I introduce spice and get an A+ Options
#1 Posted : 4/26/2010 2:45:34 PM


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Location: on the banks of Shangri-La, and Im nekkid!
I had a great weekend. I introduced 3 new people to spice, all of them loved it. I will detail what I can about what they said after they had enjoyed the wonderful gift.

Person 1: A person who smokes dirt weed, has stopped using psychedelics, and hasn't used them in quite some time. He stated that he wanted to try it, 'For the sake of the mind'.

Person 2: A girl, who apparently doesn't smoke anything but weed, and drink a lot. Has never used a psychedelic other than mushrooms (1x) and never for introspection.

Person 3: My wife's sister. She rocks, and is extremely carefree most of the time. She was probably the one I wanted to have try it first, but rotation worked out counter-clockwise for some reason.. oh well. She likes to drink, but has gotten her hands on some real lsd recently, and has been enjoying that.

So They all ended up trying it, and all experienced some very profound trips. Two of the people (3 and 1) both had very nice hyperspace voyages, while 2..kept her eyes open and exclaimed 'Wow....WOW!!!....WHOA...' etc. I will not be smoking spice with her again. I guess im going to tell it like a story, since I write better like that, and the experiences took place within a few hours.

"I dont know." Person 1 said "I chose to abandon psychedelics when I realized I was going insane." I packed my VG a little more, and opened my spice vial. "Come on," Person 3 said, "I'm anxious to try it now too." reluctantly (and I cautioned against smoking if he was scared) he said "Alright alright. So what do I gotta do?"

I explained how to be gentle to the spice, to make sure you didnt burn it, or the ceramic filter. I explained how it will get hot, kissing your lips with its plasticine taste. I showed him how to induce deep breathing, and told him to hold each of these 3-4 breathes for just under 15 seconds, "Personally" I said, "I hold them in for about 20 seconds apiece. When the world starts to melt, thats when I know Ive had enough."

With a deep breathe he began the tokes....One, and looked like he might not have got any, slowly he continued holding the flame and inhaling. He took it away, and held and held. He exhaled and said "Hm odd taste." Two. Inhaled deeper, felt like he got a good hit, His eyes opened a bit more than regular. Three. He got a good hit. He was still holding the pipe, and eagerly looked around for a place to set it down, I got up to take it from him since he was sitting closest to me, and he gave me a BIG bug eyed look (Shocked <- much like that.) and told me that "If you was any taller, you'd hit the stalagtites on his ceiling. He then leaned back, and stared at his drink. He closed his eyes a few times, but mainly left them open.

"I didn't ever realize how dirty my house was." He said after I had finished packing the next charge for his current woman-play-thing-whatever... (I dont really like how he goes through women). He explained like this:

I was confused at first, The onset was ridiculously fast like you guys said. after the third toke, i had the after-image of the flame, and it started to melt everything in my vision. They didn't melt like normal, they melted into a puddle of colors, around my floor. Thats when I noticed my floor was dirty. Wherever I looked around, I was happy, there were colors all over the place, and colors I enjoy! Not just normal tripping colors, these were fantastic, bold, vivid! My vision would do these strange Shifts in the furniture, walls, and lights. Its like they would stand there, then be cut in half, and moved an inch or two. I also felt like I was standing in the room, not sitting, and no one else was around, it was like I was alone in my empty house. It was calming.

He thoroughly enjoyed it, though wouldnt talk to us about the introspection. He did say that "His OOB experience was reaching out, and he felt like he was being dispersed through his home." He was one person I would like to smoke with again.

Im not going to go into person 2, and if I did it would be along these lines: "WOW THIS IS SO COOL, I LIKE THIS A LOT, WOW!" It was annoying, and I would take back the pipe if I had the chance. I didnt, and kept my mind open to others, and accepted that this was how some people reacted.

The next person(the sister Smile) was very excited. "Okay okay, pack me up a bowl." She said, hopping closer in her chair. She is a very lively person, as I stated, and always brings a good mood to everything, I love her a lot. Anyways, I loaded up a nice bowl for her, and reviewed the hitting procedure (I dont want her to screw up the spice, I know she'll like it) 1, 2, 3.............."Whew" she said. And closed her eyes, and was silent as we played some relaxing music (We weren't at our house, nor did we have access to the music machine, so I have NO idea what was on, but it was good.) She curled a little in her chair, I thought maybe she had too much. But a few minutes later, she let herself go, and the silence was broken. "I don't need anything else anymore, just this and the beach. Wow that was incredible. Wow that was awesome, I cant believe you made me hit that last." She didn't explain more than:

"I made a painting, and didnt have paint or a brush, but I made it, and it lived and thrived with me, and told me what to draw, and helped me draw what I couldn't, and guided me to peace." The rest, she said, was incomparable to anything.

