SWIM has been trying to figure out the simplest way to evaporate something and the stove really takes far to much timing and attentiveness, (SWIM burned some things

SWIM just thought of using a rice cooker for evaporating DMT-containing tinctures. Though that has not been tested yet, may work, he figure since mescaline is stable at boiling temperatures then it could work.
For those who don't know a rice cooker has a built-in trigger that shuts it off when there is no water, that is just a trigger that goes off when it is >100C.
SWIM made his cactus brew of 70g of powdered P-torch. (He would have preferred pieces, but he powdered his whole batch a whole back)
Anyway he simply steeped the powder in hot water using is mildly-unique hot-water-brewing.
It can be seen
hereOnce the brew was filtered and done he put in in the rice cooker and let it run. It took a while, he ended up taking off the top to make it evaporate faster, then it went quickly.
When the rice cooker "popped" showing that it was done he checked in and there was a slightly brittle cake on the bottle. He removed it using the tip of a chopstick. The whole brew (in 3 batches of his tiny rice cooker) yielded 11.9g of
powdery dry resin from the 70g of torch.
While the rice cooker seemed like it may damage the mescaline, it does not go over 100C and right at the end it may peak at 110-115C for a minute as the water dries up, but that seemed not to effect the potency at all.
Today he tested 1.7g or 10g worth. He has gotten a very potent trip, in short it reminds him greatly of a 20g simmered brew he made a while back, but with no nausea at all.
His rice cooker was $15, and it makes great rice too.
Just thought he'd share. Hope the other chemisty experts don't tell him using a teflon coated rice cooker is super unsafe and he is careless to recommend it to anyone.
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMTThe 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs