From the 4th hit I thought I was taking just a bit too low a dose..again. I had packed the first dose into my GVG

(brand new badabing) and when I did it I spilt a bit onto the side wall. so I thought maybe I didnt smoke enough. Oh buddy.
Boy was I wrong...
I had on Shpongle, mostly because a friend I know (soulfern ~.o) likes it to. I started by keeping my breath in for a bit longer than normal. and I layed down, as I layed I closed my eyes and sucked in more breathe, and held the hit in longer. I saw mayans, coming to lift me, helping me breathe in, not letting me exhale yet. 'keep it in' they said without their mouths.
I exhaled after I went through the arches into the doorway to the mayan temple.
as I walked I saw I was not fully allowed view yet, people were blocking my way, everyone was a strainge blue/grey clay almost, their homes were shaped into the walls of everywhere, a flowing mud-like..almost like what they were made of, they were the same color, but had a light green "trim" around all the buildings that made them glow slightly. They had no faces, and weird shapes where heads would normaly be (kind of like O.O but not so funny), they had hair some of them, and they tried grabbing me lifting me trying to stop me from walking more into their village, but I pushed through the throng of em and arrived. I looked around and they looked at me, like I was a stranger, a small child ran up to me, his grey/blue strange noface looking at me, I saw him "smile" and more of them came, I bent down and started to play with them. They started jumping on me, bringing me into the mud, then pushed me, deeper deeper, into the mud.
I plummeted though a cavern in the earth, and saw a vision, on the cavern walls. A huge screen of images. It was of my wife and I. We had children and I was a father. It was strange because I dont really want to have kids.. ever. They were playing on a swing in a yard, it was a lone tree standing next to a huge 3 story house. White with blue shutters, a small white gate around it. As I stared at myself from myself, I zoomed out and saw myselves, one in the screen, one falling past it. I grabbed the one that was falling, but it just zoomed me into his perspective again, and I saw.. Another screen, a screen of shapes, and color and light.
They collided and I saw brilliance. I cannot begin to understand, It was like a lightning storm, clouds of brightness erupting from the impact point of the two screens, One I believe to be "memory" and another I believe to be hyperspace itself in an object form, scattering and billowing everywhere filling my vision with bright colors until I couldnt bear it anymore. I stopped, it stopped. I fell and opened my eyes. It was over.
ps. replace I with SWIM, because im too lazy right now

Lets go extract something together 
house wrote:19:10:05 โนhouseโบ mama aya gave me lego man eye healers
Smoke Spice, NOWGir likes to tell lies, and the truth, but gir cant even tell the difference between them... IS THE VENUS PROJECT.