alien planet I think Options
#1 Posted : 3/27/2010 4:36:17 PM

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It started in the morning with a few cups of caapi brew. I prepared the house, just had some carrot juice and fruit.
brewed a fresh batch of tea for cohort in crime that stopped by. A fresh batch of full spectrum jungle thats when it started . There were many levels and strong blasts. It sometimes comes on like being at the front of a freight train. DOn't forget to breathe !!

The main one i want to discuss is actually seeing some kind of advanced alien civilization of some kind . I can't even believe what i saw. The structures were so amazing and delicate and most definetely not from this planet. I REPEAT not from this planet. It felt like I was gazing into a piece of another culture or other planetary civilization distinctly somewhere else in the universe. it was a sense of being very far yet very close.

I'm still trying to process it. The colors were bright almost Fluorescent oranges and greens detailed delicate structures I could feel the presence of many beings in it. THey were not aware of my presence I was an observer of sorts. The feeling was like looking through a looking glass or a mirror of sorts. It was a skewed angle. The more I kept my composure the more it seems to reveal. There was a very delicate balance with my state of mind . I felt like one wrong move and it would go away I was on a razors edge breathing staying calm trying to stay neutral and uneffected .

It so difficult to stay cool when your seeing things not from this planet.

now is it real ? or is my mind putting a context and a story to the visual input. Whats real is the question. I have to say it felt so incredibly real as real as anything. As real as any solid object. Can we trust our interpretation?
there has to be some merrit to the feeling. My mind saw and felt and came to the clear conclusion that it was not from this earth. Unexplainable really.

Sorry for the ramble I'm still trying to make some sense out of all this

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
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#2 Posted : 3/27/2010 5:01:19 PM

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Felnik wrote:
I felt like one wrong move and it would go away I was on a razors edge breathing staying calm trying to stay neutral and uneffected.

It's very difficult to focus but we must try. I was told how important it is for us to maintain an intention for every second. Without it, you might just as well be sitting around nauseous and hungover.

it takes practice practice practice...
Very happy
#3 Posted : 3/27/2010 5:21:37 PM

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Felnik wrote: is it real ? or is my mind putting a context and a story to the visual input. Whats real is the question. I have to say it felt so incredibly real as real as anything. As real as any solid object. Can we trust our interpretation?
there has to be some merrit to the feeling. My mind saw and felt and came to the clear conclusion that it was not from this earth. Unexplainable really.

Sorry for the ramble I'm still trying to make some sense out of all this

There are experiences that seem self-evidently real. There are experiences that seem to greatly exceed the creative, generative capacity of the human subconscious. So are these experiences, or more precisely, the information conveyed via these experiences, real?

I believe they are.

If they are real, what does it say about existence? And if they’re not real, what does it say about mind?
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#4 Posted : 3/27/2010 5:34:40 PM

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i think you can all pretty much guess what i think about reports such as these.... Pleased

beatuiful brother, you are not alone in what you have seen. you described almost to a T what i have seen oh so many times....

beautiful, ain't it? Pleased

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#5 Posted : 3/27/2010 6:15:04 PM

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yes no matter how you look at it it is truly amazing. Even if it is a manifestation of the mind. The fact that the mind is capable of such breathtaking visual richness is remarkable.

That being said I feel that I have to start trusting my own interpretation more. Even if it borders on total insanity. the experience I had yesterday was so real that it is undeniable. What if this stuff really is some kind of portal to other worlds? That was how it felt I have to try and trust myself and apply my own criterea not the criteria of this reality.

I am going to try for a while. Just as strassman was forced to reevaluate his interpretation. I understand it to my core now. It was freekin real man!!
I'm starting to get it now its tricky it doesn't just deliver it to you on a platter. there is a very specific mindset and approach. Almost like being underwater or in a foreign environment and maintaing your bearings. I'm learning I'm starting to get it now. There is untapped potencial here to put it mildly. It funny how tricky it all is thanks for the support
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#6 Posted : 3/28/2010 12:25:35 AM

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Visions of other species of life seem to be real.

