DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 14-May-2010 Last visit: 16-Jan-2013
**EDITED to remove "JOHN" and replace with "I"**
been reading and lurking for a while and finally had a true breakthrough last night. I loaded 1/5 of a gram into a vaporizer unit last night and took one big inhale. Normally I take three or more, but after taking just this one I absolutely knew I had already taken one too much. My first thoughts were oh shit I took way too much, this is going to be a big problem and your going to get yourself in trouble. What happened next is I started towards a membrane like object and had to break through in order to proceed to higher dimensions. In order to do this apparently I had to forget everything. I mean literally everything I suddenly began to forget who I was, why I was there, what time it was, I was an absolute mess, to the point where im in the alien like environment and had absolutely no clue how I got there or why I was there (i had no idea I had just smoked the DMT) or even what day it was. Once I reached this "release of self" point I proceeded to penetrate the membrane. On a side note I felt like a gel like substance slathered on my body after this point for the next 20 mins.
Once on the other side everything had a neon sign like outline to it, and I was transported into another room with alien like instruments and objects all about the room and something was sitting across from me apparently waiting for me. My first impression was that I have been to this BIZARRE room before!! and actually i've been there quite a few times and how silly it was for me to forget about this special place. Perhaps these thoughts where being presented to me by whatever it was sitting across from me (i refused to look at it). Suddenly I noticed the television screen that was in the room across from me (the actual real tv across me from me in my house). but rather than me turning my head and looking, I was FORCED to look, something physically or spiritually (?) took my head and made me look at the blank tv screen. The impression I got or maybe was even telepathically told was that "you need to see this, "this is very important and we dont have much time".... "do you understand now?"... "pay attention". I was also left to believe that this entity (whom I never saw) was my teacher or mentor and it was a very strict and no nonsense instructor. I was just absolutely shocked that it took such control over me, as having done DMT in the past i've always felt mildly in a controlled recognizable enviroment. Well it took me by the back of my head and started adjusting my distance from the tv, then it started to adjust my vision on the screen from blurry to clear almost like I was being calibrated (like you would focus an old projector or binoculars). The tv was just showing "welcome to dish network" in a blue box. Suddenly the words began to flipping each digit at an incredible rate and became alien like letters, then I believe they would slowly pause in English and entire sentences would appear momentarily and would brighten up, then just as fast be replace by new alien letters which would then correct themselves into English. My friends suddenly started making noises and laughing at me and I could hear them which frustrated this mentor like entity who seemed annoyed at my distraction and would gently but forcefully readjust my head back to the tv. The phrases flipped to about 3-4 different sentences and I was so distracted by what I ‘s friends must be thinking that I honestly couldn’t focus on what was being showed to me, I only remember one word perhaps which was "hexadecimal" also all the letters would show astrics before changing to alien characters like this "DISH NETWORK" would suddenly flip to "**** *******" After this I completely lost concentration and whatever it was that was there with me left me, however I was still tripping out hard. I realized I was back in the room with I ‘s friends but I was still having nonstop half illusionary visuals like semitransparent bits of data everywhere I looked. I looked at I ‘s brother and his girlfriend and their faces looked like they had defects and were dying or ill, I then looked at I ‘s wife and she had no such disfigurations. About 15 minutes later I was completely out of it. I honestly couldnt believe how deep I went, and how long the entire hyperspace time lasted (never lasted longer than a minute or two prior). I believe that I was shown and guided by I ‘s guardian angel although not a angel in the traditional chiristian form. Powerful life changing experience, I then went and ordered a OBE book on amazon, and signed up for meditation classes starting on monday. this is completely uncharacteristic of me and i'm curious if this new level of interest will endure.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2807 Joined: 19-May-2009 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
