I have both Ayahuasca Android (Caapi leaf/Chaliponga:Spice) and Golden Temporal (Pau d'Arco/Caapi extract:Spice)
I need to use 100mg+ of the AA and I have very weird journey's on it. It's dominated by Serpents and I have only had the occasional heavenly breakthrough. They are mostly quite uncomfortable (I have rather large serpents who want to consume me :-) )
The Caapi extract is 10:1 mixed at 1g Pau d'Arco:300mg Caapi Extract:1g spice
This is mind blowing. The vine-space in this is very different to that of Caapi leaf. I have to say I prefer Caapi Extract Vine space. I don't know if it's the Pau d'Arco, but the golden temporal blend is like nothing else.
The are some here who have made the same blend using Caapi leaf.
I too find the Caapi leaf very strong, I find using the extract in Changa blends much smoother and broader.
In Praise of Changa - Golden TemporalPeace in mind, Love in heart