One trip, i was in an UFO above the earth, and it was there to watch over us.
Rolling eyes

elusive illusion
#7 Posted : 3/28/2010 2:00:54 AM

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Well folks I have experienced hundreds of these alien places and landscapes. They have shaken me to my very core on many many occasions and profoundly influenced my thinking the results of my DMT experience over the last sixteen years have been greatly beneficial to my life work and creative process.

However I think many here do not know the real definition of the word REAL. So I will post it below.

Best wishes to ALL

re·al1 (rl, rl) KEY


Being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verifiable existence: real objects; a real illness.
True and actual; not imaginary, alleged, or ideal: real people, not ghosts; a film based on real life.
Of or founded on practical matters and concerns: a recent graduate experiencing the real world for the first time.
Genuine and authentic; not artificial or spurious: real mink; real humility.
Being no less than what is stated; worthy of the name: a real friend.
Free of pretense, falsehood, or affectation: tourists hoping for a real experience on the guided tour.
Not to be taken lightly; serious: in real trouble.
Philosophy Existing objectively in the world regardless of subjectivity or conventions of thought or language.
Relating to, being, or having value reckoned by actual purchasing power: real income; real growth.
Physics Of, relating to, or being an image formed by light rays that converge in space.
Mathematics Of, relating to, or being a real number.
Law Of or relating to stationary or fixed property, such as buildings or land.
Very: I'm real sorry about that.

A thing or whole having actual existence. Often used with the: theories beyond the realm of the real.
Mathematics A real number.

for real Slang
Truly so in fact or actuality: "Is this place for real? A wolf in a ... leisure suit and a cow in a print dress wait patiently on the couch in the lobby" (Teresa Carson).

Middle English, from Old French, from Late Latin relis, from Latin rs, thing; see r- in Indo-European roots


real1, actual, true, existent

These adjectives mean not being imaginary but having verifiable existence. Real implies authenticity, genuineness, or factuality: Don't lose the bracelet; it's made of real gold. She showed real sympathy for my predicament. Actual means existing and not merely potential or possible: "rocks, trees ... the actual world" (Henry David Thoreau). True implies consistency with fact, reality, or actuality: "It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true" (Bertrand Russell). Existent applies to what has life or being: Much of the beluga caviar existent in the world is found near the Caspian Sea. See also Synonyms at authentic.

Thesaurus: synonyms for real

#8 Posted : 3/28/2010 3:42:45 AM

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MagikVenom wrote:
... However I think many here do not know the real definition of the word REAL. ...

It seems that you’re suggesting that these experiences can’t be real.

I guess I’m using the definition of “real” that you provided from philosophy: “Existing objectively in the world regardless of subjectivity or conventions of thought or language.”

These experiences may reveal aspects of the “objective world” that we cannot ordinarily perceive. This happens to be my belief. I can’t prove it, but neither can I prove that “consensus” reality is real in the sense that it gives us a good picture of objective reality.

All any of us have to determine what is real is our subjective experiences. We know our subjective conscious experiences are real, but we believe that consensus reality is real. And we believe that consensus reality is real because our subjective experiences can be related to each other in certain predictable ways.

Here’s a related post I made in what I think turned out to be a very interesting thread (until the conversation shifted to microwave ovens and such Sad ).
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#9 Posted : 3/28/2010 4:28:00 AM

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Hello Friend I have much enjoyed you posts.

"Here’s a related post I made in what I think turned out to be a very interesting thread (until the conversation shifted to microwave ovens and such )."

Yes I am a freak of nature who has survived to many microwave meals lol.

I think it is necessary to integrate these in the most logical manner possible and for me to assume these are real places, is not possible there had been no information that can be brought back and proven theses realms exist besides individual experience.

I await the day when these trippers will meet in hyperspace and bring back information that can be verified and proven.

So far for me it is nothing more that a psychoactive drug which is proven to disrupt the normal functions and cause hallucinations.

These are methods to achieve a altered state of conciseness just like attending church, going on a vision quest, fasting ,sensory derivation ect.....All of these things bring about profound mental changes and allow on to see things in a extremity altered alien perspective. I have found these to be very beneficial.

