Until this last trip, my normal trips as of recently consisted of me having all my memories and most intimate thoughts formed into rhymes/anecdotes/songs by the typical jokester elves that are always trying to trip me out more than before.
As I have said before, I like to sometimes take X before I do serious work with deem due to my anxiety with putting life down and stepping into another consciousness normally. Last night this was again the case; also, many friends were over and X is the one universally shared interest of the whole group (some haven't even tried mushrooms yet/etc). I went in 3 times last night when I was going on a good one. I packed about .5 of a balance of jungle spice + normal spice sandwiched into a caapi leaf bed in the dimitri bong (specific purpose bong, lol) each time.
The first two visits to hyperspace were mostly the same thing that had happened the last time. I got to the other side and the beings told me a message/anecdote/general troll

in rhyme/poem form in their usual digital voices. Don't let the way I type this make you think that it wasn't insane; both these trips fully blew my mind again (they just keep delivering, lol), but it had mostly been the same thing.
This last time I did it, the elves showed me their other more nefarious side. I remember specifically watching this one female being and trying to keep track of her face and see her for what she was instead of being distracted by their presentations. I saw an extremely sinister or nefarious face when I looked closely, it wasn't scary, just strange. I had never seen them exhibit any signs of malevolence before this, so I was just taken by surprise.
As usual, I just accept the experience for what it was and try not to judge/label it. Hyperspace is capable of anything, so I shouldn't be surprised that this too is possible =)