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A report relayed by some friends of a very unusual journey last night: "Wots Isname" wrote:After a nice day out in the early May sun, we met up with an old friend who was back from out of town for the weekend. We split up, went home to chill out, later joining him and others for drinks and dancing at an after-party. Following the end of the party it was decided to follow our friend on to the house where he was staying for the night.
After an hour or so alcohol was running out so we went home to bring back alcohol supplies, MDMA and weed. I also grabbed some spice, planning on a little low-dose fun and we ambled back. On getting back we continued smoking, drinking, lines of K and a few of coke. I lit up the first pipe with a fair-sized dose of the spice and layed back to admire the beauty of it all. After landing back on earth my girlfriend and another guest at the house decided to have a pipe too, so I reloaded the pipe with about 0.1g for the three of us to share. After one toke the other guest decided against smoking more, so my girlfriend and I had another toke each and put the pipe down.
We had relatively similar doses of the spice and from my point of view while the experience was on the strong end of things, it certainly wasn't on the outer limits of the spice experience.
My girlfriend seemed to be having a good trip, was giggling a lot at first, but after a while we noticed that she was gyrating and the movements were becoming more pronounced. She found it rather amusing at first, but after a while started to find the lack of control rather frustrating. She occasionally managed to grab back control over her movements but was thrown into a spin several more times that had such force that she ended up on the guest sitting next to her or on the floor. 10 minutes into the journey the spinning effect subsided and slightly freaked out, my girlfriend moved closer to me to sit in my arms. Effects for me were lessening, but still fairly strong. She suddenly lifted up her right arm, her hand waved about and flung itself off to the right. Over the next 10 minutes this happened about 15 or 20 more times. She had no control at all over her arm and felt that an unseen force, 'something', seemed to be trying to pull her away. The only way I could find to stop her arm flying off was to hold her tighter, pinning her arm to her side.
After 20 minutes we started to make our way back to earth, rather stunned by the very unusual effects seen on this trip. My girlfriend felt that she would not be able to smoke the spice again if she felt these effects again so decided to take another hit. Luckily the invisible force that seemed intent on throwing her round the room was not apparent with the next dose so she had a rather more enjoyable journey and landed happy, although still rather blown away and a little scared by her previous experience.
We've both psychedelic explorers for close to 20 years and have seen some very strange things but neither us or any of our friends with us last night have seen anything like this before. We're rather blown away.
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 341 Joined: 15-Oct-2009 Last visit: 11-Oct-2012
Oh jeeze!! Possessed by the spice! That sounds really really heavy and scary. Probably a very intense experience  . Prolly a land-mark in your psyche career I am sure? Cool read thanks for sharing!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2354 Joined: 24-Jan-2010 Last visit: 21-Jun-2012 Location: Massachusetts
Has happened to SWIM. She typically blasts off with her feet hanging over the side of the bed. Returning from a breakthrough, an entity hung around and started moving each leg straight out, one after another, and then both at the same time. She thought it ridiculously funny and called the roommate in to see as well. Nothing seemed malevolent; all in good fun, really. PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms