Carrier retraction Options
#1 Posted : 4/5/2010 3:16:28 AM

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SWIM has taken up changa lately and it has revolutionized her relationship to hyperspace.

She also decided to take up Antrocles proposal that focusing on the carrier-wave brings the most value in working with the spice.

Her first several attempts at this revealed the smoothest and most stable transition to hyperspace that she has ever experienced.

Deepening work in this area has brought some very interesting phenomenon up. Antrocles had mentioned that he has had very visual journeys where the carrier-wave did not appear, and he felt they did not have the same impact. SWIM had noticed this previous to focusing specifically on the carrier, and still has no idea what conditions impact the appearance of the carrier-wave.

This evening, she had an amazing journey with the carrier wave and it retracted, saying the evening's work had ended. She saw how much changa remained and decided to journey back in. She took in a much higher dose than the first, and had extremely intense CEV and OEV, with no body load. Since she has a low tolerance, it seems like this should have shot her straight into hyperspace. Instead, she had a pretty show, with nothing gained or lost.

Since adopting the perspective on journeying appropriate to her, she has had hyperspace refuse entry, even on a fairly large dose. This experience presents the first time she had such intense psychedelic effects from the Spice without accompanying entheogenic aspects. YMMV, but her experience suggests great value in experimenting with focusing on the carrier wave to the exclusion of all else as much as possible.

Has anyone else had the experience of taking in enough of the physical molecule and having hyperspace determine now is not the time?
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#2 Posted : 4/5/2010 3:28:48 AM

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Hi ragabr,

Thank you for this post. This is a topic that fascinates me no end. And I cannot for the life of me figure it out. Dose, set/setting, previous journeys, something going on from within hyperspace itself?

I just don't know. Sometimes I breakthrough on 25-30 mg, sometimes it takes much more and sometimes a single hit on 1/2 strength changa feels like an OD.

I also will see if I can focus more on the carrier wave, which I find to be very synesthetic, and see what this brings . . .

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#3 Posted : 4/5/2010 3:36:51 AM

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Thank you Pandora! Very glad to hear others have experienced this interesting phenomenon.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#4 Posted : 4/5/2010 2:04:51 PM

polyfather anomalous

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Thank you for bringing this up, ragabr. I've been very consistently frustrated in attempts to enter into hyperspace. I'd been using a Syrian Rue-Spice combination for the past few months, and I keep meeting the same "entity", basically this man who stares back at me and seems very interested in what he sees. He seems almost like an envoy from hyperspace coming to check me out.

Now I'm working with a changa preparation of Spice, Pau d'Arco, Caapi, passionflower, and peppermint, and it's very beautiful, but I still feel that something is preventing me from greater access. I'll post longer reports about my recent work with this changa prep, but yesterday I prepared for an Easter session where the goal was to keep inhaling until I could no longer. The carrier wave started - it always seems like a real sound that's off in the distance, like a high-pitched whine, or sometimes a deeper sound like rushing water. I was laying on my back in a bed of pine needles, and as I inhaled on the joint (hand-rolled changa-rette) this same man appeared behind the eyelids, first just starting back, but as I continued to inhale he began to dance around the joint, in between my lips, like a cowboy, obviously very excited about the Spice. It was the same "Man" I encountered with Rue/Spice, but this time he behaved differently, much more excitedly. Unfortunately I once again burned some of the Spice, and had to abort the experience.
This was the first time I consciously tried to ride the carrier wave, and apparently I was rejected. I just realized that the strange "Harmala Man" began to dance like a cowboy inside and around my lips just as I became aware of the carrier wave and tried to "surf" it, as if he was mirroring my intent with his very strange behavior.

The past five or so journeys have undertaken have been with the intent to "cross over", but every time I've been prevented by either burnt Spice, or on a couple of occasions, the "Voice of Spice" forcefully spoke and said that I'd had enough Spice for this time, after a couple of inhales. Usually when this "Voice" speaks, it says to continue inhaling, more and more, so I obeyed when it said to stop. It's clear to me there's some sort of intelligence that's very much Other, and that we're being brought into contact with via inhalation of Spice.

Have any of you encountered this "Voice of Spice" that has consistently been there since my very first intake of Spice? It's usually a very deep man's voice, and I've always obeyed what it said to do.

