Cannabis - A New View Options
#1 Posted : 4/16/2010 5:26:44 PM

polyfather anomalous

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Since I joined here about a month ago I've been encouraged to halt my daily cannabis sessions in order to clear my head out in preparation for intense work with ayahuasca/Spice. I've been a daily cannabis smoker for nearly 7 years, with a few significant breaks in that period. As many folks on here have noted, cannabis is a very powerful entheogen, but only when it's used irregularly. With this in mind, last week I took advantage of an out-of-state car trip to take a break from cannabis. I didn't notice much in the way of my mind clearing out, but I've greatly enjoyed distancing myself from it; I realize that I very much enjoy life with or without this majestic plant.

SO last night, after quite a day which began with preparing an ayahuasca/mimosa brew, drinking it, laying in bed nearly paralyzed for about three hours, then having a very thorough purge, followed by a couple of journeys with changa followed by a Kundalini Yoga session, I arrived home feeling the call of cannabis. I tossed the I Ching to get some advice about having a session, and based on the hexagram ("The Marrying Maiden", which gives advice about when a young maiden marries into an established family), decided that starting now my main work with a female plant will be with ayahuasca; cannabis from now on will be the young maiden that's there when I need her, but she needs to keep her place. With this in mind, I packed a small bowl, said a prayer, then began to puff. After 2 puffs, I put the pipe down, and remarked on how clear I felt, but the shifting view provided by cannabis was felt. I proceeded to take about 3 more puffs to finish off the bowl, and by the end of it I was cloudy-headed.

I came out of this experience with a few insights: cannabis, at least for me, provides a great viewpoint from which to view my life. It puts me in a state of vulnerability to myself, and seems to activate right-brained thinking and awareness. During last night's experience I made a list of activities to begin working on over the coming days and weeks. The key point, though, is that at least for me it only provides this powerful shift in viewpoint when smoked rarely, and it seems that after 4-5 puffs the cloudiness takes over. I think I'm going to sell my old pipe, with its huge bowl piece, and pick up a smaller one-hitter to commemorate this shift in my relationship with Cannabis.

Has anyone had similar shifts in their relationship with cannabis as a result of work with ayahuasca/changa?
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/16/2010 9:57:34 PM

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I have stopped smoking weed since starting my work with changa/aya. It just didnt do anyhting for me anymore, and I finally admited that I was just abusing it.

These days I have partaken in maybe a drag or two a few times. I havent been able to work with weed, to me it just makes me stoned and everytime I smoke it, I remember why I stopped. Even at a darg or two.

I too had one of those massive bowls/cones for my bongs, after starting my work with changa and stopping my abuse of weed, I made a mission down to my headshop to pick up 2 smaller bowls, more accomodating to my smoking habitsSmile
#3 Posted : 4/16/2010 10:13:41 PM

polyfather anomalous

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gammagore wrote:
I have totally stopped smoking weed since starting my work with changa/aya. It just didnt do anyhting for me anymore, and I finally admited that I was just abusing it.

These days I seldom smoke at all, maybe a drag or two every two weeks or so. I havent been able to work with weed, to me it just makes me stoned and everytime I smoke it, I remember why I stopped.

Excellent, glad to hear this. I should point out you contradicted yourself in this post, first saying you totally quit smoking, then saying you have a puff or two every two weeks or so. I'm assuming the latter is the case; why then do you continue to have those puffs? I'm curious because I'm trying to work out a plan for myself.

The fact that I'm going to be next to broke (aside from rent + food money) over the next few months will make it easier, and I want to spend the money I spent on cannabis instead on ethnobotanicals.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#4 Posted : 4/16/2010 10:16:10 PM


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a couple months ago I quit after 10 years of heavy use. I started to get severe asthma every day and could barely breathe. I would take a breath and only be able to breathe about 75% of my previous capacity. I would even get dizzy and feel like I was about to pass out when it was getting bad (This NEVER happened in my entire life)
It felt constricting, and it was depressing.
Every time I smoked, it would irritate my ear as well (I have major eustachian tube issues)
So one day I said fuck it, and haven't looked back.

It took a couple months to get over the asthma after quitting. I put mullein in my changa to heal my respiratory system.
I started working with changa again and now I can finally breathe again. It's felt like forever since I could breathe like this.

Now I have no desire to smoke, I just want to be well.

Anyway, that's my story.
#5 Posted : 4/16/2010 10:28:55 PM

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lysergify wrote:
gammagore wrote:
I have totally stopped smoking weed since starting my work with changa/aya. It just didnt do anyhting for me anymore, and I finally admited that I was just abusing it.

These days I seldom smoke at all, maybe a drag or two every two weeks or so. I havent been able to work with weed, to me it just makes me stoned and everytime I smoke it, I remember why I stopped.

Excellent, glad to hear this. I should point out you contradicted yourself in this post, first saying you totally quit smoking, then saying you have a puff or two every two weeks or so. I'm assuming the latter is the case; why then do you continue to have those puffs? I'm curious because I'm trying to work out a plan for myself.

The fact that I'm going to be next to broke (aside from rent + food money) over the next few months will make it easier, and I want to spend the money I spent on cannabis instead on ethnobotanicals.

Sorry for the typo, I stopped on new years day, in the last month the puff or two have started on social occasions. Reason behind me having those puffs, I have real difficulty to saying no when a spliff is passed my way. Read about my weekness to weed in a thread I posted about it. I am so week to saying no to weed after many years of smoking it. Its very discreet, weed.
#6 Posted : 4/16/2010 11:25:49 PM

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I've just recently starting using cannabis again.... well I've bought some is what I mean to say I guess. Anyway I hadn't been smoking it for around a year or so, but I'm quite enjoying it. Mainly because I'm using much less in order to just feel it, rather than get that brain dead numbed out feeling that I used to smoke it for.

Anyway, I had a very interesting sessions with 1 joint of mullein infused with 100mg's bufotenine extract of 5g's caapi vine and a little sprinkle of weed just to add that slight feeling. Anyway, I found at that low dose with the bufo changa joint really complimented the still mind that is required for bufotenine and had my most successful bufotenine experience to date. Very close to ayahuasca, which had much to do with the caapi no doubt, but the cannabis also had a very positive presence in the mix.

#7 Posted : 4/16/2010 11:34:55 PM


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I find the weed tends to block out my DMT related experiences, but on its own... very powerful entheogen! Some of my most profound trips have been from smoking, usually when I least expect it.

Everything in moderation I say Pleased
"accept the possibility that you may never come back, then your mind is truly open."

The playful ballad of the sacred salad.
#8 Posted : 4/17/2010 2:22:40 AM

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Speaking of a new view, I am interested in Cannabis or bubble hash tinctures for sublingual use. My lungs just don't seem to appreciate much smoke these days. I think one can make with Glycerine. But I thought oil and butter was used because Cannabinoids are not very water soluble; and in digestive tract that helps it get to where it needs to go... Anyway, if Glycerine tincture is actually sublingually absorbable, then I guess the oil/butter factor might be unnecessary. Thanks for your consideration of these ideas...
#9 Posted : 4/17/2010 2:25:46 AM


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Glycerin definitely works.
#10 Posted : 4/17/2010 3:06:19 AM

polyfather anomalous

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۩ wrote:
Glycerin definitely works.

Agreed, and very well, cannabis gives a very unique effect in this form.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#11 Posted : 4/17/2010 3:20:37 AM

polyfather anomalous

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gammagore wrote:

Sorry for the typo, I stopped on new years day, in the last month the puff or two have started on social occasions. Reason behind me having those puffs, I have real difficulty to saying no when a spliff is passed my way. Read about my weekness to weed in a thread I posted about it. I am so week to saying no to weed after many years of smoking it. Its very discreet, weed.

Cool, I've looked through all your posts and can't find the one on the "weakness to weed" you mention. Can you link to it? I too find it very difficult to pass up a puff, especially in a good social setting with nice stinky buds going 'round.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#12 Posted : 4/17/2010 5:56:45 AM

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That was a tease; can you please direct me to a technique of some sort...Embarrased

I haven't looked that hard.
But I love it when good people share their wisdom with me!
Rolling eyes

A Glycerin Hash Tincture for Sublingual Usage recipe...


Thanks for your consideration Knowledgeable Ones...

#13 Posted : 4/17/2010 10:48:51 AM

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Ye, I really do like the smell of a nice bud, just cant say no, sooo, ive decided to keep myself away from those situations

Here is the thread I spoke of
#14 Posted : 4/17/2010 4:44:30 PM

polyfather anomalous

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plumsmooth wrote:

A Glycerin Hash Tincture for Sublingual Usage recipe...
Thanks for your consideration Knowledgeable Ones...

I haven't made it myself but it should be simple enough, grind the weed, place it in enough alcohol/glycerol to cover the ground weed, then heat it using a double boiler or similar method so you're not risking lighting the alcohol. Filter and you're done. You'll have to use google if you want more specific ratios and directions, should be easy enough.

gammagore wrote:

Ye, I really do like the smell of a nice bud, just cant say no, sooo, ive decided to keep myself away from those situations
Here is the thread I spoke of

Cheers bro. I'm not at a point in my life where I desire to quit completely, but I've given much stronger consideration to the negative effects of ganja after reading all these posts. I don't think Ron's extreme viewpoint is justifiable in light of my experience (apparently his), but I'm glad I've found the Nexus for this alone. Good luck to you and yours with your pregnancy endeavour; funny that Ron suggests you should quit trying!
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#15 Posted : 4/17/2010 4:52:48 PM

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Cannabis always has been a huge teacher to me.
I always discovered some truth and very deep insights about myself and my life.
These truth is expanding every time i do it.

