I fucked this one up pretty good...

but in a spirit of humility and as a caution to anyone else who might find themselves in a similar situation, I'm going to share the experience.
I've been in a really good headspace lately; or so I had thought. Spent the weekend with the kids, have been working hard mending fences with my ex-wife, started swimming again after many years, pursuing yoga - all good stuff.
It's been a busy day, though - got up really early, drove the kids to school, belted back to work, did a bunch of stuff and I think I had 8 cups of strong coffee through the morning. After lunch, I ducked out; the weather's glorious today. On the road home, it seemed to me everyone on the road was a bit aggressive - maybe its the heat (we British aren't at all used to it:lol

but then maybe it was just the gallon of caffeine swilling around my system.
Went for a long swim to settle down, but still had a bit of an edge on me. And foolishly decided to enter hyperspace to continue my lessons.
THAT, let me tell you WAS A BAD IDEA. Wow - when you get spanked Inside, man it is a walloping.
It started badly, and basically got worse.
"Uh-uuh. NO. No, no, NO!" It was absolute mayhem, all sorts of nasty shit being thrown at me; no coherence whatsoever. There were actually elves (who looked exactly like jorkest) blowing raspberries at me and fucking
mooning me - seriously. They opened up the top of my head quite angrily and dove inside and started throwing stuff out with a kind of, "look at this rubbish! What is all this shit?". There was stuff like my car, people I vaguely know at work and they're saying to me, we don't care about all this stuff - fucking concentrate! What are you doing coming here with all this crap?
Then the tendrils are there, directing me with big neon flashing arrows,each of them saying
'stupid, stupid, stupid' and the arrows are leading towards a big comic but absolutely terrifying dungeon with a skull and crossbones over it and fire belching out of the entrance. I was shitting myself.
Then the dialogue starts:
"Okaaay, we've got a STUPID one here ... so lets spell it out for him." Strange neon light lines start writing something to my right. Then, like shouting in my head:
DO NOT COME HERE UNLESS YOU ARE READY"I was shoved out unceremoniously, my head hanging in shame. I feel they have taught me a great deal, but, like a child, they expect more from me now. They have shown me what is required to enter this space, and navigate and I did not follow the guidance. I should have known better, and now I do.
Think it may be a little while before I go back in.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"