swim learned a very valuable lesson today and he insisted that i share his story for him...
so last night swim started another extraction jar of 100g's MHRB+100G's lye and has yielded about 300mg;s so far from the first pull. Since this was a new separate batch of crystal than the spice he currently had on hand, he decided he wanted to give it a try by itself before he mixed it with the 0.2g's he had leftover from him last extraction.
Now normally swim would use a glass vapo pipe or smoke some changa, but swim had been smoking some cannabis earlier and still had his bong out iced and ready to go so he thought he would use it since he hadnt previously smoked spice from a bong yet.
about 4 hours previous to this, swim had taken a roxi (30mg's oxycodone) for recreational/relaxation purposes. He was skeptical about smoking the spice with this in his system because he wasnt sure how he would react, but he figure since it had been a few hours since he had taken it and he was feeling pretty chill so he though maybe it might even help to relax him during the trip.
well let me be the first to tell you, this was not the case... swim used a small plastic scoop to measure out a nice ~50mg dose and sprinkled it in between a sandwich of a mullein+passionflower blend. The room temperature was a little high at this point even with the window open so swim decided to remove his shirt to cool down and remain cool during the experience. this was something he also had not done previously to this occasion.
After the usual few minutes to clear his head and focus his breathing swim lit up the lighter and held it about in inch from the top of the mix and started to inhale lightly so as to vaporize and not burn. swim has gotten good at this over the years from hash/opium use.

No vapor had began to build up until about 3/4 of the way through the first breath so swim covered the mouthpiece of the bong with his hand and took another breath and lit it and continued to fill it up more.
swim watched all the spice evaporate through the herbs and form into a nice cloud of vapor which he then inhaled after releasing the cone. He took it in and held it deep, thinking he was going to be going back for a second and third toke.. oh, no, no, no said Mr. DMT..
as he held that first bong rip of spice in he could feel the effects increasing RAPIDLY. in fact more rapidly then he had ever felt before...
he felt instantly FLOODED with the well known intricate and astonishingly colorful geometric designs. The effects were coming on so quick that swim was hit with a big wave of nausea and knew instantly that he was going to throw up and his instincts led him into the bathroom.
by the time he was inside the bathroom and had the door closed he was on his knees at the toilet where he had a nice loud purge (threw up like 3 times and was done). This was where the effects began to peak...
Swim had drank a nice large glass of red kool-aid like 30 mins before hitting the spice so his vomit was pure BRIGHT RED. almost every shade of red at once... and this tricked swims tripping little mind into thinking that he had dropped and smashed the bong after he hit the spice and was now just coming to, and puking up blood because he cut himself or something (which makes no sens now really). he was also hearing all sorts of voices of his girlfriend behind him saying things like "see thats what happens when your not careful!" and all sorts of muffled yelling. (even though everyone in the house was asleep)
So now he starts to think he tried smoking DMT from his bong and accidentally shattered it after he hit it and cut him self all over because his shirt was off and he was seeing hallucinations all over his skin that he thought was blood and cuts and glass. Swim then looks in the mirror to look at his chest to see if hes really cut and even though what he sees seems to be beyond abstraction, he doesnt see the red and can tell that he is not and is very relieved.
this is where the tables began to turn for the positive. after the purge and looking into the mirror, swim looked into the toilet at all the red mess he had thrown up and it was just morphing and shifting and changing with all sorts of designs and no matter how much he concentrated on it, it wouldnt stay the same shape or form for more than a second. anyways, at this point the nausea was completely gone and swim was beginning to feel amazing and euphoric and was still experiencing HEAVY OEVs,
in a show of relief, swim closed his eyes for a moment and that is when he briefly encountered an entity. swim told me that he felt the entity was telling him he wasnt happy about the mixing of the opiates and the spice and didnt seem to be happy about the taking of any opiates in general because they are bad for swim body. so swim felt like th entity came into his body and was what made him throw up to purge the opiates/toxins.
this entity seemed to be concerned with the actual health of swims body and once the toxins were purged, the entity left, but instead of just vanishing swim actually felt him say "your welcome" in some sort of universal language before he parted.
and right at that moment the vibe completely shifted to a very positive feeling. it was like i had just been blessed or healed by some loving spirit and i had actually communicated with this being and we had an understanding. With the positive shift in head space also came a complete positive shift in visuals from blood and glass to rainbows of color and patterns and shapes and waves of energy and warmth.
At about this time swim was past the peak and beginning to descend back to earth slowly with persisting CEV's and OEV's that were out of this world and a feeling of universal love. Once he remembered drinking the kool-aid and that there never was any blood he still wasnt sure if he may have accidental dropped the bong during all of that, so he hurriedly opened the door to the bathroom and ran into the next room to find the bong sitting pretty and safe right on the desk.
This put a huge grin on swims face and he was very relieved nothing had happened to it.
Swim truly feels that some kind of spirit/entity just literally healed him.
this was an incredibly meaningful learning experience for swim.
Spice from the bong is most definitely out of this world.
Swim feels that he just had his ass handed to him, but in a good way
All above posts are absolutely fictional and have nothing to do with actual reality whatsoever.
If you are waiting for "that moment", that moment is now.