I think I was just assaulted by an entity... Options
#1 Posted : 5/8/2010 1:18:14 AM

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OK, this is very strange. I'm certainly not new to these realms, but this was a first for me. I'm having a hard time integrating the experience and I hope to elicit some feedback from others on the forum to help me comprehend the situation.

I just had an experience that I can only describe as a metaphysical assault. Someone with a very real presence just came at me out of the void and basically forced me to stop breathing out of spite. I believe it was a male presence and he basically said 'I can control you.' He seemed very 'strong', very unfriendly, and it was as if he was just trying to prove that he was more powerful than I. The presence 'felt' blue and purple and like it was coming at me from a distant realm. For at least a few seconds (not sure how long, really) this menacing entity got into my 'space' and commenced what I can only describe as a hyperspace beatdown. At first I was shocked and gasping for breath, then the presence let go but hung around for a few seconds to be sure that I knew he was still there and it wasn't all imagined. I'm not sure if I was really breathing or not, but it certainly felt like I wasn't and that the entity was trying to teach me some sort of lesson about turf. I was panicked at first, but as I began to get control of my body and soul back I became angry and decided my only recourse was to try to stand up to this dirty bastard. He began to fade away or release control, and I actually said aloud 'OK, who the f*** are you?' My intention was to try to figure out who or what the hell he was so I could at least try to fight back somehow. I never got an answer, just the sense that I was powerless to do anything about it.

Has anyone else ever experienced anything similar? I'm trying to rationalize this as something from my subconscious, but the core of my being tells me that it wasn't. I've heard of the Brujeria (sp?) and I was immediately reminded of them. It was as if I slipped into a mode of consciousness where I was vulnerable to attacks and someone flew in to take advantage. I'm still in shock and feel pretty violated. Any advice/wisdom/thoughts are appreciated.


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#2 Posted : 5/8/2010 1:37:00 AM

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He sounds like an insecure jerk!

Next time you see him, try teach him a lesson. I always intensley smile at such individuals until they melt. It works a treat for me.
#3 Posted : 5/8/2010 1:47:56 AM

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Thanks for the reply, Soulfood. That sounds like a good tactic and I had the same thought, but I just had no idea how defend myself or get back at him. I was unprepared and couldn't find a 'weapon' or thought to free myself from his control. Almost like he knew how to navigate those realms extremely well and I didn't have the tools to do anything but succumb. I'll definitely be on the lookout for this guy in the future and if he shows himself around my space again I'll try to do more to fight him off.

#4 Posted : 5/8/2010 4:31:50 AM

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What was the dosage you took? was it straight spice or did you mix anything with it?
was it a typical journey for you ? was it stronger than normal? did the spice burn or anything like that ?

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#5 Posted : 5/8/2010 4:47:43 AM

The Dude

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Every person has the power inside of them to fight any kind of evil spirit/entity/projection of the mind.

we just have to overcome the fear of seeing/experiencing this evil and face it as the greater being...because you are!

evil wishes to deceive us into thinking we are only this weak human form, but we are much stronger!

be strong traveler!
*We are now at a phase of human development where we have accumulated an enormous amount of knowledge through scientific research in the material world. This is very important knowledge, but it must be integrated. -Hoffman
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cephalopods are enlightened -benzyme
#6 Posted : 5/8/2010 4:56:55 AM

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Can't say I have ever been assaulted as such, but I did have a recent experience where I 'met' a female entity of sorts who kept trying to show me something. I don't know what it was exactly she was trying to show me, but her insistence and 'in your face' attitude was really, really annoying. In fact, the whole journey was annoying, something I never thought I would say about spice.

Ultimately, I do actually think it had everything to do with my subconscious and my entire approach to spice that day; for me, as always, once the dust settled I realized I had been seeing my own reflection.

I second soulfood's approach; smile and see what smiles back.
~ hpp
#7 Posted : 5/8/2010 9:24:46 PM

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Felnik wrote:

What was the dosage you took? was it straight spice or did you mix anything with it?
was it a typical journey for you ? was it stronger than normal? did the spice burn or anything like that ?

This was the second session of two about 15-20 minutes apart. The medium was straight spice, maybe a bit oxidized from sitting around for a month or so but definitely still potent. The first pull was about 35mg and the second maybe 40mg. I smoked a mapacho/passion flower/mullein cig just before, so perhaps that served as a potentiator. This was definitely not a typical journey, but the amount consumed was typical. I used a VaporGenie, so no burning occurred.

#8 Posted : 5/8/2010 9:33:15 PM

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this has happened to me is in my post(OMFingG...goosebumps galore) check it out
#9 Posted : 5/8/2010 9:35:28 PM

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stevowitz wrote:
Every person has the power inside of them to fight any kind of evil spirit/entity/projection of the mind.

Thanks for the advice, Stevowitz. I typically take a similar attitude to the one you describe on my journeys, but I guess I'd started to become a bit complacent since I'd never had this type of thing happen in previous experiences. Most of the time the worst thing that happens is extreme confusion. I wasn't prepared for what happened, but now that I know it's a possibility I'll definitely be ready next time! All in all, it was an interesting journey, just very different from my previous experiences. Not so negative that I'd take it back if I could, just kind of scary and different than normal.

#10 Posted : 5/8/2010 9:42:52 PM

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headphoneperson wrote:

Ultimately, I do actually think it had everything to do with my subconscious and my entire approach to spice that day; for me, as always, once the dust settled I realized I had been seeing my own reflection.

