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#1 Posted : 3/24/2010 1:35:17 AM

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I apologise. This is a very long report. Forgive me for wanting to share it...


Finally - my 0.001g micro-scales arrived this morning from Hong Kong. This ushers in a new era of measured (if not measurable) journeys into the wonders of Withinity - whose infinite dimensions we, my fellow travellers, you Fine Ambassadors of our humble plane, explore with good intent and open hearts.

“What we do in life, echoes in eternity”
It has been a very special day for me here on Earth. I spent most of it talking at length with the people I love most dearly here in our simple and wonderful plane of existence. And after a long hiatus, a difficult time, I've finally been given the time and the money to make another documentary. My moribund career is revived. And the scales arrived. All good.

I've been working hard trying to integrate the lessons I've been shown in the past few weeks, and have adopted the posture of humble student, grateful to learn:

I have tried to be more aware of my actions, of both their motivation and consequence; and of my relationships, how they must be nurtured and tended with great love, to bring out their delicate and heart-breakingly beautiful blooms; I have learned the importance of living with focused intent; and have contemplated the inevitability of death with increasing acceptance, and vanishing fear.

This has been a truly special time, for which I am very grateful.

Eternal War in The Realm of the Spiders
And so – tonight's journeys. There was purple cookery to be done - the magic cupboard is almost bare. As the second cook was settling, I attempted a measured journey – 105mg of Electric Sheep.

(Until today, I've been eyeballing my doses, and I reckon most of my journeys have been on somewhere between 150 and 200mg … which made me realise why perhaps I was struggling to bring anything back … Shocked )

However, it wasn't quite enough for a full breakthrough. No sacred geometry, no tunnel, no tryptamine palace, no full immersion. No dissolution of self.

Instead, fully conscious, I began to perceive things at the periphery. As I stilled and focused my awareness, I began to make things out clearly.

I was seeing a Lower Realm. A place of insects. It was familiar in some ways - this is usually the kind of thing I see on the way out of a breakthrough; glassy tunnels, diffuse rods of light, insectoid entities. And usually, they are simply the ones who facilitate the journey, tend to the worm holes, keep the tunnels of consciousness open. Sometimes they do work on me as well; fix me up.

But tonight, this was a different level of insect world-ness. I was in the realm of Spiders. And it was hairy – literally hairy, like the hard, wiry hair of spiders. All of it. And the entities here were mean. Hungry. Ruthless. They were the enemies of the guys I usually see, and they were in a state of perpetual war with one another. It was all very dark, a bit hellish (or what a bee or an ant would consider as hell, if they indeed would consider such things.) However, I was not afraid. Not at all.

Some of the Spiders came up to me – was I food? Was I an enemy? They wanted to get inside me. I brushed them away. I am a visitor here, I said. A traveller. I said it without anger. They backed off. And I navigated away.

And this was the real lesson: realizing it is possible to navigate within hyperspace.

I thought of light, and of love; I moved my head or hands as necessary, and changed the point of focus of my awareness to explore this dimension in which I found myself. By doing this, I could move around within this strange plane. It was like learning how to fly.

Towards the end, I had moved from the Spider's realm to the deck of a spaceship of sorts, an caught glimpses through a window of fields of stars, of galaxies, over the shoulder of different types of insects - the mantoids. They knew I was there, but had little time to engage, what with the War on and all … I exited, and returned home.

[size=6]PART II

The Magic of Green Spice
Back on this plane, I tended to my bubbling extraction, and 30 minutes later, measured out a portion of my other Changa blend – Caapi + Pau D'Arco with Green Spice.

(The green spice is what I scraped from the bowl in which I did the IPA evaporation. After a long old soak, the residue was clearly spice, but it was green. A molecular fusion of vine and molecule, as precious and rare white truffles.)

I measured out 140mg of this very special blend, and burnt some Palo Santo in a charcoal burner to clear the room and provide a lantern of goodness to guide me through any darkness I may encounter.

And so we set off.

The Living Genometry of Conscious Hyperspace
The onset was slow – a sure sign that I had found the sweetest of sweet spots – but it was deep.

(I once had a dose of what I know realise must have been close on 300mg of this very blend, and it came on like a quantum lightspeed geometric steam engine. That was when I met the Monkey King - a Chinese Mythical being who, though possessing great power, lacked humility. So getting the dose right is REALLY, REALLY IMPORTANT.)

It began with delicate joker leaves cut from tin, joined by filament, painted in russet autumnal light and spiralling in deliciously slow helices; dancing. We danced, and danced, down the tunnel, down the dnastaircase to the entrance. Welcome. You have found us. I enter, slowly, wash into the multiplicity like a formless tide; piloting the glass spaceship of my consciousness through a narrow gateway, into wondrous bounded infinity. Where before were leaves, here were the vast trunks, multidimensional harlequin redwoods, spiralling, growing majestically upwards into an endless electric cathedral.

And I watched, awed, as these neoprene jester jimjam spirals sprouted verdant Banesteriopsis Caapi leaves. Aah, this the stuff of spice; its manifestation within the Consciousness. Beautiful. Next, the jimjam structures sprouted dark feelers; pointy, curly probes coming towards me.

This is the bit you don't like, They said. Do what you must, I smiled.

I was squeezed and eased into the next space. She was there. Who was she? I don't know, though I know her intimately. I was in her space now. I lay down to allow her to do whatever was necessary. Accepted. The weird dark tendrils were still around. One of them was afraid; I zoomed into it with care and concern. It was like a strange, cautious cat that wants to be stroked and scratched behind the ears, but is cautious and unsure; then it allowed me to look at it's intricate structure. Tiny molecules, like the sucker pads of a squid, in purple and pink. It's function manifest. Trusting me, it downloaded it's information to me – my vision was filled with multiple screens, showing the tendril from different angles; its dna structure and biology; X-rays and scanning tunneling electron microscope images – its entire information was laid bare.

