The Jungle Calls... Options
#1 Posted : 4/17/2010 11:38:56 PM

polyfather anomalous

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Location: Region of Thud
This afternoon the clouds cleared; the morning rain had blown out, and our glorious Sun shined over the mountains in this lovely magical area. I felt the call of changa, so I took my supplies and hiked up to a nearby gorge, a spot where old gnarled trees grasp tight onto ancient metamorphic rocks, while water crawls through, splashing and lapping, washing away the mountains dust pebble by dust pebble, ever constant yet ever-changing; with each successive flooding the water takes a new shape and new course.

I dipped in the water, felt the refreshing taste and warmth it has absorbed with the recent sunshine; Spring is taking hold even here in the mountains. Soon it was time; I wandered through dense bush to an old rock shelter used by untold Natives of the old days. After a quick centering, it was time, so I prepared the pipe ("pure" changa, simply Caapi and Spice), offered a brief thanks to the forces of nature that provided the spot and the magic, and flicked the lighter. Once again, fear set in, and I was only able to take one massive inhale, but that was sufficient for this time around. The creek's murmur became an intense roar, and the call of the jungle roared out of the seams of the Earth. Unfortunately this changa is going to have to dry out even longer, as I got a noticeable amount of acetone vapour in my lungs. Nevertheless, that one large puff was enough; the rock overhang took to life with swaying faces of old Indian chiefs, just like the images I've seen, yet with an added 'jungle touch' I've only seen with Spice. It wasn't time for a breakthrough, clearly, so I quickly poured the remaining contents of the pipe back in my handy container, and prepared to head to town to type this up (it took an hour's hike to make it here).

As I walked, I was dancing an unmistakably tryptamine-inspired flow; it's as if the Spice flows through my bloodstream to all parts of the body, and I danced right along with the trees, skipping rock to rock in a wild fashion. If any of the rednecks around here had seen me they certainly would've given looks, but I'm sure the Indians would've sensed something special going on. At this point I was wishing I could've been at the computer; if I had been, then this would've been a *very wild* post. Even an hour later my writing style and flow is positively effected. Still my sole purpose at that point in time was to make it to town and log into the Nexus. I have several questions:

(1) In breakthrough spaces, are your egos ever completely obliterated? The few times I've entered into a breakthrough space, I've still been "me", still possessed my memories, and have been aware that I've just smoked Spice. In addition to technical issues (burnt Spice and contaminants), my fear is preventing me from keeping that pipe going full blast. Any tips for what I can tell myself as I'm puffing, to encourage a smooth yet full blast into Hyperspace?

(2) I've got a passion/obsession for the American Indian. Part of this may be due to the Indian blood in my family and in many/most of the people in these parts, but I also have a passion for them because I find the society we live in *sick* or *ill*, suffering from the destruction of the Earth and of Earth-connected traditions. I want to bring the wisdom of the American Indian back to life, both to help heal the spirits and let them rest in peace, and to promote better futures for us. Do any of you have similar interests, and how does Spice or other entheogen use relate to this interest for you? Personally for me smoked Spice/changa brings the jungle to life even here in North America, and with my first experience with San Pedro, I was told very clearly to dissolve into the larger movement for indigenous rights/protecting the Earth and her people.

I look forward to some helpful answers and hope the last statement doesn't sound TOO corny!
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/17/2010 11:48:52 PM


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My awareness always remains even in deep breakthroughs, even when I am completely overtaken by the flow.
The only time I ever lose myself and forget everything is if I smoke too much, which is rare. I think this may have only happened once...
Sure, my body is gone and it's doing all sorts of upside down inside out reflective alien stuff, but my mind is watching going "whoa, weird, I love you"

To breakthrough, I would just pack fat bowls and tell myself with every deep long hit that I was going to clear the bowl. Sometimes I could, sometimes I couldn't. Either way, I'd be there in no time...
You just gotta tell yourself "This is what I need to do to get there"

#3 Posted : 4/17/2010 11:54:08 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thank you for sharing I very much enjoyed your post!

as for your questions, Ive only broken through once but I believe my ego was there....somewhere...or not? I didn't feel obliterated at least, I still could relate the experience to something else as it was happening. I think that would be the test, If you can relate the current experience to another one, you must have some ego right? Although maybe I was only able to remember the spice experience, and relate it to something else immediately after returning as my mind was wildly trying to integrate what just went down?
Did I just find a reason to breakthrough again?Twisted Evil

As per the American Indian wisdom, do you have any you'd like to share? Im unfamiliar to the ways of the Indians even though my DNA shares some codeing with yours. whats on your mind?

Spice Tavelin
Space Cowboy

Just know that when you finally realize what type of place the Nexus is, and how many lives it has touched, know that you have helped each one of them and I hope you continue doing so and never lose your way in life-Steely
#4 Posted : 4/18/2010 12:04:34 AM

polyfather anomalous

Posts: 630
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Location: Region of Thud
SunRise wrote:

As per the American Indian wisdom, do you have any you'd like to share? Im unfamiliar to the ways of the Indians even though my DNA shares some codeing with yours. whats on your mind?

Cool, thank you and House for such quick and helpful responses. What's on my mind?

Shamanism is basically the same the world over because it comes right out of the Earth. Spice puts us in connection with this, as does San Pedro and other magical plants. Each of these puts us in touch with it in a different way. Now these plants may also help us to tune into to other sources of energy/signals (extraterrestrial or from inside our brains), but it's clear that the Earth is using these plants to communicate with us and bring us back in *direct communion* with her. The Natives of old had this direct communion, a direct and magical I-thou relationship with the Earth, the rivers, the trees, the rocks, the animals. For them it was always there but at certain times, certain festivals were held to reinvigorate and reaffirm this communion. A thought that's come up for me: were there peyote smuggling routes between the Southwest US and other parts of the continent? I find Spice to be of the jungle ie: Amazonian- it brings the jungle to life even here in temperate rainforest. I don't think Spice in any form was used by the folks around here, but peyote on the other hand...

As for specific Indian wisdom I don't know of any; the full-blood descendants I've come across around here have been very gentle towards me and have taught me some of the ways of snakes, plants, and animals, but I've had little direct contact with any of the elders who must be around, preserving the old traditions. Many/most of the full-blooders are Christianized, and alcoholism/gambling are rampant diseases; that's my perhaps ignorant observation. My particular area is up in the mountains, and is brutally cold during the winter, so they would've certainly gone 10 miles away and 2,000 feet lower for the winters. It's not a permanent area, but they were present here.

I would LOVE to have more direct contact with any wisdom that has survived and been passed down.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
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