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#1 Posted : 5/14/2010 6:34:33 AM

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Ahh..this saddens me to have to say this..but I'm not one bit impressed with what I see lately comming from this place at times. Hateful vibes, spite..unconstructive arguements and overly defensive, insecure and premature overreactions..

We ALL go there at times..we are all human..we are all aspects of the great polarity..we are all capable of regretable things..thing we later wish we could go back on and do differently..we all have tendencies..we are ALL human.

Paradoxically, I am completely beside myself right now. I am dumbfounded at how ANYONE can project hated and negativity after working so closely with DMT. How anyone cannot see that we most certainly ARE ALL ONE.. How anyone can not CHOOSE to LOVE every other single soul on this planet, and want to make every single effort they can to be the most accepting and encouraging individual they can possabily be..

This is it get one go from where I am standing..thats the now..the present..and there is NOTHING like it..forget yesterday and stop worrying about tommorow..who said what then and who might do what here..

All you have is life..and that is precious..this thing we are all doing..this dance....that is sacred. Life a be alive is the greatest aventure of all. Live it up. We came from love, we came from light..we are love..and we are light..anyone of you can shine if you choose to flick that switch.

Ive heard all the excuses..Ive even used them I know them as such when I call them as seems too easy to hate and soo difficult to love at times..but it's not..stop looking dont look for something like this. You just realize it. You realize that its always always was and it always will be. Life is one huge freaking mystery, life is wonderful..full of awe..Love isnt going anywhere..its all around, you just have to stop looking for it and wake up and SEE..dont take my word for it, see for yourself.

Life is magic. To be alive is magic. love is magic. Magic is real. YOU are magic.. Some just forgot that THEY are a part of that magic and instead began searching externally for validation of something of which existance itself is the validation.


These last 2 weeks I have been busy. Ive had 2 extremely beautiful and entirely magical experiences with the mushrooms, one light recalibration session with ayahuasca off in the beautiful BC rainforest, another very light mushroom experience at a shpongle show and 3 amazing changa experiences over the last 3 days. I feel as full of life as ever..I dont feel deluded or disillusioned. Only ecstatic and hopeful for every single being on this planet.

I dont know how anyone can smoke DMT and not "get that memo"..I saw tha sign post cleary and I know damn well where it is that I am going. It is these experienes that pave the way for me, showing me where it is that I want to go. It's all or nothing..I can move foreward in the present and be a part of the future I envision, or I can sit stagnant while knowing very well there are many others around the globe all coevolving that thing that I want to be a part of.. I will never in my life stop working with DMT and psilocin..the idea of continuing this path without these 2 allies isnt even computable. If that place isnt hinting at the future, than I dont know what is.

As I sat down today with my full dose of changa laoded into my pipe I kept that in mind..the knowledge that all I am doing is moving towards the place I want to be. I want to be the best me I can be. I want to move ahead..push it through into something new..something awakened.

As I took in those 2 gigantic hits there was no fear. Apprehension yes..fear or regret?.. not today. There was simply a welcomed vibration as I entered into something I knew had to be done. Golden spirals rained in on my parade of thought and I became a giant 3d fractal, a system somewhat akin to a scaffolding of tightly packed and intricate packets of information incoded in shimmering geometric symbols of light..bound together though love. I saw, oh yes I was seeing and I was remembering every other time I had seen, flashbacks of numerous high dose psilocin and DMT experiences pulsed through the databanks of my memory and I knew. I knew that that is how it really is. We really are love, and we really are light. Ego means nothing there.

Hate is an angle..hate is an illusion..a symptom of the human mind unrealized of the full expression of its beingness. Within the framework of the human mind fully realized, hate can only manifest as compassion..compassion for those that are so asleap that they themselves hate. Hatefull is a painful emotion for one to hold onto wells up inside the individual and leaves them riddled with stress and frustration..they stray in hope of retribution and are inable to find peace..The peace that comes though compassion, understanding and acceptance. Everyone has an angle..everyone has their reason..forgive yourself for your angle and find the compassion to accept others angles.

