#1 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:24:58 PM


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This is all a Dream I had:

Alright let me start this off by saying how fucking grateful I feel to be here writing this right now.

I ventured off into the woods to bioassy this improvised jimjam changuana that was concocted:

Eating oranges, watching the clouds, the ocean from atop the hill, feeling the wind, pondering my intentions, barely being able to breathe from all the shit I've smoked in the past 10 years, accepting this, walking, and loving every step of the way.
I picked some miners lettuce and munched some as I climbed my hill to my special little clearing no one seems to know about. The sun shines here. Wild mint permeates the air and I sat here half lotus, kicking off my Nike's, slowing my heart from the hike.

I had rolled a caapi leaf and mapacho spliff with a pinch of changuana with precision and brought it along for my reintroductory ceremony.
As I slowed my heart, and my breath, I consciously let go of everything I am and integrated into my environment.
I picked up all the sticks within my reachable proximity and assembled a two dimensional star tetrahedron on the ground in front of me as my point of focus while I dissolve.

The Bic was flicked, no turning back now. Just then it began to rain. It's been months...four, maybe five. I burned that spliff down slowly and began to get lighter and lighter. All the bullshit that was me was being burned by the cherry fire at the tip, the smoke cleansing my soul with ever puff held as long as it felt right.

I was scared to death. I know what lies beyond this algorithm. It's impossible to forget. In fact, it never seems to leave my mind. I live my life constantly with the awareness of all of this. A feeble respect and understanding I have for what we truly are.

After the spliff turned to roach, I placed it within the star tetrahedron to burn out, and I closed my eyes, pressed my palms, straightened my spine, and looked up. The rain stopped and the sun began to shine.
All the tangled consciousness that was woven by the ego was detangled and all these thoughts came to mind in an illuminated head space. I had not broken through, but I was given the platform to do my work. I sat here for a good long time meditating and letting go, fortifying my DNA, becoming who I truly am supposed to be.

I knew what I needed to do. I bought a brand new glass pipe just for this moment. I rose like a cobra, light as a feather, and pulled it out of my pocket, as well as the vial of jimjam changuana. Humming the harmonics of myself, I packed a small bowl. Another improvisation. Nothing ever weighed at all. Just as much that felt right. Not even half of this tiny little glass pipes bowl was packed down.

Here we go. This is it. I know I need this. It's been a life time.

Whooooooooooooo! This tastes fucking amazing. I take a hit, I hold it in. I take a huge rip, I cough, hold it in. And again. And again.
I am dissolving...
It wasn't until I reached the very end of the bowl WHEN IT HAPPENED:

The last hit, a tiny one in proportion to the ones that led up to this one, INSTANTLY TOOK ME AWAY.
In less than a second, I knew what had happened. The infamous "breakthrough" had occurred.
I was no longer human.
I was no longer on Earth.
Swept up and out. I whispered goodbye.

Everything in my vision, the beautiful forest, my make-shift mesa, INFINITELY FOLDED AND INTERTWINED WITH THE TRUE INTERSECTING REALITY THAT WE STEM FROM.
I was gone. I was scared. I had been here before. I knew there was nothing to fear. Just the sheer fucking intensity of being face to face with the SPIRITS is enough to make one want to scream and run away.
But there's nowhere to go. It's all the same! It's all folded up infinitely no matter where you go, there it is.
I rode these waves deep into the eternal. When I am here, it feels like I will never ever return to my planet.
My strong awareness remains, it tells me I will return. I know I'll be OK; a dying human once again eventually...and I will love that...
I exploded with tears. With love. With recalibration. I cried my heart out for all of you, everyone, FOREVER
as I was licked, twisted, uploaded, and SURROUNDED BY ALIEN LIFE.

And here I am. So in love. So fucking amazed at what we are, and what we are capable of. It makes our every day reality look like a fucking joke! A simulation! An experiment!
I am an alien! I am disposable! I am here to test these possibilities and spread this message!!!!!!!!

Everyone. If you are in possession of this sacred endogenous neurotransmitter. Here is some advice:
You must make caapi changa.
You must work with caapi prior to dissolving.
You must smoke until you LEAVE.

I am well aware of the many levels that the spice offers us.
I know it's therapeutic in low doses. I even know some of you like to smoke DMT and watch TV.
For those of you that choose not to go deep: You are afraid. And you have every right to be.
It terrifies the fucking shit out of me.
Smoke this medicine until your little reality you've forever known completely disappears.
You will be somewhere else. It permeates our reality on another octave.
You will be something else.
We are this.

And yet, we are fucking monkeys too.
The duality of our true nature and our rhythmic prison is enough to make one want to scream and destroy everything in sight.

It's right there. Offered to us by the plants. Inside us as a greatest joke you'll ever know.

Everyone...I beg you...

I know I must come off as a mad man, and I am.
The only way to explain all of this is to become the neurotransmission yourself.

End dream sequence.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:31:20 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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House, I love you.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#3 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:32:53 PM

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۩ wrote:

Amen Brother. Fear should never hold us back from our true essence.
Caapi loveeeeee
The above is quoted from

Take responsibility for making your own life beautiful.
#4 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:33:30 PM


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P.s. I totally forgot to say, I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!

I had this mantra in my head:

"Daylight dims leaving cold fluorescents.
Difficult to see you in this light.
Please forgive this bold suggestion, but
Should you see your Maker's face tonight,
Look Him in the eye, look Him in the eye, and tell Him:
"I never lived a lie, never took a life, but surely saved one.
Hallelujah, it's time for you to bring me home." - tool
#5 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:34:09 PM

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Nice dream , all these dreams just make me more and more ready to explore the unknown to me but well known by others.Very happy
Everything I post is purely for Role playing.