But the 2012myth and all the fantasy alien trips, dna implants ect that are becoming more and more prominent here at the Nexus are ridiculous regurgitation of rapidly growing DMT dogma.

I dont me to be a jerk but this is starting to reminds me of drug based cult with all members falling in lock step and repeating the same indoctrinating stories over and over.

For example the Classic Elves are being replaced by various aliens and space ships and even entire new worlds. Terance new saw any of that.

I love DMT and it has enhanced my life in this world. I have no use for religious esoteric Dogma. I gave that a try in my younger years and found it to be worthless so I discaraded it for logic and truth long ago.

My opinion is a minority here so I dont wast my time making post most would not agree with.

But will admit still love the Nexus and many peeps here after a few years here many of you seem like good friends or even family for that matter

Sincere Best wishes to you all here. May life grant you your desires and happiness be always by your side.

Peace Friends
#10 Posted : 3/28/2010 4:47:36 AM

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MagikVenom wrote:
... I think it is necessary to integrate these in the most logical manner possible and for me to assume these are real places, is not possible there had been no information that can be brought back and proven theses realms exist besides individual experience.

I await the day when these trippers will meet in hyperspace and bring back information that can be verified and proven.

So far for me it is nothing more that a psychoactive drug which is proven to disrupt the normal functions and cause hallucinations.


There are actually some very tricky philosophical problems concerning the nature of reality. The question isn’t “Are DMT experiences real?” The deeper philosophical question is “Is consensus reality real?”

In a new thread I propose that we can’t know the nature of objective reality. So if we can’t know the nature of objective reality while “sober” (is it a dream? is it a computer simulation? is it something unimaginable?), how can we be so sure about the nature of the “reality” presented to us under the influence of DMT?

And this is why I say it all comes down to belief, and we’re all free to believe what we will.
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#11 Posted : 3/28/2010 6:49:52 AM

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and on that note....

this was posted a little while back by a dear brother nexian. it is a bit of a read, but it is so profoundly compelling and really addresses exactly what we're delving into here. i cannot recommend reading it highly enough. it has honestly completely shifted how i see 'reality'. enjoy! Very happy

much love and gratitude!!

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#12 Posted : 3/28/2010 8:55:52 AM

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SWIM very much leans to the "real" side of this debate as well. It's all so fascinating and truly mind boggling. I love it.

thanks for the link ant...check your PM's when you get a sec please.
#13 Posted : 3/28/2010 5:21:30 PM

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Yes the alien thing seems so typical in one sense. Perhaps its just a reflection of out mechanized science based society we are surrounded with. Tribal peoples see animal spirits but also alien worlds.

I hesitate to be relegated to just another DMT tripper seeing aliens and the like as one suggested. I am a 45 year old person not a kid. I've been working at life for a while now. I do not buy into things easily and have attempted to maintain a very open mind. I have never been religious and despise most organized religions. After many many fantastic journeys I have trouble accepting it as just brain feedback loops. This far into it there still is no answer. Perhaps someday someone will crack the code of sorts and actually bring some thread of confirmable information back.

The definition of real seems consistent enough. At least on this alleged plane of reality.
Short of bringing back a fractalized lump of off-planet geometric weirdness its not real.

How does one reconcile an experience that seems so real to the core and break all rules of the consensus.
Are we supposed to deny the realness of the possibility?

The alien planet is real therefore I must be insane.

The alien planet is not real it is an abberation of my drug induced mind therefore I'm am not insane.

I want the alien planet to be real so I make it so.

My heart says we as humans don't know enough to deny it being a genuine possibility.

For now whatever it is, I says its a wonder of the world and can't wait to go back

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#14 Posted : 3/28/2010 6:15:05 PM

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Felnik wrote:
The alien planet is real therefore I must be insane.

Don't worry, this feeling is normal. All new things are "insane!"

I think Contact via "drugs" is intentional on Their part, as it allows us monkeys to pretend it's "just apart of our imagination" if we become too scared or aren't ready to think about it.

However, the implications become staggering if we actually do start to think.... This is why i think we have such huge a responsibility to share our knowledge with the world.
#15 Posted : 3/28/2010 8:46:09 PM

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Acolyte wrote:
...I think Contact via "drugs" is intentional on Their part, as it allows us monkeys to pretend it's "just apart of our imagination" if we become too scared or aren't ready to think about it.

