A fictional dialog from the soon to come book on Changa...
The other night SWIMS brother in arms,no stranger to the way of smoke learned an interesting lesson while a tired swim went in and out of exhausted awareness... The brother smoked and paced and was not breaking through, he pointed out that he felt he had to much of an utilitarian perspective and that for some reason might be getting in the way...
SWIM focused and sleepily went into teacher mode...SWIMS wolfy... cant help it...
"Your not treating the changa as a person." your treating it as a tool, thats how your relating to it so thats how its relating to you... If changa was a human being that could do what it does to you when you smoke it, what kinda person would that be?"
" A really magical, powerful person, wise beyond words and totally incredible, a person that wants to help me, teach me, guide me and heal me."
" Right so why would you "use" that person? HOW could you use a person so powerful?" Your entering into a relationship with this person that is changa... your asking it for something... how many interaction with another person do you have where you ask someone to do something for you with out offering them something in return? with out there being reciprocity?"
"Rarely if ever."
"Right, and how many people do you ask for help from and then not listen to them, or treat them as if they are mute and unable to speak to you? Do you ask a teacher a question and then refuse to listen? The entire experience visuals every sensation is communication, unless your so closed down your only talking to your self. Try it again open up and listen, offer this powerful person some thing in return, even if its just your commitment to the moment and your ability to learn and heal."
The brother in arms traveled the way of smoke again... this time he was calm, you could see the immersion in that special space come over him. He faced an alter int he house with a full spectrum light and plant over it... he raised his arms and arched his back... his breathing became intentional, he looked open and receiving in his posture...
he remained in that space for some time and lowered his arms and faced his brother in arms...
"How was that?"
I could hear its voice! It spoke to me! it instructed me to face the light and open up to it... to allow it into me and to hold it there, to hold that light within me. It was wonderful! I heard its voice,it told me what to do, it was such a quite and guiding voice, with such simple instruction!"
"Had you never heard that voice from ayahuasca before or changa?"
"No never, I've never experienced anything like that... Ive felt guiding forces and presences communicating with me before, but never a voice."
"That is what makes this medicine very helpful and very unique. Aya will do this too, it will speak to you. This is why they call it a plant teacher."
"I really have to thank you man... I had never really thought of how I was relating to these medicines before."
"I am just glad you heard the voice."
Many times swim will ask people to ask a question after the effects come on and then just listen and pay attention to a response. People are often times shocked and totally blown away. One imaginary person has taken too sharing this experience with other people asking them to do the same... "this smoke will speak to you, it will answer your questions, guide you, heal you and teach you! Its aware and will respond to your needs!"
Ayahuasca has this reputation, its been helping people to see that there is an intelligence in nature that there is something that people have come to call spirit.
The experience of listening to this medicine changes peoples lives...
Gracie and Zarkov in their early experiments on smoking DMT while under the influence of harmala alkaloids gathered from passionflower, rue or caapi where highly focused on what they called the voice phenomena. This was the experience that they where attempting to create, and did so successfully with all three plants. It is very easy to miss this vice phenomena when one is not listening, or allowing the experience to guide them... those that walk infront of the medicine do not allow it to guide them. What this means is that their expectations,intentions and even beliefs about what can happen influences their experience. They are in control... when one gives up that control one begins work in synergy with the plants, with life, with spirit, with something mush larger then them but includes them, and a change begins deep within them... that is felt through out that which includes them but is somuch larger.
If you have not asked and listened to this smoke... try it... ask and then pay attention, open up... commune and see what happens...
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.
Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/