they would move about me very quickly, speaking without speaking. I had the foresight to understand what they were doing, not why or how but I understood that I just needed to watch and enjoy they show they were making for me with their different shapes, colors and ideas. At some point during this energizing experience I sat up and centered myself as I caught a glimpse of my physical hands, I brought them to my prayer mudra and said an "om" which centered me almost, reminding me of the physical manifestation that overlaps all the energy that is present in everyday life. I slipped back into a state of pure awareness and understanding. I was at peace in this place, it felt like an orgasm out of every orifice.

Suddenly, my eyes jolted open and I was in my room but it was still not my living room. The open eyed visuals were so intense I that my typical MC esher-esque lizard drawings were appearing everywhere, morphing and stacking itself. I saw bugs and thick blobs that looked like macro-bacteria on everything in my room. This is when I started to get scared, because my rational mind started to kick in a bit more at this point and I remembered I had smoked this drug. But I also realized I was very fucked up still. From different trip reports I had read, I had assumed the trip would be entirely closed eye visuals from which you eventually "wake up" from. I did not realize that the opened eyed visuals would be so intense and I thought I might have permanently fucked myself up. This is when I reached out to my friend and asked through the haze "I'm I dead?" I felt like I was re-living my life and at that moment I was watching myself live/die in my own apartment. My friend answered back "You are here, you are with me here" But there was a mirror separating us. I sat back up into a full lotus position and could see myself reflected in he mirror on the opposite side of my meditation candle. The walls of the light were so intense, I felt like I could touch the different mirrors that were around me, infinitely reflecting in each other. I was still pretty fucked up, my opened eyed visuals were insane but I gave my friend the safe word "hyperspace," which meant I was coherent enough to realize I was fucked up but coherent enough to pull myself out of it a enough to talk.

Since it was both our first time, and I was the first one to smoke it, of course my friend had apprehensions about the experience as I started to rave like a lunatic. I wasn't trying to ruin anything and give him to much but I wanted to tell him everything that happened, because that was a wild ride unlike any other I've been on.

In the end, I highly suggest this substance, I think it is my new favorite drug. I loved the immediate take hold affect where I hit the bong and basically everything on this physical plane melted away. One of my favorite parts of psychedelics is coming out refreshed and renewed from ego-death type experiences, and I loved that this drug had a pretty quick "come-down," enough to give you the afterglow and renewed sense of self without having to experience the the ego death for several hours. If you don't already believe in some "higher power" outside of yourself, this completely reaffirmed my beliefs in a nirvana type afterlife where we are nothing and everything all at once. Every emotion, every memory, every person, pure cosmic consciousness experienced all at once. It felt so right and so pure to melt into that ethereal plane, smashing and foregoing the ego to live forever in the moment. No ultimatums, no plans, no reason, just be.
Nothing lasts...nothing lasts...everything is changing into something else...nothing is wrong...nothing is wrong...everything is on the right track

In an interstellar burst
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 5/21/2010 10:42:37 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Hi there, welcome aboardSmile

DMT is some very deep stuff I tell ya, if worked with in the right way it can do wonders for you. But if one abuses it like another drug, things just arent right.

You should try and leave the weed out of the journey, it tends to fog things a bit, try and use some other kinda herb, parsley, mullein, lavender, caapi, passionflower etc.... Or you could infuse some herb and make enhanced leaf/changa.

Just keep this in mind, DMT is very powerfull and there are people out there that just arent ready for what it has to show.

Safe journey's broSmile
#3 Posted : 5/22/2010 12:55:49 AM

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Sounds like you had a great time! Welcome to the Nexus. Be cool, be well.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
kaleidoscope eyes
#4 Posted : 5/22/2010 4:40:35 AM

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Thanks for sharing that, I actually physically smiled at the end there when you were beautifully describing nirvana type afterlife. I had faith in a cosmic order & higher power up until the age of 12-13 ish when I lost my beliefs, since taking entheogens and psychedelics one of my main intentions has been to learn and hopefully be guided back into some sort of faith- reaching beyond reality & touching into something spiritual.

My OEV can be fairly intense- I have even seen my dreamcatcher transform into little furry creatures, the entire room pulsate, colours of golden mist saturating the whole room or parts of it... Though I find having my eyes open when I very first breathe it out to be too jarring as I am instantly "pulled" into this different bright, sharp & shiney place and can be very " O_O!! " whereas if I close my eyes at first shapes and things start forming out of the infinite black, and its a ever so slightly slower/gentler on me.

You have approached it in a nice way- the meditation, ambience etc - a well thought out journey.

peace & well wishes for future travels
the fictional character, kaleidoscope eyes, resides in the sky with diamonds and cellophane flowers
#5 Posted : 6/1/2010 12:17:17 PM

everything is becoming

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Hey thanks you all for reading into my first journey. I quite the enjoy the community that is setup here. Seems like a lot of groovy psychonauts all finding our own unique paths to the middle. Quick little anecdote before I get to the point of this post... Pleased

I ended up going back in again the next day (not as well planned out). I think my monkey's curiosity got the best of me as I was I trying to integrate the first experience back into the physical plane. I mean, what a powerful experience! I went to the same place, but not as fully. I do not think I prepared my ego enough to let go. It took a bit more to gather myself afterward.