Any other tips on riding the carrier wave out? Or speculations on why I keep getting denied entry to "Hyperspace"?
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#5 Posted : 4/5/2010 6:06:12 PM

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The voice of the spice phenomenon you mention, seems very familiar. SWIM's has just started experience auditory effects the last three journeys. Previous to this, communications and the carrier wave could only be felt. For her, the stop/continue communications took the form of a light pressure, like a hand in the middle of the chest suggesting "not now" or the feeling of people waving "come on in".

Does the changa have a 1:1 ratio of herb to spice? Since it's changa, once you have it cherried you do not have to worry about burning the spice; unless you're getting signals to stop, SWIM wouldn't worry about that issue. Do you smoke MJ regularly, or take any psychoactive medications? In an MJ thread, some people reported even MJ use the night previously preventing them from breaking through; others have had no such problem. I have read reports where Xanax helped journeys and others where it completely prevented breakthrough, even at very high doses of spice.

Also, when working with straight freebase spice, SWIM had a lot of panic issues. She would think that the spice told her no more, and later decide she had talked herself out of it. She decided to use the I Ching to communicate with the spice, and ask its opinion before journeying. That way, if she had received a fortuitous answer, she would ignore any messages saying to hold back after starting the countdown.

I take the prevalence of the carrier-wave, along with regular appearance of a guide as good signs for your journeys. Since the spice has always had a very forgiving nature with SWIM, perhaps, when the stars are aright, you could load up a bong with 40-50mgs of spice worth of changa and take clear it in 3 pulls.

If that doesn't work, step it up some. SWIM has very hard time judging dosage amounts for others, since taking 30mgs too quickly takes her too far.

I hope that this has helped some, you have my best wishes.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#6 Posted : 4/5/2010 6:51:59 PM

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Well done on getting round to trying Changa.

I have often been refused entry, even on very high doses. As a result I have learned to know what my intent is and what I want from the Spice. Now I blast through, always. Sometimes though I am told the lesson is over and 'let's go to your dimension and feel the love there' at which point my eyes are opened and I am left with the most beautiful love and visuals here. I see the spirits in everything and it fills me with laughter and amazement.

Electric Sheep and Golden Temporal in particular join me here for part of my journey.

I usually load 100-140mg 1:1 Changa in the bowl, which I am able to clear in one long pull. I have a GVG, but I swear by the bong. As for the voices, I get those, I also get a feeling as if something is physically willing me or forcing me to finish the bowl. I get sucked in to sucking in before I get sucked in and blasted away, kind of thing ;-)

Great reports Ragabr.

Peace in mind, Love in heart
#7 Posted : 4/5/2010 9:32:25 PM

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Thank you ghostman! Very interesting to hear that getting your intention straight allows you to blast through every time. SWIM has only tried Electric sheep once, and didn't seem to get much from it. She couldn't remember if she made a three dose batch or a five dose batch and so just put in 1/5th of what she made. She'll try it again soon.

Be well!
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#8 Posted : 4/5/2010 10:50:56 PM

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Very intersting write up here.

Recently I've been having absolutely no recolection of my journey.

After I hit the dose I can see the begining of hyperspace but then it all just goes blank. After a few minutes il open my eyes and see what's going on, then il close them again and have some nice jimjam fueled visuals.

I wonder weather this has anything to do with the occasional joint that I've been smoking or weather hyperspace is denying me entry?
#9 Posted : 4/6/2010 7:24:26 PM

polyfather anomalous

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ragabr wrote:

Does the changa have a 1:1 ratio of herb to spice? Do you smoke MJ regularly, or take any psychoactive medications?

She decided to use the I Ching to communicate with the spice, and ask its opinion before journeying. That way, if she had received a fortuitous answer, she would ignore any messages saying to hold back after starting the countdown.

I take the prevalence of the carrier-wave, along with regular appearance of a guide as good signs for your journeys...

I hope that this has helped some, you have my best wishes.

Oh very helpful and interesting, thank you ragabr and the rest! I also use Wilhelm's I Ching to communicate with Spice. The first time I asked about developing a relationship with Spice, and the answer was #4, "Youthful Folly", which I first interpreted as a sign NOT to continue with the Spice, but when I read deeper, I realized the hexagram is about developing a relationship with a teacher; both the Ching and the Spice have since become profound teachers for me. The second time I asked a more general question about how to learn from Spice, and the answer was #43, "Break-Through (Resoluteness)"!