I open my eyes..I think its over but its not even close.. I am shimmering..I am a giant crystaline hyperspacial diamond within a diamond within a diamond. My carpet is made of brilliantly colored spinnign jewels and the suns light, this sacred, cosmic necter of life is flowing through my open window, hitting my forehead and illuminating mandalic fractals streaming through my third eye..I open my mouth and this sound comes out of body is vibrating with an astounding speed as I make this sound to match it..I watch in awe as the harmonics pour out of me into the air and the sonic waves undulate along the jeweled floor like ripples in a pond. This sets up interfearance patterns within the harmonics radiating through my body and dense pockets of dormant energy and identified, brocken up and pushed out of the body in burts of ecstatic, magical went on that way for about 6 minutes..

This is what ecstacy and shamanic healing is all about. We are tuning forks..recievers cast out amidst a cosmic sea of vibration..good vibes.. bad vibes..heavy vibes, mellow vibes..we are exposed to them all, yet it is us that also make the choice as to which ones we choose to keep welled up inside of us. So many people keep those dense balls of stagnant energy welled up inside of them for so long..they grow and they grow, and along with them, so does the darkness..preaty soon everything is moving so damn slow that they are like rocks, nearly inpenatrable by the light.

People need to understand that every action is going to have a reaction. I see it all the time. People walk around holding onto all of this darkness..holding all of their problens deep inside of them..never accepting the present for the gift that it really is, never letting go of the imprints from the past..People walking around carrying bags of anger, trying relentlessly to pass that darkness on to other people..because they dont know what else to do with it. They wonder why noone responds well to it. Noone likes darkess, most people have enough of it already, they certainly dont want or need anyone elses.

This is a huge problem in our world today..and we need every single person that can see that to open up to the light, let go of previous hangups and live for the now..not for yesterday. I urge everyone to try to be nicer to each other from now on..this is somethign we can ALL be working towards. Better to pass on a little light on a dark day than add another cloud to the sky.

Long live the unwoke.

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#2 Posted : 5/14/2010 6:56:26 AM

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I feel your pain, your joy, your confusion.
Maybe this will help:

The reason the world goes so wrong is the people who get hurt by it retract instead of staying with the flow and helping to dissapate the clouds. Don't evacuate! Hang in there.

You know the right direction. Take it and recognize that your courage will pull others with you into the light.

The light is always at war with the dark. That's just how it works...equal and opposite reactions, etc. But you can dance through it, balance it out, be an unquenciable candle flame. Pull towards the light. Hope for the best.

That's the way.

Love and light.
"Hang in there. The light only comes at the END of the tunnel." [i]Letters to Oso, 2010
#3 Posted : 5/14/2010 7:56:05 AM


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fractal enchantment wrote:
Paradoxically, I am completely beside myself right now. I am dumbfounded at how ANYONE can project hated and negativity after working so closely with DMT.

Hey fractal, I've seen this argument many times with substances like LSD, MDMA, Psilocybin & Mescaline. I'm sure you have too.
I mean... DMT is not "the answer", neither is "the solution" any other psychedelic drug. They are tools. Tools can be used for light and dark.

Remember there is white magic and dark magic, metaphorically speaking.

I am not "pro-darkness" or "anti-love", but I think we humans are made of both and there is nothing wrong about that.
The psychedelic experience leads to many ways, some use it for "enlightenment" and some for fun. Some find the white light and some a black sun.

As someone said before, it's about respect.

Aleister Crowley was a mescaline user and he was.... well, you know who he was.
All I'm saying is, Darkness can be interesting and it can be part of the psychedelic experience as well.

I don't think its all about "love".

#4 Posted : 5/14/2010 7:57:27 AM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
People walking around carrying bags of anger, trying relentlessly to pass that darkness on to other people..because they dont know what else to do with it.

That's an excellent observation, FE - thanks for sharing it. The way you've put it allows for compassion and forgiveness in dealing with it, when you're on the receiving end of someone's anger. It's such an important point you're making - and thank you for reminding us that we can free ourselves of the past if we choose it.

"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#5 Posted : 5/14/2010 9:42:30 AM
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Beatyfull words FE. Reading them i can just feel the pure astoundment and joy of life shine through them.
All i can say now is that you're right and that i want to apologize for all the times i was bitter and cynical myself as well.
#6 Posted : 5/14/2010 9:53:52 AM

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Awesomely well put, fractal! Beautiful, I completely agree and relate to what you said Smile
Infinite I
#7 Posted : 5/14/2010 1:50:27 PM


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Cool positive post fractal Cool

How anyone can not CHOOSE to LOVE every other single soul on this planet, and want to make every single effort they can to be the most accepting and encouraging individual they can possabily be..