I examined this respectfully as the tendril looked up at me with its doleful molecular squid sucker things, and thanked the entity for its time and its trust and for sharing this with me. I even said out loud, “it's been a real pleasure to get to know you” - I'm so fucking British, even in hyperspace, hehehe … Laughing

Whatever She was doing while I was connecting with the cautious tendril was done. She smiled; I smiled, and started descending through a series of distinct dimensions.

We call you our brother; we call you “Grateful Heart”
I gently dropped out of a hatch at the bottom of Her dimension, and we waved goodbye to one another and I was in a free space of connected dimensional cells; each one entangled, connected, but distinct. This was D'Arco at work; so different to the Sacred Lotus, the Dream Vine, or Madre Aya's magical vineworld. I think I visited at least 30 different dimensions … navigating using the training I had received in the Realm of the Spiders.

I travelled with focused intent into the realities, the planes of other conscious entities – some were electric chalk figures made of light; others were barely visible, like figures in candlelight, seen through cling wrap. Some were as solid as cement or wood or metal.

I was on board a space capsule, as the humanoids within tried desperately to land their damaged craft; they were unaware of me. I floated through worlds of intelligent spiral orange peels, who thought only of sex and greeted me like pimps on a street corner; and I joined a tribe of Native American hyperspace nomads, who lit a fire, gathered around together and welcomed me. They called me their brother, and named me 'Grateful Heart', and we held hands together tightly in the joy of the miracle of it all.

And I looked for my horse; I have not yet found it. My horse. I long for it. My steed, my companion, my faithful and noble ally. I ask for my horse; the chief tells me, he will come. Soon.

And who built this magnificent, glorious labyrinth? The Oneness, they say. The Oneness.

I am given a feather and must drift on to the next.

What I learned
I believe that what we are seeing is different dimensions; distinct planes, occupied by conscious entities of all sorts. Insects, plants, orange peels and gods. There is a structure and an architecture of this shared consciousness, this hyperspace. And we must journey through it with good heart, like a good guest, with the open smile of friendship, and the bowed head of noble gratitude.

Pau D'Arco is a great and benevolent teacher. This is my first true experience of it's gentle depths.

I am truly, deeply grateful for the lessons; and always to you Nexians.

Much love - and safe travels, my friends. Eternal wonder awaits within for those of good heart.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"

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#2 Posted : 3/24/2010 1:50:49 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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This sounds like a dream to me. Especially the last part.
Very weird.

But a real nice report!

I doubt sometimes when i read that kind of trip report, if this experiences have something "real" in it.

My journeys usually let me visit certain places, where I'm being helped. The images in my mind which appear are only shemic and not very detailed. Of course I had detailed pictures too, but mostly they are vague.

How would you describe the feeling of your trips and what did you learn from it?
elusive illusion
#3 Posted : 3/24/2010 2:18:44 AM

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Mr_DMT wrote:

I doubt sometimes when i read that kind of trip report, if this experiences have something "real" in it.

This is what I experienced; it was as real as where I am now right now.

Mr_DMT wrote:

How would you describe the feeling of your trips and what did you learn from it?

The molecule opens a portal to other dimensions through consciousness. If I prepare myself, tend to my life and psyche and spiritual requirements, and if I am precise in the method of dose, andin my purpose, it is possible to navigate within and through these dimensions.

The degree to which I was able to penetrate each of the dimensions I encountered tended to reduce as the active ingredient within me tailed off. So the first dimensions were more solid and 3D; but they became less distinct as time went on; however, with focus, I was still able to discern these and draw from them.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#4 Posted : 3/24/2010 2:21:08 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Such a beautifully detailed report!

I haven't had a great trip in ages, as the doors seem to be closed right now. But it's always good to hear about where other folks are going on their travels.

Thank you Smile
#5 Posted : 3/24/2010 2:27:01 AM

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I was very grateful for a good one - there's been a few hard journeys of late. Some proper spankings.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#6 Posted : 3/24/2010 2:45:30 AM

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"The Universe is a Quantum Computer"
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
Bill Cipher
#7 Posted : 3/24/2010 3:43:57 AM

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Well done once again. You are quickly becoming one of my favorite hyperspatial field reporters.
#8 Posted : 3/24/2010 4:12:34 AM

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wow brother....a large portion of that report was so familiar to me i got goosebumps reading it.... really. that was one of the most familiar recounts i have ever read. thank you so much!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#9 Posted : 3/24/2010 7:39:23 AM

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This is the bit you don't like, They said. Do what you must, I smiled.

That's it.
#10 Posted : 3/24/2010 8:21:43 AM

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@Art: thanks, Art - I appreciate that. You're one of the people here I would really like to meet in meatspace one day. Over thirty espressos or so ... I think that would be a riot! 8-)

@Ant: I am always amazed by the complex coherence of hyperspace, and how different travellerscan experience the same entities, messages and environments. How is all this - these mantoids and spaceships and jesters, and all - be encoded in a single molecule? My view is that this molecule is a very specific and precisely shaped key that unlocks our ability to perceive realms that I cannot but believe exist objectively. I cannot believe this is all entirely constructed within my own tiny monkey brain.

@cellux: surrender and acceptance is easier for me when the jimjam is approaching gently and slowly. There are times when it is so fast, intense, or just plain dark and nasty, that I don't - or can't - do it. But when you do, wow - what amazing levels open up.

Thanks all for taking the time to post replies

much love!
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
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