The changa has approximately 1:1 ratio, I'll be able to do it more precisely next time. I do smoke MJ regularly, and am planning to take a break (conveniently timed with a brief period of acute poverty and travels) to work exclusively with Spice.

Also the hyper-cowboy Harmala Man doesn't seem to be a Guide as other people have used the term. He's always just very very interested in looking right back at me, like he's as puzzled and amused by me as I am by him. I plan to ask him for assistance in seeing more of Hyperspace next time we're staring at each other.

I don't think I'll be working with pure Spice again, as what people have said about Caapi and the special presence in her has proven very accurate.

Just curious, Ghostman, what are your intentions when approaching Spice? I always ask for any wisdom it can provide, but I think I am going to start asking it what it can show me. I'm very curious about Hyperspace; how could I not be given the apparent "envoys" who have come to check me out and extract information. I very much want to see and know where they come from.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#10 Posted : 4/6/2010 9:02:36 PM

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Just replying to the OP - last night I also had a very auditory journey; up to this point I am always aware of sounds, but last night was very different. As Antrocles reported a few weeks back, it seemed to almost be a language, like it was communicating with me; I just couldn't understand what the message was. But the presence of clear audio seems to be a gateway to another place in hyperspace. Different level of engagement.

I feel I've been trained in how to travel in hyperspace, by hyperspace.

It involves not just clarity of intention and emptiness of mind, but a posture of gratefulness; a physical posture. I sit half lotus, with hands together in thanks. I have also been taught how to 'see backwards' ie see in 360 degrees, and change the place I'm in sometimes, by moving my awareness to the left, right or up through the top of my head. I have found so far this helps immensely in traversing the vast waves of withinity with greater peace.

The journey last night was pretty hairy; my new changa (which is an interesting blend of blue lotus/calea/caapi and rooibos tea which, as a result of the very deep-voiced purple ancient snake-man I met, I'm calling 'deep purple' ... I digress) anyway, this blend is much stronger than the previous batch, and journeys that come on this strong usually scare the shit out of me ... the way in was pure electric zipzap, (usually a sign I've had too mcuh or there's something not quite rigth with the spice... ) but using the navigation techniques as showed to me, I was able to navigate an angry gatekeeper and surf the terrifyingly intense quantum information tsunami.

Worth trying.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#11 Posted : 4/6/2010 9:16:17 PM

polyfather anomalous

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88 wrote:
I feel I've been trained in how to travel in hyperspace, by hyperspace.

The journey last night was pretty hairy; my new changa (which is an interesting blend of blue lotus/calea/caapi and rooibos tea which, as a result of the very deep-voiced purple ancient snake-man I met, I'm calling 'deep purple' ... I digress) anyway, this blend is much stronger than the previous batch, and journeys that come on this strong usually scare the shit out of me ... the way in was pure electric zipzap, (usually a sign I've had too mcuh or there's something not quite rigth with the spice... ) but using the navigation techniques as showed to me, I was able to navigate an angry gatekeeper and surf the terrifyingly intense quantum information tsunami.

Worth trying.

Don't know what OP stands for (Original Poster?) but you just answered a lot of my questions, thank you. Have you explored rooibos tea in other changa's a wonderful tea, I'll add it to my next try at changa.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#12 Posted : 4/6/2010 9:50:55 PM

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ragabr wrote:
Has anyone else had the experience of taking in enough of the physical molecule and having hyperspace determine now is not the time?

Yes. 200mg spice + 300mg THH once took me nowhere, for 6 hours.

At the beginning, as i felt myself swirling up the outline of a very VERY menacing entity blocked the way, my anxiety shot up for no reason and i nearly instantly vomited.

I kept getting the image of a little kid jumping up and down under a large heavy table.
"Stay down" and stop hurting yourself was the idea. HOWEVER, over the next few hours i could feel hyperspace come and go WITH the various shadows coming to visit me. This was very interesting because my head would be dark and swimming, and then out of nowhere i'd sense an entity, the music, and tons of "dark hyperspace outlines," and then everything would disappear again once they left.

I get the "all done" feeling alot too.

@ 88: Yes I've heard the alien languages too! I have no idea what They're saying. and yes, we indeed must learn to surf.
#13 Posted : 4/6/2010 11:51:39 PM

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Sorry to be the noob boob, but wtf is a carrier wave? Wink
#14 Posted : 4/7/2010 1:43:46 AM

polyfather anomalous

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Xenogears, there's a definition in the Lexicon, also there's a Carrier Wave thread, good stuff:

Acolyte wrote:

Yes. 200mg spice + 300mg THH once took me nowhere, for 6 hours.

I get the "all done" feeling alot too.

@ 88: Yes I've heard the alien languages too! I have no idea what They're saying. and yes, we indeed must learn to surf.

Acolyte, wow, your story confirms this impression I get that I am being blocked entry, and that the "Harmala Man" who frequently visits as I close my eyes and inhale is just checking me out, and is as fascinated with what he's seeing as I am with what I'm seeing. During my last failed attempt (once again due to burnt Spice issues, even though I'm using changa) he was dancing around my lips as I inhaled, producing a very ecstatic feeling. I've gathered that he's an "envoy" from Hyperspace, coming to check me out and probe me. The next time I encounter him, I'm going to ask if I can see where he comes from.

I've also heard "alien languages", in fact several times I heard it, both from the same magical batch of Oregonian P. cubensis. As the Magic Blue Psilocybian Rocket Ships took effect I literally heard a radio tune into my brain with this stunningly beautiful, ethereal alien saintly children's choir coming through. At one point the drum line went into a different, sped-up time signature, and the child-saint choir quickly caught up. I figure it had something to do with increased amounts of psilocybin/psilocin bombarding my serotonin receptors; I wonder if there's a connection between the Carrier Wave phenomenon and the alien language phenomena.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#15 Posted : 4/7/2010 2:35:30 AM

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Thank you so much for all of the input!

88, I had made some straight electric sheep, and been putting Caapi leaf on top, when starting out. Very much like this idea of just putting them all together. Could you share a bit of your progression to this posture of gratefulness?

Acolyte! Wow, that sounds like a huge dose to me! I definitely know the feeling of hyperspace spiraling in and away.

lysergify, I will have to look back at my records, but I believe that I have heard the carrier-wave on high doses of mushrooms.
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#16 Posted : 4/7/2010 2:52:14 AM

John Murdoch IV

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Have I heard anyone say the carrier wave sometimes sounds like police sirens? I had a sub breakthrough but very close to a breakthrough trip earlier tonight and the carrier wave sounded very much like police sirens in my head at a time. And when I came out of it I thought I heard someone say that somewhere here on the Nexus.

But I've experienced a carrier wave sometimes when falling asleep. And then I feel like I'm floating out of my body but it just starts but never goes further Sad But it's almost the same sound and feeling I get often after smoking DMT. But the one I get when falling asleep is not as high pitched, it's a bit deeper but I feel a very powerful vibration in my nerves.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#17 Posted : 4/7/2010 3:09:30 AM

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SWIM has confused the carrier-wave for a siren before.

Did you have these experiences with falling asleep before beginning your journeys? Fascinating thoughts.
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#18 Posted : 4/7/2010 3:36:11 AM

John Murdoch IV

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ragabr wrote:
SWIM has confused the carrier-wave for a siren before.

Did you have these experiences with falling asleep before beginning your journeys? Fascinating thoughts.

Yes I experienced this before I tripped on anything in my life. But it happens very seldom. Sometimes years pass and this never happens but then there are sometimes months where this happens more frequently.
And I've always felt this was taking me somewhere so I've always tried to just relax and try to float with the wave but I've never succeeded.

Maybe some day this wave will take me somewhere Smile Hopefully Razz

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#19 Posted : 4/7/2010 9:17:20 AM

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Have any of you encountered this "Voice of Spice" that has consistently been there since my very first intake of Spice? It's usually a very deep man's voice, and I've always obeyed what it said to do.

Yes, but it got weaker of the last months...weaker and weaker.

What if Hyperspace is "full" and they don't want to have more "intruders" to come and visit their realm? I also never heard the carrier wave...maybe one time, a tinnitus like tone. But that's it.
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