A Trip Report. Options
#1 Posted : 3/27/2010 6:30:04 AM

The Dude

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Decided to load up the pipe and take a grounding hit...better luck next time...spice said "NOW" so I sat down and started tokin...cause there was no turning back from that first hit. oh no.

here's a copy of the chat, which is FRESH after returning from hyperspace, it is the best source:

* stevowitz joins Hyperspace Chat
06:05:36 ‹stevowitz› hiya
06:05:58 ‹fractal enchant› think ima take bufotenine tongiht
06:06:15 ‹stevowitz› just got done with a very un-expected trip...
06:06:26 ‹Steely› ?
06:06:28 ‹stevowitz› still a between ?
06:06:50 ‹stevowitz› was a good trip tho :]
06:07:13 ‹stevowitz› entities, some strange
06:07:15 ‹Steely› Nice, glad to hear it.
06:07:22 ‹fractal enchant› yes,. yes im going to go take bufotenine
06:07:31 ‹fractal enchant› be back in a bit
06:07:35 ‹Pandora› stevowitz, we need a change of pace. Did you bring anything back to share?
06:07:38 ‹Steely› Bye fractal
06:07:41 ‹Pandora› fractal, good journey . . .
06:07:42 ‹stevowitz› wow, thats all I can say right now
06:07:49 ‹stevowitz› uhm
06:07:49 ‹Pandora›
06:07:51 ‹spork› good luck fractal
06:07:51 ‹fractal enchant› thank you
06:07:51 ‹RaveN-ous› happy trails fractal
06:08:27 ‹stevowitz› I was show an outside world of some wort...two entities that moved back and forth very rapidly
06:08:47 ‹stevowitz› first I was inside? then it got bright...
06:08:59 ‹stevowitz› travelling there...OH M?Y GOD
06:09:20 ‹stevowitz› like a tunnel...or something very fast
06:09:32 ‹RaveN-ous› ...ahh...a trip down the rabbit
06:10:08 ‹stevowitz› yeah, like, literally 1 min ago...I'm just now remembering how to type..
06:10:12 * DMTripper quit (timeout)
06:10:14 ‹stevowitz› still integrating
06:10:15 ‹Pandora› Anything at the end of the tunnel?
06:10:33 ‹stevowitz› two entities, very friendly
06:10:42 ‹Pandora›
06:10:50 ‹stevowitz› they guided me, as I seemed to be trapped or something...inside a shell?
06:11:03 ‹stevowitz› I was taken outside, but then I was distracted by the real world
06:11:11 ‹Pandora› How so?
06:11:21 * PsilocybeChild joins Hyperspace Chat
06:11:35 ‹stevowitz› don't remember...I just know I opened my eyes. maybe out of fear?
06:11:41 ‹stevowitz› it was SO real
06:11:54 ‹Pandora› Hear anything?
06:11:57 ‹stevowitz› and they so wanted to help me..
06:12:08 ‹stevowitz› music
06:12:11 ‹Pandora› How did they communicate this?
06:12:13 ‹Pandora› Nice.
06:12:15 ‹stevowitz› amazing simple music..
06:12:16 ‹Steely› Dog barking, car alarm, anything could have happened to bring you back. Music too I suppose
06:12:33 ‹Steely› Shit happens.
06:12:34 ‹stevowitz› like flutes, but more soothing...and with beat...
06:12:44 ‹Pandora›
06:12:58 ‹stevowitz› still have a warm feeling just from the music..
06:13:16 ‹RaveN-ous› the creamcheese
06:13:17 ‹stevowitz› it's like you can focus on all these amazing things for a moment, but there's so much more...and so little time!
06:13:49 ‹RaveN-ous› ...and you cant get the smile off your face?
06:13:57 ‹Pandora› Yet, in a way, sometimes, it can really be infinite in there . . .
06:14:04 ‹stevowitz› I can't get the smile off my soul.
06:14:11 ‹Pandora›
06:14:26 ‹stevowitz› agreed pandora...infinite is the perfect word
06:14:44 ‹Pandora› Do you remember what the 2 entities looked like?
06:14:49 * d*l*b quit (timeout)
06:14:52 ‹stevowitz› it's just so...perfect. I see where the ancients got nirvina
06:15:25 ‹stevowitz› they moved very fast, like they were in front of my face and waaay back all at the same time...I got flashes of smiling faces
06:15:42 ‹stevowitz› very caricature like ?
06:16:06 ‹RaveN-ous›
06:16:12 ‹Pandora› Have you broken through before? This sounds like a breakthrough.
06:16:21 * Entropymancer quit (timeout)
06:16:21 ‹stevowitz› is it?
06:16:29 ‹Pandora› I don't know. Is it?
06:16:35 ‹Pandora› Kind of sounds like it.
06:16:36 ‹stevowitz› I've visited another place like this before.
06:16:41 ‹stevowitz› it was a room though
06:16:55 ‹Pandora› What was the dose?
06:17:12 ‹stevowitz› yeah, both times were higher doses
06:17:50 ‹RaveN-ous› .....have you had open eye visuals?
06:17:54 ‹stevowitz› I know i've reached a level in hyperspace, but to my understanding(from being there) there's a ways upward to go