I've been thinking a lot about the the idea that this was reflection. It's certainly possible that my ego was thrown into panic/self defense/fight-or-flight mode and the entity was a manifestation of that thought pattern. As you seem to know all too well, it can seem so incredibly real while it's happening. I'm an extremely rational person, but these types of experiences often throw me for a loop. Logic most certainly does not apply with any regularity to these realms, but that's what makes it so wonderful!

Thanks for responding!

#11 Posted : 5/8/2010 9:44:27 PM

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greymatter wrote:
this has happened to me is in my post(OMFingG...goosebumps galore) check it out

GreyMatter, I'll read your post in detail as soon as I have a few minutes. Thanks for the reference.
It's nice to know that this has happened to others.

#12 Posted : 5/8/2010 9:51:29 PM

Cosmic Dragon

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I've had this experience kinda. I simply felt in the direction of the person/thing and said out loud, please leave, your not welcome here. Eventually he left. Scary at first though.
#13 Posted : 5/8/2010 10:21:40 PM

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things like this have happened to me numerous times and never "under the influence" ... always while dropping off for a nap or at night, or while waking up in the morning. It's even happened to me when I swore I was wide awake, while my parents were in the same room with me watching TV while I was floating around in two bodies. This may part of a well-researched process called "sleep paralysis" or "out of body sleep". In addition to feeling an evil presence, it is often accompanied by the feeling of being paralyzed, hearing roaring noises, leaving your body, and being very confused about "which reality" you are in at the time. Here are two wikipedia links:

Note that culturally, around the world, these are considered scary things, but in fact it all has to do with who you are and how you understand yourself. The first time it happens to you, it's likely to be scary unless you have a pretty good handle on who you are.

With me, at first, these things happened with a kind of scary, aggressive presence that I felt wanted to attack me. That was quite a few years ago, and I don't really remember how how I fought thru the feeling or moved on .... and it would only happen once in a great while, anyway. But eventually, the "other presence" either didn't show up or turned more friendly or teacher-like. This happened to me while I was undertaking a long study of meditation and "work" on myself.

I gotta believe "the presences" are just little pieces of ourselves, and the way they manifest is dependent on how we understand ourselves and the world. It must be a good thing when one is able to begin to work with these experiences and learn from them.
#14 Posted : 5/8/2010 10:42:34 PM

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This stuff is endlessly fascinating to me. So many different yet so similar experiences. After a really rough trip a few weeks back I have reformed my spice work.
I'm starting to adopt more of a shamanistic approach working on developing ritualistic practices .
I've already noticed an improvement. It seems to be more grounding and helps my strength of purpose and focus. I've also been tuning into my mindset more, taking careful note of disharmony in my personal state and trying to stay away from any spice journeying during periods of questionable mood.

I am starting to believe that perhaps alot of the entities and such are archetypal figures.
These figures may be a combination of things, projections of our own mind attempting to understand that wich it has no understanding of. Perhaps past present future memories all mixed togethor in this consciousness realm we connect with during a DMT experience. Perhaps its the way that this consciousness uses to attempt to communicate with us. Perhaps it manifests its intent with aliens, insects and strange beings.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#15 Posted : 5/8/2010 10:46:26 PM

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This post has just kept me from not smoking my changa for another week. It's traumatizing just reading it. Thanks.
#16 Posted : 5/8/2010 10:51:40 PM

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swim had a very similar experience to this when he accidentally "OD'd" while smoking spice from his bong.

he actually signed onto the nexus chat after it happened and said something along the lines of the title of this thread.. "I think i just got jumped by an entity."..

i dont remember who was in the chat at the time, but maybe someone remembers..

anyway, it was crazy to read this report and see such similarity with my own experience.

kinda creepy actually.

i consider these types of trips all a part of the experience as a whole though and believe they are actually needed from time to time to provide healing to the soul.

the golden rule : do not underestimate the power of the spice.
All above posts are absolutely fictional and have nothing to do with actual reality whatsoever.

If you are waiting for "that moment", that moment is now.
#17 Posted : 5/8/2010 11:02:15 PM

Cosmic Dragon

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I gotta believe "the presences" are just little pieces of ourselves, and the way they manifest is dependent on how we understand ourselves and the world. It must be a good thing when one is able to begin to work with these experiences and learn from them.

I completely agree. Thanks for saying that.
#18 Posted : 5/8/2010 11:05:57 PM

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damiana wrote:

I gotta believe "the presences" are just little pieces of ourselves, and the way they manifest is dependent on how we understand ourselves and the world. It must be a good thing when one is able to begin to work with these experiences and learn from them.

I completely agree. Thanks for saying that.

And if they are not pieces of ourselves, then we have bigger problems than I thought.
Folding Worm•
#19 Posted : 5/8/2010 11:14:35 PM

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"I think I was just assaulted by an entity"

Guess what? You were!

With love and synthetic laughter,
You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you. - Robert Anton Wilson
#20 Posted : 5/8/2010 11:48:35 PM

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joebono wrote:
damiana wrote:

I gotta believe "the presences" are just little pieces of ourselves, and the way they manifest is dependent on how we understand ourselves and the world. It must be a good thing when one is able to begin to work with these experiences and learn from them.

I completely agree. Thanks for saying that.

And if they are not pieces of ourselves, then we have bigger problems than I thought.

Well, of course they are little pieces of us. We're all part of the same Big Bang, no? Or, to get a bit more contemperaneous, even the "presences", elves and clowns are still a bunch of chemical reactions in our brains.

I keep having debates with my chimps about this, and believe me, they're way less stressed out about it than we are!

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