OH MY GOD! Options
#1 Posted : 5/23/2010 7:31:47 PM

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Oh my god!..whyyyyy the hell am I doing thisssssssssssssssssssss????????

haha those were my thoughts as it came on..I decided to smoke changa today..more than I had ever smoked at once..I at a light breakfrast of just chopped vegetables fried in juice and currey for about 2 minutes..I dunno if the currey efected anything..thogh it usually does seem to interact with harmalas to potentiate them for me..

I laoded up the pipe with some of my supre strong changa, that has caapi extract and rue harmalas, evapped ontoa base of peppermint, mugwort and sage, with full range jurema spice..I took one giant hit and held it in as long as I coult, exhaled and finished the bowl with one more small this time I was already gettign sucked into the geometry swirling around the room, heart racing and felt clumsy. I quickly loaded up another bowl the same size and started to hit it until I didnt know what I was doing anymore..I managed to put it down beside me and I just dissolved..

At first I was like woah, this is insane! I blasted past the usual set of absorbing visions of geomtric patterns and spirits etc..the carrier wave was like barely even noticable by this point I was so deep in,or I just cant remember that part, Im not sure which..I just like dissolved..everything dissolved and every thing that I am, every single damn molecule of my being became suffused into this was me, it was was like god..

There was information there..but it was alive, and it was infinite and was the most beautiful thing I have ever felt or seen..I wasnt seeing with my eyes though..or feelign with my body..I was as much a part of that thing as anything else was like this place was the information that builds all of creation..the true background reality..

Its odd how I can experience ego death to that degree, yet still be having one of the most complex visionary experiences of my life..that place is stunning..I mean it makes anything any artist hs ever made pale in comparison..luke brown, alex grey, these people get close, but still, nowhere near the depth and trancendence that I now know can exist as actaul visual phenomenon, and that sounds odd to even say..and its more than visual,,its visual, tactile, emotional..ecstatic, all inseperable, one single synesthetic sensation..

Comming out of it was like being resurected from the dead, when I finally felt my bdy again and opened my eyes I felt like I was staring into the headlights of a semi truck on room was just bathed in white light it was almost like I had gone blind..I had to close my eyes and just look at a rotating diamond and spinning lotus flowers for another minute or so until I could see my room again..

I realized there was still changa left in the pipe. I finished the hit and closed my eyes again and this wave of cosmic ecstacy washed over me, complete with sparkling jeweled lotus patterns again and I started to moan and cry and make all these noises, then began to laugh unconrtollably like a wild man, hunched over grasping onto the side of my bed with an amethyst in one had and hunk of quartz in the other, pushing them against my third eye trying to equalize the energy comming in with what was pouring out..

It was amazing.
Long live the unwoke.

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#2 Posted : 5/23/2010 7:38:02 PM

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: ) Thanks for sharing
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#3 Posted : 5/23/2010 7:54:03 PM

The Dude

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I love your report!!!

What significance do the Amethyst & Quarts have in relation to being in that place?
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#4 Posted : 5/23/2010 7:54:04 PM

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Great journey. Sounds like you had a classic DMT experience. People meditate their whole lives hoping for something like this to happen to them and you are lucky enough to have found your own path to it. Where do you go from here?
#5 Posted : 5/23/2010 8:57:47 PM

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Very nice Fractal! Keep us updated whether this was a one-off, or reaching into a new progression for you.
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#6 Posted : 5/23/2010 9:32:26 PM

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It appears that the main ingredient in curry, the one that makes it yellow, is a MAOI, Type A inhibitor. (aren't the caapi's and harmala's we know here Type B's?)

Tumeric's activity has even been discussed earlier this year right here on Nexus:

And tumeric's active ingredient has a Wikipedia page that mentions its MAOI-A activity (along with other stuff like as a memory drug, anticancer drug, etc):

Perhaps curry and tumeric ought to be looked into more carefully as a spice aid. Could Fractal's INCREDIBLE experience could have something to do with it being a type A inhibitor?

Way to go, Fractal!
#7 Posted : 5/23/2010 9:36:01 PM

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Oh I know the currey had something to do with it..I posted about the MAOI effects of turmeric a while back in a bufotenine thread when I got really far out there after consuming lots of it right before dosing vilca changa..

It seems to always have a potentiating effect when I dose right after eating the stuff..and when I cook with curry..I use lots of it.

This batch of changa is also loaded with harmalas..I put at least 10 grams of caapi extracted into iso in it, along with a handful of passionflower leaves extracted, and pure harmalas from a manske tek on with the curry its no wonder I was shot way way out there like that. It took a long time to come back as well..I felt like I was peaking on ayahuasa for about 25 minutes after comming back. I can still feel that caapi glow that I get after drinking.
Long live the unwoke.
#8 Posted : 5/23/2010 9:47:47 PM

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so maybe the quality of your journey had something to do with having combined Type A and Type B MAOI's? Make any sense? Is it incorrect to note that close to 100% of the discussions of spice and aya here involve only Type B's?

If so, then perhaps it would be wise to modify the informal "don't eat pepperoni" guidelines in connection with spice/aya journeys? Just an idea.
#9 Posted : 5/23/2010 9:58:51 PM

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And another being is switched on! Welcome to the source and peace be on you, is this your first experience of true beingness? I wouldn't have thought so.

The place of eternity is amazing beyond belief and I am happy that another person gets to experience it Smile

To me it feels like a realm of pure vibration and I like to think of it as some kind of divine sarcasm; there is complete stillness in this state but it is utterly hilarious!