I have a strong relationship with mushrooms, and typically use them as my ally when traversing separate realities and sometimes for a bit of responsible fun. I ended up dosing them a few days later with a friend to enjoy an afternoon. But as they typically can do, ended up taking me on a completely different journey than the original intention. They took me back to hyperspace, but in slow motion allowing me to grasp what DMT was trying to tell me. It was like DMT taught me a 600 level math class and the mushrooms helped to tutor me in the subject. It was a great feeling to have such an epiphany of understanding for the totality of all things. I woke up.

Now in a period of integration (actively pursuing the heightened state of awareness without substances), I've been spending quite a bit of time using this site as resource to strengthen my intentions, rituals, and general knowledge of DMT for future applications when the time comes and I feel the cosmic pull to dive back into pure consciousness. I see so much power in DMT as a vessel to higher consciousness and would like to also know it as my ally in time. But this leads me to this remark about changa.

gammagore wrote:

You should try and leave the weed out of the journey, it tends to fog things a bit, try and use some other kinda herb, parsley, mullein, lavender, caapi, passionflower etc.... Or you could infuse some herb and make enhanced leaf/changa.

I've spent most of my time on Nexus in the changa subsection forum trying to gather as much knowledge as possible. The idea of Changa completely enthralls me. The only thing I am confused about is the purpose, so to speak. I understand different herbs will add their different spiritual qualities to the journey, aiding and grounding the journey. But is the point to smoke changa to breakthrough? Similar to freebasing DMT, smoke until you can't physically smoke anymore. Or is it more of a grounded experience? Because I read some posts where it seems that Changa is used to achieve a waking state of consciousness while others sound like they are pursing a hyperspace type experience with the aid of different plant helpers.

I have not tried Aya (not ready for it yet), but have read that Changa is a similar, but smoke-able experience. I would like to use changa occasionally within my meditions to heighten my awareness, melt my ego but not completely dive in. But is that using it for the wrong purpose? I would hate to waste energy and plant spirits spinning my wheels so to speak.
Nothing lasts...nothing lasts...everything is changing into something else...nothing is wrong...nothing is wrong...everything is on the right track

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#6 Posted : 6/1/2010 2:47:47 PM

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SWIM says the for her, changa modulates the experience. The first two times she journeyed with it, it gave her the strongest breakthroughs of her life. Then she had a month stretch where as much of it she smoked, she did not breakthrough. A lot of integration happened during that time, and it seemed like energetic recalibration or healing took place that allowed her to go deeper into hyperspace.

Since changa gives you more time to take the effective dose, she usually just keeps going at a gentle pace, until the signal comes to stop. Sometimes that's before she breaks through, other times it's after 4 or 5 breakthroughs.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#7 Posted : 6/1/2010 3:20:07 PM

everything is becoming

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ragabr wrote:
SWIM says the for her, changa modulates the experience. The first two times she journeyed with it, it gave her the strongest breakthroughs of her life. Then she had a month stretch where as much of it she smoked, she did not breakthrough. A lot of integration happened during that time, and it seemed like energetic recalibration or healing took place that allowed her to go deeper into hyperspace.

Since changa gives you more time to take the effective dose, she usually just keeps going at a gentle pace, until the signal comes to stop. Sometimes that's before she breaks through, other times it's after 4 or 5 breakthroughs.

Thanks for the reply. Couldn't of asked for a better answer. I definitely will be adding some plant spirits for future journey's and will make sure to listen carefully Pleased

Nothing lasts...nothing lasts...everything is changing into something else...nothing is wrong...nothing is wrong...everything is on the right track

In an interstellar burst
I'm back to save the Universe

#8 Posted : 6/1/2010 8:47:12 PM

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KwisatzHaderach wrote:
The only thing I am confused about is the purpose, so to speak. I understand different herbs will add their different spiritual qualities to the journey, aiding and grounding the journey. But is the point to smoke changa to breakthrough? Similar to freebasing DMT, smoke until you can't physically smoke anymore.

Yes the point is to breakthrough, forsure, if thats what you are seeking from it, and smoking it till you cant anymore, hmm depends on method of smoking. In a bong I wouldnt dare take more that two pulls( i have rather large lungs, I think), I know I could do it if I really wanted to, but I dont, For breakthrough with changa with a bong, a small bowl is smoked first, then when ready the big bowl is smoked, pure bliss, powerfull but bliss.

With the GVG/VG I load up more than what I need, and vape it, it takes me 2-3 pulls till idk whats what, then when im on return I vape whats left in the bowl. Happy DaysSmile

Now if one were to use it for say, meditation, a changa joint can be rolled, you do use more changa in a joint though. But if you arent looking to be blasted, then that very well might be a good idea, you can just pace it nice and slow, a drag here and there, every now and then.
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