Posts: 1740 Joined: 10-Jan-2010 Last visit: 05-Mar-2014 Location: Inside the Higgs Boson
I cant explain where i was last night but i'll try  I loaded 60mg into my pipe, lay in bed with my lady and told her to put the light out once i cleared the bowl. 60mg of pure white spice on a bed of ash, pipe to mouth, flame to bowl. First toke was a lungful of spice, held for 8 seconds, second toke same but held for 14 seconds and final toke which cleared the bowl was held in until i couldnt hold and longer. My lady hit the light and i lay back.  This is where heaven happened. With the light out i had my eyes open, a matrix of bright pink dots covered my vision. Then i entered hyperspace i think? lol. I had digital colourful flowing women dancing and morphing all around me, they were even showing me their bums lol totally beautiful sexiness but not horny if you know what i mean (words cant describe it) i Had male alien faces coming right up to me and morphing into unexplainable forms of gorgeousness, honestly the women were so fooking amazing looking! I had alien music also, sounds ive never even imagined before and im a techno producer lol. If i could translate those sounds into earthly music i would be the best techno dude on the planet lol. I totally felt love from the spice, i think the entities were even enjoying themslf  it was pure heaven and unadulterated love. For the fellas, i cant even start to explain how these female digital entities looked and acted, they were flirting with me in some manner, i could even see there beautiful perfect neon boobs and alien ladies faces would come up to me and it would be like they were going to go down on me (bj) then they would pull away and wink and smile at me then some bizarre man type entities with almost evil looking but beautiful faces would just be there lol while all around my vision kaleidescope women would be flowing all around. I should stoptrying to explain now because thats the best i can do  Final thought, DmT is the most amazing thing our beautiful univerese has ever produced except from life itself! WOW WOW WOW! Thank you nexus i love you all! 
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4733 Joined: 30-May-2008 Last visit: 13-Jan-2019 Location: inside moon caverns
It certainly is a pleasurable aspect of the spice. I once had these beeings communicate with me from behind the membrane and they looked "interested" if you know what I mean. Two females, giggling, very flirtacious wanted me to undress...at the same time propably the same love you felt..its amazing.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2807 Joined: 19-May-2009 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
Nice read bro. WOW WOW WOW, sounds good
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Posts: 98 Joined: 04-Jan-2010 Last visit: 04-Dec-2012 Location: Solaris
Sounds beautiful man congrats!
Posts: 1740 Joined: 10-Jan-2010 Last visit: 05-Mar-2014 Location: Inside the Higgs Boson
it was the ultimate thing ive ever experienced! If theres higher levels then i cant wait to experience that.
I want to meet the boss of hyperspace if there is one lol. Truly beautiful.
Posts: 1740 Joined: 10-Jan-2010 Last visit: 05-Mar-2014 Location: Inside the Higgs Boson
cheers xeno 
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Posts: 2354 Joined: 24-Jan-2010 Last visit: 21-Jun-2012 Location: Massachusetts
Lol, the hyperspace club owner. VIP rooms. You've put so many images into my head  PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms

Posts: 981 Joined: 24-Dec-2009 Last visit: 13-Oct-2022
Im so happy for you buddy. I too have had very sexy DMT experiences. Mostly one entity morphing, dancing moving. But there was interaction and feeling. Ive guess you could say its hypersex. A number of times ive been left feeling sexually charged, and erect. I have also had what i could only describe as a hyper-spacial orgasm. I did enjoy these experiences immensely. But i would be cautious about seeking them. Spice seems to give you what you need rather then what you want. I have no idea how that relates to sexual trips. Good times. Super happy for you Dem. Is this the strongest experience you have had? Have you had this kinda experience on a lower dose? I guess your getting the hang of the pipe now then huh? On the music front, i too get very intense strange yet 'perfect' music on spice. zips, plonks, krrrrr krrr krrr's I think we need to sit down and produce some dmt inspired music. I already do this, but now you've mentioned it, we should get together and jam. “Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.” ― Terence McKenna
Posts: 1740 Joined: 10-Jan-2010 Last visit: 05-Mar-2014 Location: Inside the Higgs Boson
xtechre wrote:Im so happy for you buddy. I too have had very sexy DMT experiences. Mostly one entity morphing, dancing moving. But there was interaction and feeling. Ive guess you could say its hypersex. A number of times ive been left feeling sexually charged, and erect. I have also had what i could only describe as a hyper-spacial orgasm.
I did enjoy these experiences immensely. But i would be cautious about seeking them. Spice seems to give you what you need rather then what you want. I have no idea how that relates to sexual trips.
Good times.
Super happy for you Dem. Is this the strongest experience you have had? Have you had this kinda experience on a lower dose?
I guess your getting the hang of the pipe now then huh?
On the music front, i too get very intense strange yet 'perfect' music on spice. zips, plonks, krrrrr krrr krrr's I think we need to sit down and produce some dmt inspired music. I already do this, but now you've mentioned it, we should get together and jam.