After all of them had done it, we reflected in the afterglow, they with their mixed drinks, I with a beer. We talked about all of their experiences, threw what knowledge we had at them to try and pick them apart and find their underlying meaning. Each person loved it. More satisfied individuals. A great night.
Lets go extract something together Smile

house wrote:
19:10:05 ‹house› mama aya gave me lego man eye healers

Smoke Spice, NOW

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#2 Posted : 4/26/2010 2:53:07 PM

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i let a good buddy of mine try some for the first time this weekend

guess he had a nice break through he thanked me repeatedly the whole day

he even said he woke up thinking about it and called me to talk lol Smile
#3 Posted : 4/26/2010 6:35:00 PM

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g1risMethyl wrote:

"I made a painting, and didnt have paint or a brush, but I made it, and it lived and thrived with me, and told me what to draw, and helped me draw what I couldn't, and guided me to peace."

That gave me shivers.....Very happy

Sometimes the lights all shining on me, other times I can barely see....
#4 Posted : 4/26/2010 6:36:49 PM

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g1risMethyl wrote:
Im not going to go into person 2, and if I did it would be along these lines: "WOW THIS IS SO COOL, I LIKE THIS A LOT, WOW!" It was annoying, and I would take back the pipe if I had the chance. I didnt, and kept my mind open to others, and accepted that this was how some people reacted.

Ahh let them have their trip and do their thing..these things are so personal. Some people jsut have a harder time describing these things than other people do..some people prefer to smoke with eyes open in the sunlight..others like darkness and eyes closed..some only want breakthroughs..others hate music.

I learned to accpet the way others respond weather it annoys me or not..its not my trip. As long as they arent being disrespectful..i mean..I think DMT is cool as well and I like it alot.

I actually find the most profound healing experiences when I smoke repeated subbreakthroug doses with nice music playing in a lit room..close my eyes at the main peak..but then usually open them and look around at all the geometry and faces and colors, laughing and crying, healing.
Long live the unwoke.
#5 Posted : 4/26/2010 7:00:19 PM

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Nice repost hereSmile

I just love the expression on peoples faces afterwards.
#6 Posted : 4/26/2010 7:48:39 PM

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I love blasting people off more than smoking it myself. I haven't smoked since Thanksgiving but I've gone through about 2grams since then Very happy
#7 Posted : 4/26/2010 8:59:51 PM

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Great, g1ris, doing the good work Very happy
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#8 Posted : 4/26/2010 10:15:40 PM

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g1ris- aside from LOVING your avatar (huge zim fan here), i commend you on doing such righteous work. obviously we can't just put this in the hands of anyone, but once the true seekers have been identified, it is a gift beyond measure to introduce them to this sacred molecule....

this is something i have been called to do. my entire home has been morphed into a sacred church of the jurema way and there is nothing i find more fulfilling than helping those who are called to the molecule. it is a true honor and a true joy to watch the reactions of the newly awakened!!

here's the high-light reel:

1. our dear brother jingmaster sat up and opened his eyes mid-launch. that was something. i learned the important rule of "talk minimally if at all" on that day. i tried my best to calm and assure him, but how much can you do that for a person who is out of earshot? ultimately, i was able to somehow get him to lay back, close his eyes and surrender for the rest of the journey. he has since gone on to do a fair bit of journeying on his own.

2. impossiblemachine, neuronaut, and gravedigger- all made it look easy. deep work, total surrender, completely got it. all three continue to do the work to this day.

3. had a brother who we shall call 'superman' . everything looked perfect....he took his hits and then proceeded to turn into the tasmanian devil. this was before i had the healing room up and running and i was working off of my own bed in my bedroom. superman was flat on his back with a blanket covering him and his head on a pillow.

sounds serene, yeah?

weeeeelll.....after the hits were imbibed, superman lays back...appears to be breaking through...and then....(queue up the song "do the twist" by chubby checkers)... superman starts to flip, flop, writhe, moan, bury his face in my pillows, throw a pillow across my room, flip some more and in the end, eviscerate my bedding like a jackal on a carcass. i simply sat and watched in awe... it didn't look like he was having a 'bad' time per se, just...well....damn...i've never seen anything like it before or since...

4. many other wonderful ones but i HAVE to include the maiden voyage of my forever beloved ms. munki as it we say...unique?? Smile

so there we were in my bedroom and the munkfish decideds she wants to try. she's getting hardcore about it too....she's stripped off all her clothes and has submerged deep beneath the blankets for maximal "womb-effect". we work on the technique and before long, she's taken in enough for a legitimate journey! she's holding in her last inhale and settling into the pillow....she looks tranquil and surrendered.....i'm getting goosebumps...

and then...

her face starts to twist into the most quintessential "shit-eatin' grin" i've ever seen. she starts to giggle. then the giggle grows and grows.....and within one minute of blast-off, she is laughing so hard she has tears literally STREAMING down her cheeks!! i am watching in stupified wonder as nearly ten minutes go by and i don't even think i've seen her take a breathe because all she's doing is laughing like an absolute lunatic. Shocked

about three minutes in, the laughter was too contagious to resist and i had begun losing it as well. by the time she opened her swollen, joyous eyes, i was sitting in front of her with laughtears staining my cheeks as well!! it was the most awesome intro to spice i've ever been a part of.

anywho- g1risMethyl - great work spreading the love and awakening. each one who awakens pulls us that much closer to a magnificent shift in our collective conscious. and for that, i have tremendous....

