Alien Serpent Options
#1 Posted : 5/5/2010 10:20:36 PM

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two days ago swim smoked a small amount (30mgs) of spice atop some MJ and covered with a small bed of MJ-ash in a pipe just before bed.

it had been storming for most of the day that day swim just knew that if he hit the spice during the thunderstorm/ at night he would find some interesting things awaiting in hyperspace due to the set/setting.

so he waited until the whole house was quiet except for the faint sounds of thunder/rain outside and sat in his usual "comfy chair" and proceeded to hit the pipe, being careful to keep the flames distance and not burn the spice.

expecting the 30mg's to be slightly less potent than swims usual 50mg doses he vaporized it all up in one hit, put the pipe down and sat back in his chair thinking that he would probably just have a really strong sub-breakthrough dose.

well swim was in for a much stronger ride than he had expected. as he leaned back in the chair still holding the vapor in deep he could feel the effects build quite quickly.

since it was night time and very dark in SWIMS rooms already, he decided to just close his eyes right away. as he did this, the black space behind his eyes became immediately flooded with the beautiful geometric complexity that DMT is know so well for. only unlike his daytime trips which consisted of brighter colors, these patterns were very dark with blue, purple and greenish hues.

These patterns then began to "slither" very serpent like towards the center of his vision until they formed themselves into a cross legged, robed and hooded entity. the robe was covered in illuminating designs and letters from some kind of magical alphabet that seemed to be in constant change.

as this entity took on its shape and became more clear, the hood of its dark robe began to peel back slightly, revealing a face that looked very similar to the alien creatures in the movie "alien vs predator"

the alien like entity showed its razor sharp teeth to me while hundreds of snakes/serpents slither all around him also hissing and showing their fangs.

during the observation of this being swim did not feel any sense of fear or anxiety. he did however sense a strong connection with the storm and could feel and recognize its power to the fullest extent.

After these serpents and their alien leader danced around his vision for awhile displaying their message of power and the strength of the earth/universe the visuals began to get increasingly more "pleasant" and brighter and took on a more positive vibe i guess you could say.

The hooded entity deconstructed back down into multiple serpents that slithered, danced and flowed more peacefully back into simpler geometrical squiggles and waves of brilliant color and design.

at this point swim began to regain his sense of reality and could feel the chair that he was sitting in and remembered he was in his room. he kept his eyes closed for a few remaining seconds to admire the intricate CEV's and bask in the warm glow he felt.

Upon opening his eyes he found things were still slightly morphing and shifting but most of the visual effects had diminished. after gathering his thoughts a little swim seemed drawn to take a look outside and proceeded to do so.

The night sky was still stormy and dark, but now held a whole new mystical and powerful vibe that made him stare with absolute awe and wonder.

Shortly after, swim brushed his teeth and faded away into deep and peaceful slumber.
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#2 Posted : 5/7/2010 5:10:49 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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hmm, i guess i need to work on my reports or something..

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#3 Posted : 5/7/2010 5:33:14 AM

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Location: Earth, of course??
No, I thought it was great.

I just don't always know what to reply with. I read and absorb, and think it's great, but don't want to contrive a response.

It feels disrespectful and empty to contrive an answer out of some false sense of obligation., anyyyway. I do think it's great and I enjoyed reading about the formation and deformation of the hooded serpent being. It was a wonderful read. < not contrived
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#4 Posted : 5/7/2010 5:59:12 AM

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Ok cool. I thought maybe i just typed it up wrong or something.

thanks for reading.
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kaleidoscope eyes
#5 Posted : 5/7/2010 8:58:18 AM

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That was really interesting to read, I liked your line about the after glow & looking out into the sky- sounds really amazing =)
the fictional character, kaleidoscope eyes, resides in the sky with diamonds and cellophane flowers
#6 Posted : 5/7/2010 9:07:07 AM

The Dude

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that's a good report man

what do you think the meaning of the alien was?
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#7 Posted : 5/7/2010 3:16:15 PM

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It was hard to tell, but he could feel this alien displaying a strong message of power. making sure he clearly felt its presence and how much energy it harnessed, but it was hard to decipher a clear message. I think this was because he hadnt expected such a strong experience that this "alien" was sort of saying "you should have known better." only not in words, swim could just "feel" it.

SWIMS mind had been pretty focused on the thunderstorm outside with all the dark clouds and lightning pre-trip so im guessing that had a lot to with the reason he was seeing "darker" visuals than usual.

At the end of it swim had that feeling like he has just been owned by the DMT, but in a good way. like it told me to "shut the fuck up, sit down, and LISTEN!" while it allowed him to look inwardly at himself and get a better grasp on his true intentions and meaning in life.

that intention mostly being to love and to care more for himself as well as for the people who love and care about him.
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#8 Posted : 5/7/2010 8:34:38 PM

polyfather anomalous

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DimethylSpice wrote:

well swim was in for a much stronger ride than he had expected. as he leaned back in the chair still holding the vapor in deep he could feel the effects build quite quickly.