06:18:19 ‹stevowitz› oh yeah...the world around me is craaaaazy when I open my eyes
06:18:44 ‹stevowitz› everything flows into jelly mass...but jeweled
06:18:48 ‹stevowitz› or something..
06:18:54 ‹RaveN-ous› me...everything looked 2 stained glass.....and my sitters shadow was 3d......
06:19:08 ‹Pandora› RaveN-ous, that's really cool.
06:19:20 ‹stevowitz› it's like my room is a shifting glass made room, with facets of color in certain points
06:19:31 ‹RaveN-ous› it was quite
06:19:36 ‹stevowitz› when I've taken a decent dose and opened my eyes after a while.
06:19:37 ‹stevowitz› yes..
06:19:47 ‹stevowitz› took me by suprise..
06:20:07 ‹RaveN-ous› there were times i thought my eyes were closed....but i guess they were wide open!
06:20:20 ‹Pandora›
06:20:30 * PsilocybeChild quit (timeout)
06:20:32 ‹stevowitz› sometimes...with a decent dose, it doesn't matter
06:20:33 ‹Pandora› That one shocked my husband , . . . "I kept waiting for your eyes to close . . . "
06:20:38 ‹stevowitz› your already *there*
06:20:45 ‹Pandora› Hell yeah.
06:20:47 ‹stevowitz› lol!
06:20:48 ‹RaveN-ous› yup
06:21:28 ‹stevowitz› my g/f is usually asleep when I trip...she's not into spice like me. she likes the mushies :]
06:21:30 ‹RaveN-ous› to me...the faces arent always very clear....but i can distinctly 'hear" them.....
06:21:41 ‹stevowitz› so, I guess I should film myself sometime?
06:21:50 ‹stevowitz› I have a webcam on my
06:22:01 * RhythmSpring quit (timeout)
06:22:02 ‹Pandora› RaveN-ous, they never "speak" to me but I get distinct and strong "telepathic" communicaton and a lot of body language.
06:22:02 ‹RaveN-ous› would be educational for you im
06:22:29 ‹stevowitz› yeah, I can set it up to see my own face while filming live to...THAT would be wierd
06:22:30 ‹Pandora› stevowitz, what would you expect to see? I would expect to see a many lying or sitting there appearing to be calmly asleep.
06:22:38 ‹mattritt› Ye i get the telepathy
06:22:46 ‹mattritt› as if you just know what they want
06:22:47 ‹Pandora› *man
06:22:54 ‹RaveN-ous› b/f gets so still...i check to make sure hes still
06:23:40 ‹stevowitz› lol, I think I got really still...when I *came back* I felt wet all over...thought I had actually wet myself in some kind of soul release for a moment!!!
06:23:41 ‹Pandora› RaveN-ous, I'll bet he appreciates knowing you are doing for that him when he is launched from his body. I know I appreciate my husband watching my breathing.
06:24:22 ‹RaveN-ous› ........its just amazing to have someone there to share with....who can relate to what youre trying to tell them....
06:24:47 ‹RaveN-ous› this journey has brought us closer than i ever thought possible.....
06:24:47 ‹stevowitz› yeah...
06:24:55 ‹stevowitz› that's why I got on the chat just now.
06:25:29 ‹stevowitz› I live in abig city and no-one around me really does this...the one person that tried it doesn't like it. so yeah
06:25:35 ‹RaveN-ous› ....thanks for sharing with us stevo
06:25:40 ‹stevowitz› thank you nexus chat :] your a good friend
06:25:49 ‹stevowitz› all of ya
06:26:20 ‹stevowitz› finally feeling fully human
06:26:24 ‹stevowitz› lol
06:26:35 ‹stevowitz› felt like an eternity..
06:26:40 ‹RaveN-ous› .....i was quite hesitant at first....but when i saw what it was doing for my soulmate.....he stopped drinking...smoking.....seemed so grounded...and truly happy
06:27:11 ‹Pandora› Thanks for sharing so much stevowitz. Sounds like an awesome experience.
06:27:13 ‹RaveN-ous› ....still got the glow though....dont you?
06:27:23 ‹stevowitz› hells yeah !
06:27:27 ‹RaveN-ous› lol
06:27:50 ‹stevowitz› every trip makes me stronger, faster, and ready for another
06:28:14 ‹RaveN-ous› the six million dollar
06:28:17 ‹Pandora› stevowitz, I would respectfully recommend that you go into hyperspace again, as long as it was not too an intense an experience before . . . I think the tunnel was symbolic and those entities may have more to show you. Who knows?
06:28:30 * Pharmer joins Hyperspace Chat
06:28:41 ‹RaveN-ous› i agree with pandora...
06:28:44 ‹stevowitz› yeah
06:28:51 ‹stevowitz› I know things got interrupted..
06:29:20 ‹stevowitz› and it was an accidental trip. I just accepted it quick
06:29:26 ‹Pandora› Exactly . . . I call that unfinished business in hyperspace . . . just speaking for myself.