And i will continue Smile
elusive illusion
#16 Posted : 4/17/2010 5:18:44 PM

polyfather anomalous

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Mr_DMT wrote:
Cannabis always has been a huge teacher to me.
I always discovered some truth and very deep insights about myself and my life.
These truth is expanding every time i do it.
And i will continue Smile

OK you find it useful in ways, I do too, but it's a secondary teacher for me from now on. Everyday all day = abuse, for me at least. How often do you use it, and what do you use it for? I have friends who limit their smoking to before art/music sessions and claim their output is consistently better with a few puffs beforehand. The outcome is determined by the intent, how it's used.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#17 Posted : 4/17/2010 6:51:11 PM

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I use it approx. 1 time a week.
My intention is: i want to gain wisdom and get to know myself a little more.

Last time i think I was able to contact my higher self and see the "one" who is creating my life experience.
Everything made sense. I knew exactly, that my life is a reflection for my mind, only that I should be aware of it Smile

And I do vaporize it, not smoke it.
Smoking is bad Pleased
elusive illusion
#18 Posted : 4/17/2010 7:07:46 PM
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Cannabis can be a powerfull entheogen. But the more often you do it, the more it's entheogen qualities will diminish and the more it's narcotic qualities will become apparent.

For regular cannabis users, if they stop for a few months and then suddenly use it again, it's a total shock. They where expecting to get a buzz and they get powerfull psychedelic effects instead.

Orally taken cannabis can be even more mindblowing.

Especially it's effect on perception of time, perception of sounds, psychological effects, physical awareness, are on par with those of LSD.

The visual aspect is the only aspect in wich it is inferiour to LSD, if taken in the right way.

Basically it can be equal to LSD as a psychedelic, but it is also an addictive narcotic.
When it is habitually used as narcotic, it will have opposite effects from when it's incidentally used as psychedelic.

Psychedelically it's mind-expanding, as a narcotic it's numbing.

My first spiritual experiences where with cannabis. I owe a lot to it,

but i'm also very glad i've quit the stuff because it is a too skillfull seducer to me.
#19 Posted : 4/18/2010 2:04:32 AM

polyfather anomalous

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polytrip wrote:
Psychedelically it's mind-expanding, as a narcotic it's numbing.

My first spiritual experiences where with cannabis. I owe a lot to it,

but i'm also very glad i've quit the stuff because it is a too skillfull seducer to me.

Thanks again to all of you for your helpful posts and encouragement. I also owe a lot to cannabis, but I'm beginning to see she has a dark, seductive side as well. I'm rewarding myself by smoking changa instead of pot. Changa and Spice for me both have a "go forward" aspect - I prepare myself for a session, do a pre-flight check, then partake. There always seems to be a point in the journey where I'm told "It's over, go forth in the world and do your thing." With cannabis it's never like that, there's always a hangover. Cheers again folks.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#20 Posted : 4/20/2010 4:38:59 PM
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gammagore, I'm curious what your experience with cannabis, and your seeming disillusion with it has been, because it sounds similar (perhaps) to what I've gone through.

Cannabis was the first psychoactive I experienced, and it was such a wonderful plant to me. My first time, I went into a state where I felt entirely like myself (I have some issues with body dysphoria) and nearly every time I smoked for a couple of years (not frequently most of the time, but probably 1-10 times per month) it was perfect. I generally don't smoke a huge amount, since I like to be functional, but at the same time I could benefit from the cannabis working its magic on me.

A few months ago, when I began using psychedelics, I found that the psychedelics were telling me something about cannabis. It's like each time I dosed, I would have at least one point where I compared the experience to cannabis, and somehow the cannabis seemed shallow, or lacking. Since my first psychedelic experience, cannabis has almost completely lacked euphoria, and generally the high has just been very mechanical, unpleasant, almost like side effects without the main course.

I stopped smoking for a couple months, and just started trying again this past week. I still can't seem to find the bliss in cannabis that I used to only a few months ago. I can obviously get by just fine without it, but it's like losing a good friend. And when I'm around friends who are smoking and enjoying it, getting happy instead of worried, getting hungry instead of unsettled, it makes me a little sad.

Has anyone else experienced this at some point? Has anyone found a way to "restore" their body's interactions with a plant? Tolerance should not be an issue, since I stopped for a few months...I don't know what happened here Smile
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