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
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#9 Posted : 4/27/2010 2:12:29 AM

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Very happy good work! does anyone else get tremendous pre flight anxiety when say lighting the spice for another?! I have been getting better about remaining calm when exploring, but when it comes to helping others do it I still get all excited, sometimes I feel like my hearts in my throat.

spread that love and lightVery happy
Spice Tavelin
Space Cowboy

Just know that when you finally realize what type of place the Nexus is, and how many lives it has touched, know that you have helped each one of them and I hope you continue doing so and never lose your way in life-Steely
#10 Posted : 4/27/2010 2:37:56 PM

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New years day my friends and i decided we would get everything prepared for a nice session. My girlfriend and I had both done it on a number of occations, but one of my best friends hadn't (and after hearing my GF and I rave on about it wanted to try it). I said i would load him a small amount, just to give him a feel for it, before going in fully. Well. I do not know what the hell he is made of, but I weighed out 15mg of spice and i vaped it for him and he hit it in one toke. During the experience he had his eyes closed and was just breathing deeply.

My girlfriend goes for it and as she is in mid flight, my friend comes to, looks at me and says "fuck, that's powerful shit, i need a cigarette." He then explains "the waiting room" and how a voice was saying "you ready... you ready... " and the doors opened and he flew through hyperspace. I was kinda like, "shit, sorry man. I only meant to give you a threshold dose". He grabbed me and hugged me so tight saying "thank you" over and over. I loved introducing one of my good friends to the sacred substance and he LOVED IT.


#11 Posted : 4/27/2010 3:21:24 PM

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SunRise wrote:
Very happy good work! does anyone else get tremendous pre flight anxiety when say lighting the spice for another?! I have been getting better about remaining calm when exploring, but when it comes to helping others do it I still get all excited, sometimes I feel like my hearts in my throat.

spread that love and lightVery happy

for some reason when i lit my buddy my heart was beating out of my chest

he lit the first one wrong so the bowl up again, he almost got a double hit ~50-60mg maybe

first time i sparked it for my girlfriend i wasn't as anxious
Infinite I
#12 Posted : 4/27/2010 8:37:52 PM


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gammagore wrote:
Nice repost hereSmile

I just love the expression on peoples faces afterwards.

I have two pictures of my cousins after breakthroughs, priceless pictures. Smile I love giving people spice, one friend wanted to give me £30-£50 for the epxerience it was so priceless, of course its free and a gift! Very happy and yes my heart is also in my mouth when sharing with people. i remember my friend who first dosed me seemed a bit nervous in hindsight, I was none the wiser and hit it hard, what a shock I got! I was totally naive! Laughing
#13 Posted : 9/27/2010 4:46:01 PM

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I haven't found any other threads similar to this one and I didn't want to create my own but maybe I could steer it in a somewhat different direction.
Introducing DMT to people has become a bit of a hobby and in the last year more than a dozen or so have been introduced to it. I won't get into their reactions but 95% were 100% positive.
My question is in relation to preparing people for the experience. Does anyone think it is a less is more situation?
Or do you do a lot of preparation?
One thing I have learned is that it seems best that people are introduced to it by themselves. I sit in the room with them and make sure they get a large enough dose then immediately leave the room, shutting off all lights and waiting on the other side of the door in case something were to go wrong.
I used to talk a lot about the content of the experience and talk a lot about my personal experience but now I just prepare them for the quickness of the onset and peak and the sensation of movement. The only other thing I will say is to do your best to let go, that it only lasts 5-8 minutes and if you have any trouble or fear just focus on your breathing and know it will end very soon.
I'm always afraid I will somehow influence their first experience. Somehow I don't think that's even possible.
Any other modern day shamans care to share their methods?

#14 Posted : 9/27/2010 6:17:54 PM

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This thread makes me warm and fuzzy inside! Personally I think I get more from introducing people to the light and helping them integrate then actually participating these days. I feel like my last journey reminded me that I have a lot of work to do on this plane in connecting with others.

Similar to antrocles and his work with LOVE, I've created a "ritual" (in the lightest sense) in preparing my homespace for fellow journeymen: yoga mats, some candles, incense, mandalas and a few breathing techniques which can help people clear their minds. But I never try make it really formal or anything. I've found infinite flexibility is crucial when working with the spice and others because then there are never close perspectives, every avenue is open. I also like when people bring their own totems or objects that make the sacred space feel like home for them. Like fractal enchantment said, let them have their own trip. I try to just prep the canvas for them.

thanks again for sharing
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