06:29:37 ‹stevowitz› good point! and your right
06:29:52 ‹RaveN-ous› .....they
06:29:56 ‹RaveN-ous› ooops
06:30:06 ‹RaveN-ous› theyll let you know when its time to go
06:30:07 ‹RaveN-ous› lol
06:30:12 ‹stevowitz› true
06:30:22 ‹Pandora› Or your body will. But that is the statement of a middle aged burned out woman, LOL.
06:30:34 ‹stevowitz› they did wave good bye...but I knew it wasn't because I needed to leave...just because I got torn away
06:30:42 ‹RaveN-ous› oh
06:31:02 ‹RaveN-ous› im older than you!!
06:31:05 ‹Pandora› They may have been gatekeepers of sorts . . . there may be more to see . . .
06:31:08 ‹Steely› My oath to my spirituality and where ever it takes me in the future:
06:31:13 ‹stevowitz› hmm
06:31:18 ‹Steely› I think the next time it rains, since it does so rarely, I'm going to watch every last drop of it come down to earth. I will experience it to the fullest. From the first petite drop that warns you of the gradually building armada of the most beautiful sound on earth, to the final thick hearted sunshine stricken golden drop that you see dissolving on the ground hours after it's over. I've finally pulled myself together after what I went through in the past. I accept that I did wrong and I don't deny a single second of it. I just hope while I fly far away from this tiny planet, that I don't thank enough for giving myself and a billion others a home that someone, somewhere
06:31:21 ‹Steely› can forgive me.
06:31:22 ‹Pandora› RaveN-ous, really? Cool.
06:31:37 ‹RaveN-ous› unfortunately....yes...LOL
06:31:56 ‹stevowitz› Steely, awesome...
06:32:21 ‹Pandora› Can you just go and go all night?
06:32:42 ‹Pandora› My lungs and/or mind give out. I've never had more than 2 breakthroughs in a 24 hour period and that felt extreme . . .
06:33:00 ‹stevowitz› yeah, My lungs are made of leather
06:33:09 ‹stevowitz› to many other things in the past
06:33:43 ‹RaveN-ous› lungs feel a bit taxed...but i feel amazing.....tingly and alive!
06:33:51 ‹Steely› I feel so relaxed after writin that up. I think I'll read that over again before I take my first trip
06:34:01 ‹Steely› writing*
06:34:14 ‹Steely› Set and setting, and all.
06:35:27 ‹Pandora› RaveN-ous, do you smoke spice multiple times in one session or is this from one session?
06:35:58 ‹RaveN-ous› .....sometimes multiples in one evening.....sometimes once is enough!
06:36:02 * PsilocybeChild quit (timeout)
06:36:02 * PsilocybeChild quit (timeout)
06:36:35 ‹stevowitz› well guys, im gonna go outside and enjoy some fresh air, then maybe report back later
06:36:59 ‹stevowitz› peace
06:37:02 ‹Pandora› stevowitz, enjoy.
06:37:14 ‹RaveN-ous› have a great night......
06:37:25 ‹Steely› bye stevowitz

So yeah, I went back...but I really don't want to talk about it yet, still integrating. I just had to share this with the community, if nothing else for study?


*We are now at a phase of human development where we have accumulated an enormous amount of knowledge through scientific research in the material world. This is very important knowledge, but it must be integrated. -Hoffman
*A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading -C.S. Lewis
cephalopods are enlightened -benzyme

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#2 Posted : 3/27/2010 6:32:23 AM

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Hi stevowitz,

Glad to hear it. If you do choose to talk about it, we would love to hear it. Hope your journey was a good one.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#3 Posted : 3/27/2010 6:33:34 AM

The Dude

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Pandora wrote:
Hi stevowitz,

Glad to hear it. If you do choose to talk about it, we would love to hear it. Hope your journey was a good one.

Peace & Love,

definetly good, and lots of You were right all along! they had things to say!

I'll be updating soon after some rest and thought..
*We are now at a phase of human development where we have accumulated an enormous amount of knowledge through scientific research in the material world. This is very important knowledge, but it must be integrated. -Hoffman
*A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading -C.S. Lewis
cephalopods are enlightened -benzyme
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