Yes. Plausible deniability is built right into the system, or so it seems.
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#16 Posted : 3/28/2010 9:19:05 PM

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gibran2 wrote:
Acolyte wrote:
...I think Contact via "drugs" is intentional on Their part, as it allows us monkeys to pretend it's "just apart of our imagination" if we become too scared or aren't ready to think about it.

Yes. Plausible deniability is built right into the system, or so it seems.

Although this is exactly how a crazy person talks!!! Wink Laughing
#17 Posted : 3/29/2010 3:09:33 PM

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Felnik wrote:
That being said I feel that I have to start trusting my own interpretation more. Even if it borders on total insanity. the experience I had yesterday was so real that it is undeniable. What if this stuff really is some kind of portal to other worlds? That was how it felt I have to try and trust myself and apply my own criterea not the criteria of this reality.

I felt just like you after my first real breakthrough's. I just can't believe that my mind has the power to make up the stuff i've seen. I've had some crazy dreams during high fevers and not one has come close to the complexities of hyperspace.

My own conclusion is that its all real Very happy
acolon_5 wrote:
Welcome to club hypersex.

I've been there is amazing.

#18 Posted : 3/29/2010 3:55:01 PM

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I'm with House on this one - more real than anything we normally conceive of as real. Real deal Holyfield.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#19 Posted : 3/29/2010 6:00:11 PM

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if it comes from within me, then it is a part of me that is as alien to the me that is typing this as any 'out there' intelliengence. if all is ultimately one, then there is no difference between a separate being and an equally unknown part of yourself.

i personally KNOW, IN MY HEART, that what i experience...where i go...who i meet....what i'm shown, etc... is easily as real as anything i hold fast to in this concentual reality we all find ourselves in currently. there will always be those who will skoff and doubt my expereinces and those of countless others who describe in great detail the worlds, the crafts, the beings...but in the end, it is really a pointless debate. i simply can't have others 'convince' me that what i experience isn't real. and in truth, why would anyone (ESPECIALLY on this forum) want to do that?

i have an impressive 'bullshit-o-meter'. i can hear/read/feel when something is disingenuous. VERY rarely does it go off on this forum. i for one choose to entertain the potential that "what if" holds. rather than exerting energy finding ways to debunk or question people's expereinces that they say are absolutely real for them, i try to put them in context to my own extremely real experiences. we are mapping something say that anyone's surveys of their particular piece of unknown terrain are not real, or to question them in any way makes no sense to me when that same energy could be going into taking their info and combining it with your own to make a slightly larger picture of an exciting new frontier.

to simply go into hyperspace and float in the wonderment is magical. you are a true explorer of something completely unknown in this world. however, to come back and attempt to share your experiences with the rest of this community in the hopes of helping and adding to a growing collective evolution....well....that makes you a cartographer of transformation.

and i bow in the deepest respect to those who, in the face of challenge and doubt, continue to do this for the good of the whole.

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#20 Posted : 3/29/2010 6:42:03 PM

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Acolyte wrote:
gibran2 wrote:
Acolyte wrote:
...I think Contact via "drugs" is intentional on Their part, as it allows us monkeys to pretend it's "just apart of our imagination" if we become too scared or aren't ready to think about it.

Yes. Plausible deniability is built right into the system, or so it seems.

Although this is exactly how a crazy person talks!!! Wink Laughing

Interesting. What I call my "Major Experience" seems to have been induced with just the thought of taking a drug and that it would work. I swallowed only half the dose I should have of some mimosa extract (see avatar icon/white bowl) and immediately threw it up. It is highly unlikely this absorbed into my stomach -- though some surly some did in my mouth via rapid expulsion of fluids.

What came next was by far the most earth-shattering experience of my life. So much so that I have yet to re-visit this place due to the implications of my vision.

In hindsight, my monkey mind could not have (still can't?) accept the visions without the aid of a drug. But the vision lingers and the repeated synchronicities shock me to this day, from an experience last year.

Oh dear, this is all too deep. Shocked

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