The rabbit hole goes even deeper still.
#10 Posted : 5/23/2010 10:01:30 PM

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no no no not my first at all!..ive had ego death with DMT, ayahuasca, mushrooms and salvia so manytimes I cant begin to recall..just not like that. This was beyond what DMT usually does to me, which seems almost impossible. It wasnt the intensity of the experience or anything like was the quality of the experiene..a level of eloquence that just impressed me, and blew me away.
Long live the unwoke.
#11 Posted : 5/23/2010 10:01:52 PM

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As I understand it, most conversations on diet and aya here on the Nexus acknowledge that the harmalas fall into the RIMA classification, not MAOI. Thus the strict diet MAOI diet doesn't help most people. Some continue to report headaches from combining aya/rue with certain foods though, like cheese, so keep appropriate diligence.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#12 Posted : 5/23/2010 10:07:20 PM

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I should add that I smoked ALOT of DMT as well..I smoked probly 1/10th of my entire batch that I made from 100g mimosa..full range mimosa as now that I think of it..i could have smoked over 100mg today..I dont weight my spice anymore..i just make changa and go with it these days so..
Long live the unwoke.
#13 Posted : 5/23/2010 10:12:05 PM

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I'm very well acquainted with this state in particular. What I have learnt is that it chooses when to suck you in; if the time is right you enter but otherwise you are given the usual light show (the highest dose I took, I was not allowed in so I know it is dose independent).

Another thing I have learnt is that there is no end to the rabbit hole with DMT. There is a stage beyond this experience and there is a stage even beyond that.

One of the first times I went into the source, I recieved a very simple thought-message; I was journeying very hard and my mind was whizzing. Something told me to "silence my mind" so I did that. I then focused on "voidness", it was like playing the "helicopter game", I went up and down trying to focus but at some point I did "IT", I centred in on the "voidness". As soon as I did that it felt like my mind opened, literally as if my head was a blender containing my thoughts and someone looking from the outside thought "what the hell is that blender doing empty" and opened the lid and placed therein a single fruit. I got a very real telepathic and transcendental message which when put into english means "surrender/submit to the void". And that is how I got my username Smile

If you feel yourself in this state again and it will probably happen quite a few times, now that you have been "primed" then give it a go, just focus on pure silence. Things will enter your mind to fill up the vacuum and they will be other worldly (beyond the "other worldly" that DMT shows everyone).

Also, this experience is what I would define as true "ego death", the other "ego deaths" aren't quite there, they are more like an "ego sleep".
#14 Posted : 5/23/2010 11:10:14 PM

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i envy you fractal! if one day i have a journey one 10 000th that ecstatic and mindblowing, i will certainly lose my fear of the spice... thanks for putting that one out there. Sounds like you're on a roll these days!

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#15 Posted : 5/23/2010 11:35:18 PM

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awesome report, FE ... wow. Amazing how even a very well-seasoned traveller such as yourself can still be gobsmacked by this experience.

Well I have a mad thought, and I'm just going to say it because I'm amongst friends:


Someone has to try ...
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#16 Posted : 5/24/2010 12:01:14 AM

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Curry leaves have no turmeric in themWink . They are leaves from the Murraya koenigii tree, while turmeric is a rhizome from the Curcuma longa plant.

Turmeric is present in large quantities in curry powders, which were a British invention to approximate the taste of curry in a transportable form to bring back to mighty england in the time of the raj. Curiously, few among the thousands of "curries" actually contain turmeric.

This aside, how about masala changa?

or changa tandoori?

or curchanga? (curcuma being the french (and latin) for turmeric)

I am partial, however, to currywaska! Cool

I am a hobbyist indian chef with hundreds of authentic spices in my cabinets,(i say hobbyist, but i occasionally cater up to 300 people with various authentic indian dishes...), so this intrigues me...

Also goes a long way to explaining a few very strong post-vindaloo mushroom trips!

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#17 Posted : 5/24/2010 12:27:51 AM

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embracethevoid wrote:

Another thing I have learnt is that there is no end to the rabbit hole with DMT. There is a stage beyond this experience and there is a stage even beyond that.

This is what is so fascinating about it. It is infinite, endless, and the themes and places and interactions that you have are always unique and totally unexpected. It's impossible to predict what it will do the next time you smoke it. It's like you drop off into an ocean and each time you dive you are in a different location with new physics and biology and philosophy. This stuff is fucking wild.
#18 Posted : 5/24/2010 12:33:14 AM

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Fantastic report.
makes me want to try smokeable DMT Smile
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#19 Posted : 5/24/2010 5:06:01 AM

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This was such a treat to read. Thanks, Fractal. Inspiring as always. Smile
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#20 Posted : 5/24/2010 5:47:07 AM

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Excellent report Fractal-I have had a similar experience with vaped DMT base,40-45mg in 1 and a bit lugfulls and it just blew me away-seriously amazing.I wrote about it in my 'First steps in Hyperspace' entry titled 'Beyond the dome....?'. It really is a distinct experience wouldnt you agree?

The difference in effect between consuming this amount in 1 and a bit inhalations compared with 3 was remarkable.I dont know about you but in that place I felt as if DMT had disscociative properties.The major effects of that trip last 17 minutes ;the same amount in 3 lungfuls lasted 13 minutes.Effing ridiculous!!!!

I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

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