Many blessing's and Peace
#6 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:35:34 PM

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Very beautifully put, House, even with words that can't compherend the full extent of what you feel. A very relaxing and mind opening report. Well done.
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#7 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:35:48 PM

Got Naloxone?

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۩ wrote:
Everything in my vision, the beautiful forest, my make-shift mesa, INFINITELY FOLDED AND INTERTWINED WITH THE TRUE INTERSECTING REALITY THAT WE STEM FROM.
I was gone. I was scared. I had been here before. I knew there was nothing to fear. Just the sheer fucking intensity of being face to face with the SPIRITS is enough to make one want to scream and run away.
But there's nowhere to go. It's all the same! It's all folded up infinitely no matter where you go, there it is.
I rode these waves deep into the eternal. When I am here, it feels like I will never ever return to my planet.
My strong awareness remains, it tells me I will return. I know I'll be OK; a dying human once again eventually...and I will love that...
I exploded with tears. With love. With recalibration. I cried my heart out for all of you, everyone, FOREVER
as I was licked, twisted, uploaded, and SURROUNDED BY ALIEN LIFE.


Thank you. IMHO, it's like with this paragraph you have distilled down and extracted out a tiny point of infinite light that shows something of the essence of the spice experience. . .

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#8 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:39:46 PM

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What a beautiful dream House, and what a beautiful message gained from such a brave journey!

Peace and Love.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#9 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:40:13 PM

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Wow..what a beautiful reintroduction..My monkey words can't express my happiness for you

To bad it was only a dream eh?

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#10 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:42:54 PM

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#11 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:56:27 PM

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Very happy wonderful house...
Long live the unwoke.
#12 Posted : 3/30/2010 11:50:22 PM

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Thank you House. I came to the Nexus with a question, read this before asking, and it was answered. All love with you.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
The Wizard
#13 Posted : 3/30/2010 11:57:45 PM

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that is exactly the message i got on my recalibration!
#14 Posted : 3/31/2010 12:13:22 AM

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amen to that man. I totally hear you
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#15 Posted : 3/31/2010 12:37:48 AM

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You're fucking awesome House.

۩ wrote:

Everyone. If you are in possession of this sacred endogenous neurotransmitter. Here is some advice:
You must make caapi changa.
You must work with caapi prior to dissolving.
You must smoke until you LEAVE.

I'm on it. When I can get the place and space sorted out, it's happening.

I thank you so much for your help House and every post you've ever made. You're direct transmissions and poetry, and bluntness, have always fortified my defiance of all things untrue and every thing that IS true in my heart. That may not be the best way of saying it, but hopefully the notion is transmitted.

Thank you ۩.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#16 Posted : 3/31/2010 6:19:00 AM

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your mantra...

that song..

it made me flow with so many (happy)tears while under the influence of cactus.

you get my instant respect...awesome report.
*We are now at a phase of human development where we have accumulated an enormous amount of knowledge through scientific research in the material world. This is very important knowledge, but it must be integrated. -Hoffman
*A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading -C.S. Lewis
cephalopods are enlightened -benzyme
#17 Posted : 3/31/2010 7:35:18 AM

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I's funny...the love is unbelievable. And how civilisation trys to find substitutes for the love of the divine is ridiciolous. Television, Fastfood..all this stuff..aligned with this current world order, made to sustain this sick state we live in.

Your dream was very nicely put. It has inspired me to overcome my fear of outdoor settings. I also started to smoke caapi before, just because its easier for me this way. Additionally, it also helps to set the mood which is important imho.
#18 Posted : 3/31/2010 7:45:06 AM

Juju Stone

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house awesome report man. What is caapi changa exactly anyone? SWIM has some awesome good yellow crystals and I will have some extra after my 2nd breakthrough next week (scared shitless) (super excited) so maybe SWIM will test the changa with like 1 hit of crystal (it is a wicked good pull, I'm told the best out of like the last 10). Never understood this changa is it N,n? or is it Harmalas with spice? please elaborate
Nothing I write here should be taken with any measure of seriousness, because I have both a serious and non serious personality, which is why I derive so much satisfaction from writing non serious things and non-facts, under the pretense of serious and factual non-facts.
#19 Posted : 3/31/2010 4:25:03 PM


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Remapped wrote:
house awesome report man. What is caapi changa exactly anyone? SWIM has some awesome good yellow crystals and I will have some extra after my 2nd breakthrough next week (scared shitless) (super excited) so maybe SWIM will test the changa with like 1 hit of crystal (it is a wicked good pull, I'm told the best out of like the last 10). Never understood this changa is it N,n? or is it Harmalas with spice? please elaborate

1:1 ratio of caapi leaf to spice infused by adding to a jar with iso alcohol, evap, smoke.
If you read my link at the top you'll see how I infused herbs with no solvent at all Wink
I highly recommend you use all of your extract, and not just one hit. You'll see...

obliguhl, great to hear brother. find a sacred place far away from the people where the birds like to sing, and maybe water flows, and wind blows through trees...there's nothing like becoming your forest in a hypertechnological alien state...

dimitrius, I am blessed to be inspiring. you are most welcome brother.

thank you all.

What a brilliant exit mechanism...the infinite fold...and how wondrous it is to be on the other side where everything lies...

"Have a beingasm today!" - El Ka Bong
Go as deep as you possibly can
Have faith

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