Is it just me or...? Options
#1 Posted : 5/11/2010 7:10:57 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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My first real smoked DMT experience occurred this evening, and it started out with 30mg of spice sandwiched in between caapi leaves. I held the flame away at first, letting the spice melt into the leaves before slowly drawing in the flame to touch the outer leaf layer and taking two slow tokes, coughing a little in the middle of the second. I was definitely inhaling smoke from the DMT, the taste couldn't have been anything else.

But basically all that happened, in addition to the normal smoked caapi effects, was that my heart rate went up significantly and I was kind of spasming a little bit (which sometimes happens to me with salvia, pot and aya). I closed my eyes and kinda rode it out, and it faded away in ten minutes or so. I had an overactive imagination during that time, but nothing more.

So I decided to hit the bong again and see if there was anything left. I was much less cautious this time, as my lighter was dying, and took two big, fast tokes after a brief warm up. As I cleared the chamber, the bong turned into one giant echo so I set it down fast and was knocked on my back as I dissolved into a new reality. However, as I was coming down a couple of minutes later, I noticed my heart rate was perfectly normal.

Has this ever happened to other people? It was like the first time the DMT hit my body, and with the second go around it only hit my mind. It was quite strange.

Also, when things start dissolving (this time and with aya), is it at all normal to be internally shouting "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK"? It's pretty terrifying at the time, and while I'm there there's always the nagging question in the back of my mind: Am I coming back? Just curious if others can relate...



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#2 Posted : 5/11/2010 2:48:52 PM

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I understand what your saying. First of all i've noticed for myself that an underdose can be very uncomfortable. Its a strange body feeling, heart rate goes up and there is a general queasy uneasy feeling that lingers for a few minutes. Lately because of my own fear I've been doing that myself in an attempt to ease myself into the thing. But there is always a moment in that underdose zone where i ask myself why am I doing this again? I don't like the feeling at all but I use it to slowly step things up instead of getting flattened right out of the gate. I had a real serious over the top trip a few weeks back so I do have some initial fear even though I've done it a few times since.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#3 Posted : 5/11/2010 3:28:01 PM

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Felnik wrote:

I understand what your saying. First of all i've noticed for myself that an underdose can be very uncomfortable. Its a strange body feeling, heart rate goes up and there is a general queasy uneasy feeling that lingers for a few minutes. Lately because of my own fear I've been doing that myself in an attempt to ease myself into the thing. But there is always a moment in that underdose zone where i ask myself why am I doing this again? I don't like the feeling at all but I use it to slowly step things up instead of getting flattened right out of the gate. I had a real serious over the top trip a few weeks back so I do have some initial fear even though I've done it a few times since.

I definitely get what you mean with that, for quite a long time I was just stuck in this cycle of underdosing to ease myself in but then waiting for a long time since I didn't want to do DMT often and then doing the same thing, in the end I just found the right moment and went with it full-pelt Smile
#4 Posted : 5/11/2010 10:50:52 PM

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BananaForeskin Wrote:
Has this ever happened to other people? It was like the first time the DMT hit my body, and with the second go around it only hit my mind. It was quite strange.

Also, when things start dissolving (this time and with aya), is it at all normal to be internally shouting "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK"? It's pretty terrifying at the time, and while I'm there there's always the nagging question in the back of my mind: Am I coming back? Just curious if others can relate...

I can relate for sure.

Under dosing for me always has little to no visuals but an extremely weird body load.

the same thing happened to me just last night actually...

I loaded up 30mg's of spice in between a bedding of mullein in a pipe and lit it holding the flame at a distance for the first couple seconds, then lit the entire thing after i could taste the DMT starting to vaporize inhaled deep, and held for as long as i could.

As much as i tried to not burn the spice, i think the top layer of mullein caught fire and burnt a good part of the spice so i was left with just that strange body feeling and an altered state of mind, but basically no visuals.

I didnt want to waste the spice or the experience so i quickly reloaded another bowl of the same amount of DMT, sandwiched in between two slightly smaller layers of mullein, to make sure no accidental combustion occurred again.

This time i was extra, extra careful to not burn the spice and clearly did a better job because it hit me full-on and just like you were saying BananaForeskin, it seemed to be effecting just my mind and i wasnt feeling any of those uncomfortable body feelings at all, just a blanket of psychedelic warmth, just before dissolving into a full on mind blowing experience with incredible CEV's and OEV's

The majority of it was a closed eye experience that lasted about 5 minutes. upon opening my eyes i was still experiencing miraculously beautiful and colorful OEV's and gently descended back to baseline in about 15-20 minutes.

I also can relate to the "FUCK FUCK FUCK" thing. During the come up/blast-off, i was internally going "ooooohhhh shiiiiiitttt!" only it was not out of fear necessarily, but out of amazement at the pure power and complexity of of what i was experiencing and how fast and intense it was coming on.

It was kind of like that "ooohhh shiiiit" right before you descend down the largest drop of a roller coaster ride. slightly frightening, but more AMAZING!

so i guess the conclusion that i drew from all of this would be that when smoking DMT its best to eliminate all fears and anxieties before hand through breathing/meditation/etc. and most importantly, make sure to smoke enough to go all the way. Getting stuck in between universes/dimensions/worlds, it can be quite strange and really uncomfortable.

All above posts are absolutely fictional and have nothing to do with actual reality whatsoever.

If you are waiting for "that moment", that moment is now.
#5 Posted : 5/12/2010 5:20:31 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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Yep, going all the way seems to be the lesson here. I'm glad I'm not alone, I wasn't sure if the body load was normal or the sign of some negative health effect.

Nicely said about it being more like the moment before the drop on a roller coaster than true fear... very accurate!

That time, as I was quickly setting down the bong and seeing it visually "echo" I realized that it was a lot like what a four-dimensional view of the bong would be. One long snake in time...



#6 Posted : 5/16/2010 4:41:41 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Yeah dude....I finally got around to messing with Changa, and ive been getting the rapid heartbeat/ tight chest thing. I did a 1:2 ratio with DMT to plant matter, so mines pretty weak. that may be the problem!
#7 Posted : 5/16/2010 7:33:29 AM

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Blundering_Novice wrote:
Yeah dude....I finally got around to messing with Changa, and ive been getting the rapid heartbeat/ tight chest thing. I did a 1:2 ratio with DMT to plant matter, so mines pretty weak. that may be the problem!

It's worth making 1:1 ratio changa, I'd say - recently, my monkey made a changa with passionflower (which he was really looking forward to) but ended up with a 0.4:1 ratio - it's complicated, and I won't bore you with an explanation Smile - and no matter what, the monkey just couldn't break through on that. Very strange, and not something the monkey would do again.

1:1 seems to work
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#8 Posted : 5/16/2010 8:29:26 AM


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SWIM hasn't tried smoking spice with an MAOI, but from experience, he knows that when he smokes it multiple times one after the other (with a few minutes in between) it seems to require less and less spice to break through. I also might add that SWIm almost always returns to the sae place when he trips back to back.
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