Defo do the music thing mate. The spice was playing music to me in alien techno fashion, it was inspiring me with rythyms and everything @) If we can make a tune like the music i heard then we have got it made mate  This is definately the strongest trip yet by far, loer doses dont do this to me  The female entities were lap dancing on me  right in front oh me, beautiful morphing female lifeforms righ in my face and grinding on me kinda lol i couldnt physically feel them but it was real and there  I'll phone u soon dude, respect 
Posts: 1740 Joined: 10-Jan-2010 Last visit: 05-Mar-2014 Location: Inside the Higgs Boson
Another thing i done which made the experience so stunning was because when i started heading to hyperspace i kept saying to the spice "take me to wherever u want, intense as it gets keep going stronger i want the ultimate" this mindset seemed to work amazingly 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 112 Joined: 28-Mar-2010 Last visit: 23-Jul-2010 Location: the thermosphere
Sounds like a really lovely experience, thanks for sharing it =) Just a question to those who have had sensual contact with entities or felt sexual energy during an experience- if you had a regular sitter or a close friend you took the substance with- would you feel awkward about having had it in their presence? It's just that it seems like such a personal thing, and I myself have made some audible noises of bliss during the peak- but as the effects ebbed away and I realized how it may have sounded (aka a little sus) I felt a little embarrassed even though I knew the person wouldn't have been weirded out or judgmental about it.. And though I would really love to have a breakthrough experience with my close friend and guide present, I'm a little apprehensive about any noises and etc I might make- especially if the experience has overt sexual tones to it... peace x the fictional character, kaleidoscope eyes, resides in the sky with diamonds and cellophane flowers
Posts: 1740 Joined: 10-Jan-2010 Last visit: 05-Mar-2014 Location: Inside the Higgs Boson
I couldnt shut up about the female entities in my breakthru to my girlfriend. Shes very understanding, i want her to experience a full breakthru so that she can understand further. I had no awkwardness at all, the amazingness of it overrides every other emotion lol, cheers kaleidoscope eyes 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 485 Joined: 20-Aug-2009 Last visit: 06-Dec-2014
kaleidoscope eyes wrote:Sounds like a really lovely experience, thanks for sharing it =)
Just a question to those who have had sensual contact with entities or felt sexual energy during an experience- if you had a regular sitter or a close friend you took the substance with- would you feel awkward about having had it in their presence? It's just that it seems like such a personal thing, and I myself have made some audible noises of bliss during the peak- but as the effects ebbed away and I realized how it may have sounded (aka a little sus) I felt a little embarrassed even though I knew the person wouldn't have been weirded out or judgmental about it.. And though I would really love to have a breakthrough experience with my close friend and guide present, I'm a little apprehensive about any noises and etc I might make- especially if the experience has overt sexual tones to it...
peace x If I do have someone with me then they are bretherin, in which case it's cool. My mate 88 nearly exploded from some kind of cosmogasm. It went on for about 10 minutes, I mean it was porno-stylie and I was fully expecting the neighbours to come knocking. I left him be. He was clearly having a good time. Peace in mind, Love in heart
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Posts: 190 Joined: 17-Nov-2008 Last visit: 26-Jan-2022 Location: UK
ghostman wrote:kaleidoscope eyes wrote:Sounds like a really lovely experience, thanks for sharing it =)
Just a question to those who have had sensual contact with entities or felt sexual energy during an experience- if you had a regular sitter or a close friend you took the substance with- would you feel awkward about having had it in their presence? It's just that it seems like such a personal thing, and I myself have made some audible noises of bliss during the peak- but as the effects ebbed away and I realized how it may have sounded (aka a little sus) I felt a little embarrassed even though I knew the person wouldn't have been weirded out or judgmental about it.. And though I would really love to have a breakthrough experience with my close friend and guide present, I'm a little apprehensive about any noises and etc I might make- especially if the experience has overt sexual tones to it...
peace x If I do have someone with me then they are bretherin, in which case it's cool. My mate 88 nearly exploded from some kind of cosmogasm. It went on for about 10 minutes, I mean it was porno-stylie and I was fully expecting the neighbours to come knocking. I left him be. He was clearly having a good time. hehe this is how i must sound when i get to meet up with my hyperspace girlfriend My first time with her was one of the most profound things ever to happen to me... Truly amazing. Nice report DeMenTed...peace! acolon_5 wrote:Welcome to club hypersex.
I've been there too...it is amazing.
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Posts: 2354 Joined: 24-Jan-2010 Last visit: 21-Jun-2012 Location: Massachusetts
@kaleidoscope eyes - SWIM has never broken through with someone else in the room. A few times she's come back and worried about how loud she was, but others in the house hadn't noticed anything. She suspects that the body remained still and silent the entire time. PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms

Posts: 981 Joined: 24-Dec-2009 Last visit: 13-Oct-2022
Nice to see other people having sexual hyper-spacial experiences. I too have had the cosmogasm. To be frank, im pretty liberal. I wouldn't mind if friends were in the room at the time as these sexual encounters. Although i have only had a sitter for 2 or three sessions so the point is mu. I mostly have spice alone. I quite like sexy trips amongst friends on other substances such as mushrooms. It would have to be the right type of friends tho. Good times. “Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.” ― Terence McKenna
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Posts: 112 Joined: 28-Mar-2010 Last visit: 23-Jul-2010 Location: the thermosphere
thanks for all the responses to my question, @ thepureskunk- wayy jealous you have a hyperspace girlfriend hehe =) the fictional character, kaleidoscope eyes, resides in the sky with diamonds and cellophane flowers
 Nothing Stops The Void
Posts: 739 Joined: 19-Jun-2008 Last visit: 26-Nov-2013 Location: Blinded by the Lye
just Had he more quickly realized just who they were,he would have shown them more respect.Had he tried harder to fathom their brilliant minds,he would have taken more of their teachings to heart.Had he more clearly understood the purpose of their being, he would have more vigorously tried to assist them.They were truly honorable; he was sadly prejudiced. They were exceedingly well informed; he was grossly ignorant.They were totally indefatigable; he so often, and so quickly,gave up. Still, for many years there was a strong inter-species alliance between the Eleven-Eleven of the Half-way Realm, their Seraphic Associates,and their flesh-and-blood friend, a common mortal. Much was accomplished, many profited, and, there’s only one regret...They could have achieved so much more... All Hypnotizing Hypnotizes Hypnotizing
Posts: 1740 Joined: 10-Jan-2010 Last visit: 05-Mar-2014 Location: Inside the Higgs Boson
Lol you know what i mean 