Dual trip reports. That place, the truth, the core. Options
#1 Posted : 4/7/2010 5:24:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey everyone, heres my 2 last trip reports. Ive had incredible experiences which are making me realizing a lot of things.

Here they are :


DMT unknown amount vaporized

Entering the trip everything happened fast. Things happened which I do not remember.

Then all of a sudden I was in a orange painted room where there was a crack in the wall. I
navigated around to enter the crack.

I found myself in a weird octogonal which was yellow and brown. At the center of it was a rotating
cube/object. It felt familiar to me. It then hit me: I had been there before. But it was at the
peak of my iboga trip, just before I was tripping so hard I fell unconscious. A second after I
realized this I saw a figure of a man meditating in this room I knew it was Mr iboga.

Then I decided to hear was was going on. In one ear I was hearing distracting music but in the
other there was a deep voice speaking to me all the time. It was talking in a weird monotonic
language. Focussing on that I saw who was talking to me, all went black and I saw a big head
(seemingly made of 2 cube/object) which was part hay, part fur, part grass etc. It looked a bit
like Andros, as was mentionned in other trip reports.

It was talking to me, I thought it maybe was reprogramming me.

I had the realization that I breakthroughted on iboga but I just didnt remember it. The trip which
I thought had failed was a success. Maybe I didnt have the last phase or maybe Since the trip Ive
made major life decision, all in favor of a more ecological and human lifestyle. Ive also become
more tolerant and aware of how I was/am judging people all the time.

So the spice allowed me to go back to the iboga land and bring back what had to be brought back.

Then all of a sudden I was in a plastic bubble. I felt the pressure of the plastic upon me and
outside the plastic bubble were people spitting on the bubble and laughing at me. It didnt disturb
me at all.

So far the ''Surrender'' mentality had been very helpful. Then I felt myself being thrown in the
lava and in other weird scenes.

At the same time I was making rationalizations like ''its funny'', ''I love that trip'', ''Its not
happening for real'', ''Ill be fine''...then it hit me, eureka: I AM

I AM.... I dont need to realize or rationalization anything. I AM. It justifies my place in the
universe. Like the iboga guy, the other dimensions, the planete, the people I love, I AM.

Food for thought.


DMT unknown amount vaporized

I had a prevaporized DMT bag (from Voodoo vaporizer), as I was taking the spice in I saw my Caapi
leaves bag breath, strange I thought.

Then I entered a big room which I have a seen on other trips as well as on my iboga trip. Its black
and white, theres things flying by and the sound of the carrier wave. I stayed there for a while,
not knowing of being there would teach me something (but it was very fun). Then I began to be in
weird situations that could have been scary if I would have resisted. I decided to get out of such
place by focusing on the core of my being. As I learned from last trip; I AM. So focused on that
and rose above the lower realm it seamt. But then it began to be weird again and I realized that I
had just used an escape mechanism and it had seamt to work but only because the spice decided so.
And by showing weird stuff again when I thought I had risen up from it made me understand DMT was
still in control.

Then I began to come down and I saw the door to this strange world close off.

Talking with my brother I realize those trips might want to teach to be more ''in the now'' in real

I don't know. I really wanted to go back after this but I didnt want to abuse the spice so I
decided not to. Afterward I was offered so weed which I refused quite easily (something that is
normally harder to).

I have to admit that Im very excited to work with the Spice teacher.

Its gonna be hard ''not'' to think too much about my journeys.

I still don't know if I broketrought. But I do know its not important to know or to focus on that
now. Let the spice teach.

Oh and something weird : I knew I had a spirit in my appartment because of many encounters with it
but last week Ive been haunted like crazy. Im normally skeptical towards those thing but last week,
I saw it while sober, felt it agains my door, my brother and my girlfriend had encounters with it
too, etc. etc. And I make nightmares everynight about possessions almost everynight since a few
months ago.

Anyhow, 3 journeys ago while I was coming down from my spice trip I began to sense a wave of fear
on my left side. And I knew it was there. I felt it. Fear began to spread within me. It was as if I
was broadcasting it unwillingly because of it. So I decided to counter-attack and I began to think
of all the people I love in my life and to feel that love. I became like an antenna broadcasting
love and that thing went away. Love made it flee out of my room.

