Pure mesc compared to tea/resin Options
#1 Posted : 3/6/2010 6:16:02 PM

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Hey all. Swim has only had one cactus experience with 12" of Achuma from BBB. When people compared cacti to MDMA it wasn't what he expected it to be. The visuals were nice but something about it made him very tired with no feelings of euphoria. He was even yawning during a pretty lights show!! Maybe he should do a pure mesc HCl extraction next time around. Would anyone like to compare their experiences?

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 3/6/2010 6:43:15 PM


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while SWIM has not tried pure-pure mescaline, only extracted alkaloids from san pedro.

San pedro brews was pretty sedating and so were the extracted alkaloids to a slightly lesser extent.
He tried achuma and it was slightly sedating as well.

He has worked largely with peruvian torch brews and it if it is made and consumed properly then there is very little nausea and the experience is very stimulating. Actually it is SO stimulating at the larger doses he became restless. He used passionflower (a mild sedative) to very successfully combat it.

SWIM doesn't have a lot of time to write now, just know that torch is almost pure mescaline, unlike achuma and san pedro and it is highly recommended.
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

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#3 Posted : 3/9/2010 5:01:44 AM

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Thanks. swims got some pedro coming in and he plans to get some pure goodies out of it. Nice helmet btw I ride too.
#4 Posted : 3/13/2010 10:03:50 PM

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q21q21 wrote:

He has worked largely with peruvian torch brews and it if it is made and consumed properly then there is very little nausea and the experience is very stimulating. Actually it is SO stimulating at the larger doses he became restless. He used passionflower (a mild sedative) to very successfully combat it.

SWIM doesn't have a lot of time to write now, just know that torch is almost pure mescaline, unlike achuma and san pedro and it is highly recommended.

What do you consider to be the correct way to make and consume? I have just bought 120g of Torch and it would seem that the resin TEK is the way to go. However, I'm still unclear on what is the best TEK to use and even less clear on what the dosage should be for two fairly experienced psychedelic drug users who have no experience with Torch.


#5 Posted : 3/13/2010 10:20:46 PM


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SWIM's gonna make a pictorial when he decides to brew again, but here is SWIM's brewing method. It should have equal or greater potency than resin.

SWIM's experience in brewing has taught him 1 bit of truth.

Mescaline is MUCH more soluble in WATER than cactus goo.

The secret is to NOT use a sock and squeeze the goo out, all that is needed is a gentle decanting through a metal sifter.
There will be a little bit of sediment that will settle, that can be filtered or just decanted off later.

SWIM is still working out the solublity, though it was all done with dried flesh, could be different with fresh (but the fresh could be dried anyway)

Boiling water or Near-boiling is the best, it will not destroy the alkaloids, but there is NO NEED to simmer. Just use a container and add boiling water from a pot/kettle
(Hot tap water can be used for a very slightly less gooey product, but the amount to drink will be much higher)

Anyway the dried cactus will gooify loke 15-20ml/g of dried cactus.

Once there is a clearly a layer water above the cactus goo then the brewing can be started.
2-3 pulls of 10-15ml per g of cactus should be plenty for 99% (SWIM guesses) of the alkaloids.

Simply add the "pull" of boiling water atop the cactus goo then stir well several times over 1-2 hours.
LET THE MIX SETTLE, so the layers are very clear then gentle pour off the top layer.

Repeat the above step 2-3 times total (3 is best)

With each pull there is a CLEAR difference in color,
3:greeny/yellow with a hint of red
4:greeny yellow (no red alkloids left)

This is a non-reduction method so it is best to do so that way.

The brew is really still almost as nasty as simmered brews but it will be clear and just a tiny bit gelatinous instead of opaque and snotty.

SWIM's experience with it gave a cleaner and MORE intense experience compared to simmered brews AND dried cactus plain.

Also note that as dose increases, nausea increase much faster, split the brew in 2 or 3 consume 20-40 minutes apart, you'll be happy you did.

As for dose: (For SWIM)
10g is just above threshold
20g is very active but non-visual (except when trying to go to sleep, CEVs come out then)
30g is strong and mildly visual and extremely stimulating, almost too much
40g with passionflower tea 2 times throughout the trip was moderately visual and since the passionflower neutralized the mass stimulation it was less intense than the 30g

SWIM's threshold for visuals and psychedelics is medium/high so he recommends no more than 25g for the first try, some get full visuals off of 15g.
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs

#6 Posted : 3/13/2010 10:33:10 PM

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Pure mescaline's nice, but I'm finding that I'm very much enjoying peruvian torch resin. The effect is more or less the same but I prefer the slow dosing with the resin.

It's got to be a really slow cook and an even slower evap to get the best results though.
#7 Posted : 3/13/2010 11:23:05 PM

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soulfood wrote:
Pure mescaline's nice, but I'm finding that I'm very much enjoying peruvian torch resin. The effect is more or less the same but I prefer the slow dosing with the resin.

It's got to be a really slow cook and an even slower evap to get the best results though.

I was thinking of the doing the following. This would be for 2 first time users with resin:

Freeze 100g of torch pieces in the freezer for 24 - 48 hours.

Cook the frozen pieces for approx 8 hours on a heat just below boiling.

