Sorry for the really long post, but this trip was the most insane, schitzo, reality altering trip I have ever had.
Thanks beforehand for taking the time to read!
Well... I know everyone has different opinions on if you should listen to music when you take a breakthrough dose. Me, I have always put on soothing relaxing psychedelic songs to bring me into the correct mindset to blast off and also because during the journey all though I am in another reality I still hear the music and it always sounds different, insane, and completely beautiful and the visions seem to dance to / interact with whatever song I have on ( always a chill song with no lyrics)
Last night, I decided to try to take a rip without calming music playing, in complete silence at the reccomendation of many people I have talked to who have said they do it that way. Well, my results were confusing, insane, and not what I expected whatsoever.
Im having trouble even attempting to put this into words but here it goes.
I loaded up the pipe, got everything in my room ready to go. I wasn't very nervous at all for some reason this time, just ready to tackle whatever hyperspace delivered me.
Well, I hit the pipe, and it was like, as soon as I hit the pipe (after one hit), the thought that went through my mind was "Wow thats not right." The pipe started shrinking and thinning out in my hand and I thought well this is going to be strange I have never seen it to that before. Then I looked at my torch lighter and it started twisting and contorting into impossible shapes.
I thought ok this is going to be insanely intense what do I do I WISH SOME RELAXING MUSIC WAS PLAYING!!!
I thought ok I should lay down in my bed and relax and try to let go and let the spice take me where it wants to, and I tried to do that but then this is where shit just hits the fan and gets really crazy...
I was seeing impossible visions, they were nothing like any other visions I had seen in hyperspace before.
I honestly believed that I had screwed up reality somehow FOR EVERYONE ON THE PLANET, because I hit some DMT. Like my room was contorting into all these impossible deminsions and shapes around me and I thought oh fuck thats not supposed to happen since when does DMT affect this reality...
I started to really believe that me hitting DMT had sent me to some fucked up hyperspace deminsion that was a twisted ccontorting version of our reality and I didn't know what to do, I thought I would be trapped there for eternity.
Next I thought no that is impossible, Its just DMT and I just told myself "its the drug, in time it will wear off..."
This made me feel a little better as always, but then I started thinking thought loopish thoughts along the lines of what is time? does time even exist? if time exists then why does it already feel like I have been here an eternity and things are not seeming to get better?
I sat up, when I did everything in my room went bonkers. The sheets on my bed started flashing millions of different patterns at the speed of light. My dog was lying on top of my bed and the patterns were superimposed onto my dog. I started worrying about it and thinking about waking my dog up because I was SCARED for him. Next I thought OK silence sucks lets turn on the TV..
Bad idea. The TV started going satanic or something.It was flashing through the most rediculous images and just acting all around glitchy, that I had to have been hallucinating so hard I did not see anything that was actually on TV, in my mind I was superimposing a hallucination right over the screen. The TV flashed black and what looked liked alien writing scrolled down the TV (I was in on demand menu before). I thought oh damn I was right I screwed up reality theres no way smoking DMT effects TV. I looked at the on demand menu and it expanded from 8 buttons in a row to about 100 buttons jammed in my screen, and what the buttons did was certainly not in english anymore. I thought this is insane lets just lay down close my eyes try to drift away.
Well it didnt work very well because RIGHT when I closed my eyes, the TV glitched up and went all staticcy again and then changed to some nature program, EXPLAINING THE BEGINNING/ORIGINS of FREAKIN LIFE. There is no way that program was even real, it had to be just a hallucination, even though I heard the static, opened my eyes and looked at it, and saw the TV flash and change to the channel.
This "program" explaining the origins of life had soothing music playing in the background so I thought Ill just lay down here and listen to this program wait for all this insanity to hopefully end. It worked for a minute, but then I started getting sick of listening to the guy because it started to sound like jibber jabber.
I got up to turn the TV off and once again everything in my room went insane the TV flashing, everything including the walls twisting in and over me into impossible shapes and deminsions.
This is where I thought, OK you win, this has gone on for an eternity, I really have completely messed up reality as humanity knows it simply by hitting up a DMT pipe, or perhaps just went shitzo, and its over now.
I thought, "I should go wake up my mom (if she is even real) and let her know that I fucked up reality by hitting a pipe, and that Im sorry, and I should bring her to my room to show her all this insanity just to make sure. (live with my mom while I do some colllege classes til I find someone to move in with, she would have been understanding but very worried about my state of mind)
Before this I was scared to leave my room, or just thought I was trapped like my room was a sealed off messed up deminsion, but I left the room, and turned on the hall light. Of course everything looked insane.
I looked on the ground and saw something that looked very small and slimy. I thought oh god is this real or whats going on.
So I go over to the gross thing and bend down to get a closer look and it looks like a nasty little mushroom or something.
I think what the fuck is that and bend down to pick it up but my hand goes right through (hollywood style hallucination)
I thought OK that shit wasn't real so maybe none of the stuff I experienced in my room was real, maybe I don't need to tell my mom that I fucked reality up!
I went back in my room and shit got really crazy again for another minute. I won't explain what happened because I have already wrote so much and its very similar to the earlier part of my post.
Pretty much I started going insane in my room with everything in reality ffreaking out again. Started thinking maybe I was right bout messing up reality.
Next thing I knew, I woke up, laying in my bed, with the lights off (they were on when I hit the spice). Wondering if I just had some crazy lucid dream or if I even was really walking around. Perhaps I just hit it laid down and all that was a dream? I even had to go check out in the hall where I saw the shroom thing trying to determine wth just happened to me.
I felt extremely confused for like 15 minutes and couldnt do anything but just sitthere trying to comprehend what just happened to me..
I didn't even have the extremely euphoric afterglow because I was so confused and what not. Quite a strange experience indeed, I imagine what I went through to be like what the most extremely schizo person in the world during his worst day might have seen, I do not know. I dont even remember what order all that stuff I talked about there happened in, I just tried to piece back the bits and pieces I remembered as best I could...
Thanks for reading if you have stuck with it til here, I wanted to get other peoples opinions and see if anyone else experienced ANYTHING like this before.
I really shouldn't have been walking around going that insane on that high of a dose( but then again perhaps it was all in my head). EVERY other breakthrough I have had has been complete beauty, shock, bliss, and love so this was quite suprising.
I guess I could say my first "bad trippish" experience with DMT, although in retrospect I might have needed it, I definately took a few lessons away from that experience and am very grateful for them.
I was really in a delusional crazed stated of mind, Im suprised I didnt pour milk all over my head or something to make sure reality was real lol.
It was like a mix of datura, ayahuasca, and schizophrenicness rolled into one big insane package.
The closed eye visuals everytime I would decide to try and relax, let go and close my eyes were just wierdly insane. There was slight traces of the different colored goos swirling around and morphing together, but it was very very liight and in the background. Whenever I would close my eyes I would see like a real life object from my room still in my vison like it didn't matter if my eyes were closed or open. This might be why I got uneasy and wanted to get up and change stuff like turn the TV on, because I wasn't having the beautiful CEV I usually get, just strange and confusing visions. or like when the program explaining the origin of life came on, I tried to close my eyes and just listen to it but when I closed my eyes I could still see the program lingering in my mind!
I cannot wait to try a dose that high again sometime, and next time I am spinning my soothing psychedelic music!
