Question regarding potentiation via caapi leaf and an "energy wall" Options
physics envy
#1 Posted : 6/1/2010 7:43:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: West Coast USA
Hello All!

SWIM has recently received some Yellow and Cielo leaf from Maya and has been experimenting using a little leaf on top of an Ash/Dmt/leaf sandwich in a glass pipe. SWIM has been trying for low doses and would like to extend the length of time at that level. A changa mix is evaporating currently, but until it's ready, SWIM and his wife have been testing and have a few questions...

SWIM really likes the come-up with the addition of the leaf over the straight dmt rush. He also loves the OEVs and looking at clouds and nature during - reminds him of low/med mushroom experiences. However, at enough of a dosage, a "wall of energy" or something REALLY comes on strong. This is SWIMs first experience with this powerful of an energy during a trip. He was going eyes-open for these tests and didn't know how to deal with the power, so he breathed in very heavily, and did some humming to try to get through it. He did, and had a good many insights afterwards. SWIM's wife had a very similar experiece at a sufficient dosage and it was new to her as well, so they're wondering how common of an occurrance this is and whether it is frequently there for certain dosages, or if it might subside with time? Any tips/explanations for this would be greatly appreciated!

Could a higher dosage have busted through that energy wall easier w/o having to deal with it? I have read reports of people not liking sub-breakthrough doses for various reasons - maybe this is one of them? With straight DMT SWIM feels like he understands where the breakthrough point is with closed eyes, but what would be a standard "feeling" for a breakthrough with eyes open (esp. for this leaf-on-top-of-dmt mix)?

Also, if many small doses are tried within a short period of time, how long does the leaf stay in the body to extend the trips? For example, if a small dose was taken every 30 minutes, would the leaf continue to build-up in the body, or would it wear out after say 15 minutes or so? Any rough rules-of-thumb?

Thanks so much!

Salvia quid enthusiast

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#2 Posted : 6/1/2010 8:35:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
Ive only ever smoked caapi bowls prior to the changa, but here is my input. You arent that far from smoking changa the way you are doing it.

I find changa gives me alot of "body" feeling, like energy rushing through me, somthing i dont get with Spice.

Open-eyes at a certain level can be quite confusing, I dont like it much, but closed-eyes at the same level is a different ball game, much better IMO. Breakthrough to me is the same OPE or CEV, there is no difference, all reality melts away, here is "there". At least thats what i think, cant be sure of what my eyes are doing during a breakthrough.

Im sure at a higher dose you would have busted through, but with changa I feel that is part of the journey, you gotta work through it.

One can just carry on smoking the leaf and spice all night, if thats what you wish to do, I dont think that the leaf would "build up" but it would work. Ive never experimented with how long the harmalas stays in the body after each bowl, but I do know that you can just keep pulling away as long as you wish.

Safe travels and report backSmile
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