Shortly after, swim brushed his teeth and faded away into deep and peaceful slumber.

Agreed, a well-described and well-written report, I'm trying to post fewer trivial posts and more content-filled posts, hence the lack of response. I hate to keep bringing it up but are you aware of Jeremy Narby's book "The Cosmic Serpent" or his ideas on the DMT/ayahuasca connection/resonance with DNA? His hypothesis, roughly, is that the intake of these materials allows us to "bring our consciousness down to the cellular level" and see the photon-emitting DNA structures during visionary states. He also suggests that this DNA/DMT resonance is why shamans claim to be in touch with plant and animal "spirits" during ayahuasca sessions. I'll be interested in hearing whether any of this resonates with your snake sightings.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#9 Posted : 5/8/2010 12:09:54 AM

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are you aware of Jeremy Narby's book "The Cosmic Serpent" or his ideas on the DMT/ayahuasca connection/resonance with DNA? His hypothesis, roughly, is that the intake of these materials allows us to "bring our consciousness down to the cellular level" and see the photon-emitting DNA structures during visionary states.

I was not aware until now no, but this arises great curiosity with me.

I shall research the matter further...

Do you possibly have any links of where i could maybe view or download an e-book version of "The Cosmic Serpent"??

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#10 Posted : 5/8/2010 5:20:59 AM

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I love this report; how you have traced the arc of your journey from a familiar comfortable place (your chair) into some unexpectedly bizarre realm and then back to the comfort and familiarity of something as simple as brushing your teeth. That really made me smile.

I find it particularly interesting how your vision and experience seemed to echo the power of the storm outside.
~ hpp
#11 Posted : 5/8/2010 6:24:28 PM

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It was truly one of my more unique experiences.

That is why i decided to take some time and try to type it up.

Thank you all for taking the time to read/comment.

Your words are all very much appreciated.
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#12 Posted : 5/8/2010 8:33:53 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I've grown to think of these types of 'beings' as gatekeepers. I know this isn't an original thought, but it seems to me that they are there to test your resolve, your fear, your 'readiness.'
#13 Posted : 5/8/2010 9:37:04 PM

polyfather anomalous

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DimethylSpice wrote:

I was not aware until now no, but this arises great curiosity with me.
I shall research the matter further...
Do you possibly have any links of where i could maybe view or download an e-book version of "The Cosmic Serpent"??

I couldn't find any PDF files though I don't know about the whole "torrent" downloading schemes. There's a brief interview at and some more info at "His comparison of the ancient cosmic serpent myths to the genetic situation in every living cell reveals the immortal biomolecular wizard behind the curtain of everyday life."
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#14 Posted : 5/8/2010 10:03:59 PM

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Blunderingnovice: I've grown to think of these types of 'beings' as gatekeepers. I know this isn't an original thought, but it seems to me that they are there to test your resolve, your fear, your 'readiness.'

It definitely had that vibe to it. good theory.

Lysergify: "His comparison of the ancient cosmic serpent myths to the genetic situation in every living cell reveals the immortal biomolecular wizard behind the curtain of everyday life."


Thanks for the links lysergify Cool
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#15 Posted : 5/9/2010 11:17:06 PM

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Thunderstorms apparently generate negative ions (the good ions). Waterfalls also encourage negative ions, which promote waterfalls as power places. Some folks believe negative ions "energize" the air and that this energy is transferrable to humans. Do you think the storm may have therefore shifted your traveling into a more powerful place?
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#16 Posted : 5/9/2010 11:30:49 PM

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Chalchiuhtlicue wrote:
Thunderstorms apparently generate negative ions (the good ions). Waterfalls also encourage negative ions, which promote waterfalls as power places. Some folks believe negative ions "energize" the air and that this energy is transferrable to humans. Do you think the storm may have therefore shifted your traveling into a more powerful place?

woa, i hadnt thought of it that way.

its definitely a possibility i would say.

Very interesting.
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#17 Posted : 5/10/2010 7:45:59 PM

polyfather anomalous

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Chalchiuhtlicue wrote:
Thunderstorms apparently generate negative ions (the good ions). Waterfalls also encourage negative ions, which promote waterfalls as power places. Some folks believe negative ions "energize" the air and that this energy is transferrable to humans. Do you think the storm may have therefore shifted your traveling into a more powerful place?

Chal where were you for Shoe's "Negative Ions" thread? It's at . I hadn't made that connection; have you ever noticed how dogs pick up on thunderstorms even when they're very far off? I wonder if they're sensing the difference in ionization levels. I also wonder if this is at all connected to how dogs act around people in high-energy states, psychedelic or otherwise. Very sensitive creatures.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#18 Posted : 5/18/2010 9:56:00 AM

Juju Stone

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Yes brother, this serpent is in all of us. It runs through the universe, and we know little of it. The Cosmic Serpent book taught me ALOT. It is a matter of utmost importance that everone reads this book please!! read it 3 times.
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