Im either becoming crazy or Im seriously opening up my senses these days. Or maybe both :-)

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#2 Posted : 4/7/2010 7:48:12 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I'd be very happy to have such a teacher. When I'm in doubt, just dive in and look for answers. Learn to listen. Sounds too good to be true. Sad

It's so cool that you could get back to your iboga trip with DMT. It sounds like having left something in that other dimension and going back for it. Smile And that part about realizing that you in fact *broke through* on iboga, you just forgot it... and then get back to the exact point and complete the "gestalt", whatever... it's just so soothing, so good that such things are possible in these worlds. It really feels like a healing process.

But there is one thing which made me alert:

And I make nightmares everynight about possessions almost everynight since a few months ago.

Why is that? Do you have a clue? Is this still happening?
#3 Posted : 4/7/2010 9:05:44 AM


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very nice post, it seems the molecule has helped you pursue focus on your life while fascinate you with the "higher" one. dissolve the materialistic world, delve in the spiritual one!
"That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
#4 Posted : 4/7/2010 2:51:14 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for your answers guys. Cellux, yeah its weird and Id say it happens almost every 2 nights. Its been happening for almost a year now.

Im not a horror movie fan nor am I playing Ouija. But Im a professional hypnotist and Ive had a few strange cases where I had to deal with malevolent part/spirit within my clients and expelling them (to my client's demand). So maybe one of em has stuck to me.

I don't know, but Im pretty sure that whats in my appartment is whats causing me those weird nightmares. After a year of being skeptic but experiencing so many strange things in my appartment I have to go with Ocam's razor and accept it might be real...

And it really seems that that thing wants us to fear it.

Strangely enough since I encountered in on my dmt trip and made it flee away by being pure love I havent had any nightmare yet. Hope its gone.

2 years ago, if I would have read whats I just wrote Id think ''what a bunch of new agy naive crap''. Its funny how we change.

cellux wrote:

But there is one thing which made me alert:

And I make nightmares everynight about possessions almost everynight since a few months ago.

Why is that? Do you have a clue? Is this still happening?

#5 Posted : 4/7/2010 3:04:09 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Strangely enough since I encountered in on my dmt trip and made it flee away by being pure love I havent had any nightmare yet. Hope its gone.

I'm happy to hear that.
#6 Posted : 4/7/2010 3:11:43 PM

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Fascinating report, thanks for sharing. Its interesting man, as from your initial Iboga report, it sounded very much to me like you had broken through, but you hadn't realized it. Its great that the spice has confirmed that for you. It may be that the introspective phase was cut short when you vomited, I'm not sure. But I do know that Iboga stays with you for some time after the experience, and some of the changes you have made also sound Iboga related.

With regards to having a possibly malevolent spirit in residence, have you considered smudging with sage? Its not something I pretend to know much about or have any experience of, but it is meant to be a good technique for clearing energies from a space. Can't hurt to try I guess. And yeah it is funny how we change. Wink
#7 Posted : 4/7/2010 3:51:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I think you're right. The iboga trip's introspective phase might have been cut short because I vomited but Iboga still had gifts to offer me. I might do it again though.

As far as smudging with sage, it has already been done thorougly and didnt work. But Ive heard that sage doesnt clean off powerful spirits. Supposedly you then have to use Epsom salt. Im gonna bring an exorcism professional to my appartment and see what happens.
#8 Posted : 4/7/2010 7:07:46 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Great stuff. nice twists to it, as life is Pleased

where does one go about obtaining iboga if i may ask?

hope your nightmare situation gets worked out, although dreams can show you alot.. even if they are bad, there may be a reason (as im sure you know)
The D M T is in your mind.
#9 Posted : 4/8/2010 1:56:46 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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What a fascinating thing to have happened! As others have said, it's amazing how a chunk of your Iboga experience was brought back through your spice journey. I read your Iboga experience and am glad to hear you reaping the benefits from it.

Keep us updated on the haunting issue. Would be cool if your love energy actually got it to go away.

#10 Posted : 4/8/2010 3:53:41 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Awesome Hypnos. Really glad to hear that the positive life changes have continued, and that you've received invitation back into that world.
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