I took my hits:
It started out normal, I was listening to a song. Suddenly I felt the urge to close my eyes. Patterns of checkerboard, swirling around and around, Then columns of white, checkerboards of
purple and
yellow, morphing in shapes of triangles and circles, and colors of
red and
green. The columns formed up and and more came. They formed a hall. The hall was filled with these white columns, they blocked out the colors, they were huge and everywhere. I started to grow above the columns, into a tiled floor room. The tiles were not morphing but solid, black and white in a white room. (if I could explain it more, I would, but growing upwards is the only way I can describe it. Not walking, not flying, not floating, my vision grew).
Then they came. The chairs came, intersecting the floor of white and black with their own lines, splitting the colors of the tiles making them flash. It was endless, dipping between dimensions, throwing themselves at the ground, puddling at my feet. The chairs were endless, they never fully reached the ground, but sprouted in threes somewhere beyond my vision, in the whiteness around me. Then I sat, and waited, I stared at the chairs coming and ripping apart my patterned floors, tearing dimensions. I sat there for EVER. Then I saw it. A tiny bright light, in between the chairs, and I crouched toward it, and then fell from which place I was sitting, wherever it was.
I fell into the light, the patterns
CUT themselves out of my vision drastically as I fell, stopping before the tunnel truly began. The tunnel dissolved into form whiteness, but there was a shadow in the center, and a light inside it, in front of my vision. It looked like a gentle faded black circle, and I was going to the middle of it. Then I grabbed the >sides< and ripped through into the most beautiful valley I have ever seen. The valley had a river weaving through it, like the amazon, but there were mountains all around, growing trees, making
green everywhere. I stare upwards at the sun, and see the moon opposite. It glows with a ring of glorious light, I looked and grew towards it, almost like I was crouched in the air and I stood. The blackness of space started to fade itself in.
The moon was directly in my view now, and turned me utterly breathless. As I stood in the center of space staring at the moon, it turned, and I saw a shelf, another side of the moon, it was carved, and a silhouette of a face was there, and as I tried to look more at the face, it turned more away, and more moon was revealed, and if I looked at the moon, it would turn its face, until a side profile was visible, then it would not move, and I would look and it would shy away. And as I tried to look one last time, it shied away, and I started to fall backwards toward (what I now believe to be my body) the ground....everything went white.
Lets go extract something together 
house wrote:19:10:05 ‹house› mama aya gave me lego man eye healers
Smoke Spice, NOWGir likes to tell lies, and the truth, but gir cant even tell the difference between them...
http://www.thevenusproject.com/index.phpTHIS IS THE VENUS PROJECT.