So finally the cat had the window of time to perform a cactus extraction.
In total 4 cuttings were used. These cuttings were 6 to 8 cm in diameter tip to tip, each about 55cm in length. The skin was peeled off. Green flesh was separated from the white flesh & core. Spines were cut short and left in place. Core was soft, not woody at all. Strips of green flesh were left to dried on a long strip of folded chicken wire, above central heating. The heating could be touched by the hand, not hot. Took two days to dry. Grinded to a fine powder using a cheap electrical coffee grinder.
Total weight of cactus = 5236g
Total weight of dried, powderized green flesh without skin = 105g25g of fine CaOH powder was added and mixed thoroughly with the cactus powder. 240ml of tap water was added to the powder making it wet and crumbly. Used some chopstick for mixing. A strong smell of ammonia was noticed. This cactus mix was left for few minutes.
300ml xylene was added to cactus mix. After stirring with wooden (bamboo?) chopsticks the green mass had broken down into small blobs that didn’t mix with the xylene. The xylene was easily separated from the cactus mix. When tilting the big jar to pour off the xylene, the lump of cactus mix fell apart splashing the xylene. Luckily the lid of the jar was held close to the jar during pouring.
In total 4 xylene pulls were done. The xylene of pull 1 and 2 was reused for pulls 3 and 4. After pouring of the 4th pull of xylene the cactus mix was squeezed using a 500ml French Coffee Press to get almost all of the xylene out. The xylene was always clear and greenish yellow, even after squeezing hard with the press.
The yellow xylene was filtered through a coffee filter that was placed in a funnel (self made from a HDPE bottle.) The xylene was salted using 3x25ml natural vinegar 4% (next time 5% white wine vinegar will be used, since natural vinegar might contain traces of other acids, other than acetate.) Separated easily with 500ml sep funnel. No suspension was seen.
The vinegar was collected in soup plates. The cat had not noticed the surface of the plates was slightly curved near the edges of the plate. This caused some problems (time) when scraping the residue with the blade of a stanley knife. Next time the cat will more carefully select containers with flat surfaces. The vinegar was evaporated over the central heating, which was warm, not hot. The residue was dried fairly well before scraping. It was no longer oily. Thin curling layers of residue were easily sliced of the flat surface of the plates.
The residue was then washed twice using 25ml of cold MEK. The cat used a 10ml syringe to suck up the brown MEK. Next time a dropper will be used for this purpose because the syringe was difficult to handle (with MEK.) Could have gone wrong easily. Luckily it didn’t.
Total weight of washed cactus extract = 2313mg.Yesterday little over 200mg was tested on an empty stomach, 17:45. After about 60 min there was clearly something going on, similar to MDMA. The cat went for a walk to enjoy and study this new experience. After some hours had past the cat arrived back home. He put on some music (Monolake, cyan), smoked some fine quality hash and opened the dmt forum. And then it struck him, at 21:13. This must be the mescaline. He was looking at the avatar of q21q21 at that moment.
And this figure has since that moment been the character of mescaline. Very appropriate to my taste of mescaline
The experience was clearly becoming psychedelic at this point. There was no heavy visual distortions or so, but there were at some point some very clear and very nice closed eye geometries. Overall the cat got a nice taste of what mescaline is about. Around the 200mg indeed a good starter dosis. Higher dosis 300-400mg will be hardcore i have no doubt about it.
The cat told me he is going to wash the residue 2 more times with MEK to try to get some more of the other alkaloids out. Then he will test it again at around 200mg.
Thank you all here at the nexus for providing very useful information about cactus extraction. And in particular 69ron. The cat could not have done this without you. Thank you very very much for posting this tek
“The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.