Possibly reduce a bit if necessary, but otherwise reduce to a resin using a desk fan.

Put in capsules and divide between 2 people.

My only other experience with cacti involved 110mg of acetate that made me feel very wired and uncomfortable. If possible I wish to avoid this with the resin. I think the problem with the acetate is I under dosed. I'm hoping that 100g for 2 people, prepared using the procedure above will not be an under dose.


#8 Posted : 3/13/2010 11:25:05 PM

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That's all fine except it's faster and not too much of an issue to evap in an oven at 140f and you won't be needing capsules as you can roll the resin into cap sized lumps.
#9 Posted : 3/13/2010 11:41:34 PM

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soulfood wrote:
That's all fine except it's faster and not too much of an issue to evap in an oven at 140f and you won't be needing capsules as you can roll the resin into cap sized lumps.

I don't mind reducing using heat, but I'd read that this was bad and could weaken the resin as mescaline can degrade quite considerably when applying heat.

When you say it can be 'rolled into cap sized lumps', do you just swallow these. What are you method of ingestion?



#10 Posted : 3/13/2010 11:44:24 PM

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I just eat the resin as is.

Also the heat thing isn't too much of an issue as long as you use a lower heat once the liquid starts to thicken, then it's more about spreading it about and adding slight heat or a fan.
#11 Posted : 3/14/2010 12:00:28 AM

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This would be for 2 first time users with resin:

Freeze 100g of torch pieces

Just for your reference; my last extraction of acetate from 100 grams of PT yielded 1.750 grams Shocked

That would be 875mg a piece for two people; a fairly hefty doseStop

You definitely would not be underdosing with that; take off your hat to make room for your mindSmile


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'till I make you happy, too Pleased

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#12 Posted : 4/1/2010 6:19:53 AM


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pretty lights are gonna be here soon, i have a foot ready to go!

check some bassnectar
#13 Posted : 4/1/2010 6:23:42 AM


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SWIM has found decreased potency when boiling heavily
or using an oven over 175
#14 Posted : 4/1/2010 8:25:09 AM

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Suicybe, SWIM also found that to be the case. Dry heat is especially bad for mescaline. One reason his first extractions were so weak was because he used too much heat when drying the final product. Now he knows better and uses as little heat as possible and relies more on a fan.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

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#15 Posted : 4/1/2010 10:58:50 AM

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wikiwahwah wrote:

When you say it can be 'rolled into cap sized lumps', do you just swallow these. What are you method of ingestion?



roll into cap sized lumps, roll that around some flour for coating the outside of it (so that you dont feel the taste) and put in tongue and swallow like a pill, easy as 1-2-3

as for the heat, yeah better go low on the heat... I reduce the cactus tea to a resin in the oven with heat but not so much, like maybe 70 celcius (which is under 160 farenheit) , and with the door of the oven open and a fan turned towards it... takes a few hours... Scraping is kinda problematic sometimes (breaking piece of razor blade inside resin and having to find it is not nice! ), but just go slowly and firmly and it should work..

a 1,7kg 50cm san pedro cactus yielded 60g resin, 5-7g being comparable in potency to 100 mics of acid.

as for pure mescaline, dont know still have to try that to compare
#16 Posted : 4/1/2010 11:53:43 AM

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69ron wrote:
Suicybe, SWIM also found that to be the case. Dry heat is especially bad for mescaline. One reason his first extractions were so weak was because he used too much heat when drying the final product. Now he knows better and uses as little heat as possible and relies more on a fan.

I've heard this alot to, from everywhere. And it always seems that everyone is confused about how to evap. I think that leaving your oven door open for hours is wasteful.

Here is the solution

A pyrex baking dish


A cheap terrarium heater


The ultimate evaporating device

If you wanted to get to a constant weight, you could place the evaporator in a shoe box with dry-right in the bottom. Also an added plus is that you do not have corrosive HCL evaporating in your oven. You could set outside or set it behind a fan that is blowing the fumes out a window or door.
You lock the door, and throw away the key

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#17 Posted : 4/1/2010 1:05:05 PM

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^^I also swear by this set up for drying cactus resin.

Maybe get an electric fan going as well. With this method, you can dry the resin out to this crystalline, glassy consistency, then scrape it into a powder for easy storage. With the lower temps involved, even with dry heat, it doesn't seem to degrade potency. I was at uni when my last batch of resin was drying, and it had likely been drying 2-3 days longer than necessary...however, 2g of this resin produced impressive results, more potent and pleasant feeling than 200mg of the acetate extract...needless to say I was VERY impressed.
Brian Kerr
#18 Posted : 4/2/2010 1:25:39 AM

Brian Kerr

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You guys are making my mouth water Smile

I should try some cactus again. Last time I just ate the powdered chips. Not good barfarama.

I was thinking of making a resin with it next time and this thread has given me some Ideas.

Is it possible to use isopropyl alcohol to extract cactus chips/powder ?

Has anybody mixed Cactus with opium ?
End All Wars !
#19 Posted : 4/2/2010 1:27:46 AM

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How hot does a terrarium heater get?
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#20 Posted : 4/2/2010 3:02:09 AM

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A crockpot on low is just right to make some tea.
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