I was actually thinking of you and that exact thing today on my way to work this morning. I wish I could feeel that all the time, psychedelics help me do that but not all the time.
#8 Posted : 5/14/2010 5:11:17 PM

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clouds wrote:
fractal enchantment wrote:
Paradoxically, I am completely beside myself right now. I am dumbfounded at how ANYONE can project hated and negativity after working so closely with DMT.

Hey fractal, I've seen this argument many times with substances like LSD, MDMA, Psilocybin & Mescaline. I'm sure you have too.
I mean... DMT is not "the answer", neither is "the solution" any other psychedelic drug. They are tools. Tools can be used for light and dark.

Remember there is white magic and dark magic, metaphorically speaking.

I am not "pro-darkness" or "anti-love", but I think we humans are made of both and there is nothing wrong about that.
The psychedelic experience leads to many ways, some use it for "enlightenment" and some for fun. Some find the white light and some a black sun.

As someone said before, it's about respect.

Aleister Crowley was a mescaline user and he was.... well, you know who he was.
All I'm saying is, Darkness can be interesting and it can be part of the psychedelic experience as well.

I don't think its all about "love".

Every dark night has a new day looming over the horizon..take a few steps back and realize the darkness as the shadow of the light.

Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 5/14/2010 6:29:30 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:

Life is magic. To be alive is magic. love is magic. Magic is real. YOU are magic.. Some just forgot that THEY are a part of that magic and instead began searching externally for validation of something of which existance itself is the validation.

Beautiful, thank you as always for sharing the joy, FractalEnch.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#10 Posted : 5/14/2010 6:47:06 PM

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Beautifully put fractal! Very happy Some strange energies have been around lately indeed, but we can't loose sight of that love that binds us all which we need to spread as compassionately as possible...Love is really the only way. I loose sight of this far too often lately. I'm sorry to anyone who I offended! I can be quite the ignorant arsehole sometimes


<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#11 Posted : 5/14/2010 9:33:46 PM

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Im sorry for anyone I ever offended as well. We all fall into the shadows from time to time. Whats importnat is that we realize it and dont repeat that cycle over and over.
Long live the unwoke.
#12 Posted : 5/15/2010 1:16:38 AM


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I also, can not understand for the life of me how some people can smoke DMT, come back, and go on with their lives as if everything was the same before.

I guess people just react to experiences, information, etc. differently. Everything in life is open to interpretation these days.

Though for me at least, spice has never beat around the bush. It's pretty hard to misinterpret statements like "The burden of time only limit your physical realms" or "Love yourself! Love yourself!".

I guess all we can do is just make sure that we all do our part to preserve and respect the beauty and power of spice and it's many brethren.
“Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable.” - Terence McKenna
#13 Posted : 5/15/2010 1:46:29 AM

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Thanks for brightening my day a little fractal.

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#14 Posted : 5/15/2010 8:14:39 AM

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A beautiful and inspirational post, and very apropos to my own state in life right now. Thank you for the encouraging words, they give me both hope and motivation.
Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream
It is not dying...It is not dying
Lay down all thought; Surrender to the void
It is shining...It is shining...

#15 Posted : 5/17/2010 3:16:13 AM

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Great post! Well put and very positive. I think Richard Alpert said it best with, "Be here now, BE HERE NOW". Forget the past, its gone. Be in the present moment and be the dharma... Others may never awaken through the use of chemicals, religious beliefs, and or spiritual means. They are no more wrong or right than any of us. You may not agree with others negative ideas and ways of communication but it is up to them to decide if they want to work on karma and lift up the veils that imprison them in this lifetime. I feel that the negativity comes out do to frustration, misinformation, misinterpretation, and misguidance. If anyone has a glimpse of the secret like most of us on the forum the negative is dissolved.
That was the most amazing...what was I talking about?
#16 Posted : 5/17/2010 5:22:42 AM

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I honored to be able to join this nexus recently... it is indeed a kind of sangha, and by deciding to be here we are on the same voyage, with whatever baggage we carry along.
#17 Posted : 5/17/2010 9:15:41 AM

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Yeah, whats even more disturbing is how they are the majority , well at least where i am located, Acting so brave but really filled with fear, not knowing whats going on , holding onto grudges & justifying them as if it were the natural thing to do.

Most of the people on this site, and people who have used psychedelics for non recreational purposes have a massive database of knowledge that applies to anything in life, i think people need to be informed and stop being lied to and then it can get better.
Reality is not something you wake up to
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