Hi there Nice read, appart from so much mention of JOHN Terrifying and beautifull at the same time isnt it.. But watching tv, hmm. Next time tell your friend to keep quite, and turn the tv off, lights dim, load up a dose(not 1/5 gram, there is still lots of magic in that vaporizer), take a toke, or 3 or 4, sit back and close your eyes. Thats where it gets special. Good news that it has opened you up to taking up meditation, nice.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 14-May-2010 Last visit: 16-Jan-2013
anyone one else have similiar experiences? I typed alot of was hoping to hear some feedback as this is my first deep experience.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 14-May-2010 Last visit: 16-Jan-2013
oh i also wanted to add the intial room i was in was a "turkish" style room. how odd since i have no interest in turkish rooms and really no turkish friends or experiences to contstruct this from... I found this picture on the internet and the room looked similiar. i somehow got the feeling that I wasnt supposed to see that room or spend much time in it and that i would forget it (which i forced myself not to) 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 257 Joined: 14-May-2010 Last visit: 16-Jan-2013
last time i'm going to bump this topic i spent alot of time pouring my thoughts and experience out onto this forum and recieved only one reply and no insight. Ihave no one else close to me to share this with or what any of this means. I've turned into a hippie since this experience and i'll be going to my first Raiki(sp?) session tonight. I assume i'll lose all intrest in this as the days turn to weeks, and weeks to months as i forgot about the entire experience. Although every day i get memory flashbacks and new recollections about different events that happened to me. I remember a deafening silence and the feeling that time stops completely or i'm outside of time when i first reached that "room". Also there is a what sounded like a bell ringing at one point (not the normal ringing in your ears from the dmt) it was like once i passed through the "membrane" a bell rang. Also that turkish like room just totally blows my mind and makes me wonder about past lives. when i was there i felt i had been there thousands of times, but when i think of it now seems completely alien and foreign
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 15 Joined: 07-Apr-2009 Last visit: 19-Sep-2013 Location: Africa
no insight from me sorry I have yet to get to hyperspace, been taking it very slow, how was the Raiki ? Have you tripped before on cid or mushrooms ? Profound trips for me remain in the subconscious for a long time and one can draw from it , only problem is difficult ones stay even more vivid for me for longer, but it is all good, set and setting play an important roll in most things ,

Posts: 403 Joined: 17-Jan-2010 Last visit: 18-Jun-2018 Location: on the banks of Shangri-La, and Im nekkid!
The intial room could be the waiting room. A place some people go to before blasting away, some people get stuck there instead of hyperspace, a sub-breakthrough. I personally have seen something similar, but nothing like a turkish room. The feeling is fantastic isnt it? I dont think you should use 1/5 a gram... you might be doing something wrong if you think thats a dose. I would suggest takeing 1/4 that.. 50mg, and have the lights off. Keep your friends quiet, or at least ask them to be quietER while you travel, I find that people talking reduces OBE (least for gir and tak)
I have also experienced this feeling to want to be truly free. A hippie of sorts, I wanted to start being a bhuddist, or maybe study some real taoistic meditation. I still have the idea occasionally, but realize that it might have just been the hype that is "hype"erspace  Lets go extract something together  house wrote:19:10:05 ‹house› mama aya gave me lego man eye healers Smoke Spice, NOWGir likes to tell lies, and the truth, but gir cant even tell the difference between them... http://www.thevenusproject.com/index.phpTHIS IS THE VENUS PROJECT.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2354 Joined: 24-Jan-2010 Last visit: 21-Jun-2012 Location: Massachusetts
Nice report. Not really sure what kind of insight you seek from us. It sounds very similar to many experiences reported. Be well. PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4733 Joined: 30-May-2008 Last visit: 13-Jan-2019 Location: inside moon caverns
Very nice report, very vivid..i would like to read more in the future! I've been to arabesque waiting rooms and seen arabesque patterns. There's a reason why some cultures encorporate "trippy patterns" into their cultures i think. You have arrived at the source of culture. Next time try it in a quiet environment, without stupid people laughing at you. Silent darkness is your best friend.