#1 Posted : 3/23/2010 12:00:33 AM

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we can all agree that you simply never know what you're gonna get each time you light that genie...

in my last post, i tried to touch on the fact that lately, i HAVE been somewhat able to know... like a story that continues to pick up where it last left off, a definite, structured experience complete with an all-pervasive message of awakening and transformation has been running for a while now and it's had me both captivated and confused.

thank god i have you guys to help me work through it is all i have to say!

so i'm at the park today and i have two very important points of focus:

1) to go extremely deep. uncharted territory deep. take me a fair amount of time to know this world when i return to it deep.

2) to experience #1 in the hopes of perhaps going 'beyond' the recurring experience i've been involved in. to see if a connection even more profound might be possible.

here's what i found:

i vaporized more DMT that i have since my brithday (70mg). i completely disintegrated and became pure light. my ego died completely and yet....

and yet...

i. as in, me. i observed everything from a vantage of omnipresence. i witnessed all that was happening as an eternal aspect of an infinite source. i simply was. no time. no space.

i have been here before. i will return. the experience of stillness was what i can only imagine an enlightened being deep in samadhi experiences. no things. no duality. no messages. the most peaceful, tranquil, eternal moment.

the truest bliss.

i have not had such a utterly rapturous experience in some time.

to measure it in earth time, it was probably a good 30 minutes (had taken 30 mg. sublingual caapi copy a half hour beforehand). my soul, however, would argue that it had just experienced an eternity.

here's where things get peculiar.... Shocked

there was no moment of snapping back into awareness. at some particular moment, the still nothingness became a craft and once again i was there with the 'other ones'. the message i was immediately met with was one of celebration and joy. in a clear transmission of a carrier wave i now became aware of (was it not there in the stillness?), i was told the following:

the stillness is the essence of all. it is the oneness from which all things come and return. even these entities themselves knew this great light. their highly evolved culture included an equally highly evolved sprituality in that their relationship to this light/source was clearer. as if they were simply more clear on what it was or were just more comfortable with it in general.

either way, what came next was a true gift...

as if god were a boa constrictor made of warm, loving light, i was crushed in the most delicious squeeze that, like a great rush of ocean onto the shore, immediately swept me away again. ego and all. it was almost like ayahuasca in the tide-like flow. one minute kinda here, then with a rush....long gone again....

what i saw was indescribable. truly. light, color, detail beyond detail, beings, faces, toys, glyphs.....almost as if EVERYTHING i'd ever seen in hyperspace was having a surprise party for me and decided to stuff themselves into one room. the visual spectacle was too much. sensory overload. if i was aware of my body at the time, i would almost guarantee you all that my mouth was wide open enough for me to park my prius in there.

i'm completely tractor-beamed by this onslaught of visual overload....faces are morphing into jack-in-the-boxes that are lined with shiny metallic ribbons...hands are reaching out and fingers are curling in a beckoning manner....i'm lost in this massive mindfuck. i'm not afraid at all....simple devoured by it.

in an instant a face is in front of me and it's got a winking eye and a funny, plastic sheen to it. a hand erupts right at me and i'm flipped the bird! the spirt of it was hilarious and in that very same instant i am pulled up off the ground where i lay and snapped into the most prisitne meditative posture this side of a zen rohatsu retreat. back perfectly erect. thumb to forefinger mudras on both hands. one hand in my lap, one hand presenting forth. it is the most glorious feeling my body has ever known.

it was a test. a lesson. immediately i understand and focus myself on the center of this visual free for all. i observe none of it. it is still going on full-tilt but i am no longer observant of any of it.

"there ARE other dimensions of experience. other consciousness. other intelligences" , i am told. "beyond all of them there is a oneness. a great oneness that all are a part of."

i have had a similar lesson a while back where i was told that even in hyperspace, the goal was to be empty and still. in the midst of all this profoundly dynamic visual and psychedelic stimulus, at some point the goal would be to find stillness and quiet....that if i could see beyond the fireworks the molecule would be able to amplify and greatly aid me in quieting and focussing my receiver (ie: mind).

i am still deeply moved by this. it is nothing new really. the abilities of DMT to 'change frequencies' and experience other consciousness...and even deeper still, a oneness of all that is...well, let's just say one can work on truly anything in hyperspace.

when i returned, impossiblemachine was sitting next to me. he knew i was working in the park and silently came and sat as sentinel by my side. dear friend...dear brother...

this was a beautiful lesson for me. no need to really 'process' was as clear as day. even in other dimensions, the ability to be empty and still grants profound access to source. i feel like through DMT, i was just able to meditate the way a spirtually advanced being meditates. as if i got to experience the nirvana, the satori, the heaven, the oneness that every great enlightened being has spoken of.

it's funny...when i first started working with DMT, I used to use the term DEEP MEDITATION THERAPY as a sort of secret code name....

guess the joke's on me... Pleased

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."

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#2 Posted : 3/23/2010 12:07:32 AM

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antrocles wrote: an instant a face is in front of me and it's got a winking eye and a funny, plastic sheen to it. a hand erupts right at me and i'm flipped the bird! the spirt of it was hilarious...

That was me! Wink

(Great post!)
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#3 Posted : 3/23/2010 12:24:03 AM

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Awesome and awe-inspiring experience and report. It seems that for all the themes the spice presents to us that are universal, we each go to a kind of unique and intimate place. For the first time in awhile I felt a deep resonance and familiarity with what you report. I am (and can never be) nowhere near your level, yet I have been shown the blessing of the place/stillness/source you describe. It was an amazing revelation for me and suddenly a bunch of new-age claptrap made perfect, experiential sense.

Great to hear you've got L.O.V.E. members nearby. IMHO, a sitter, especially outdoors, allows one to go deeper than one normally could.

Regardless, thanks again.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#4 Posted : 3/23/2010 4:24:14 AM

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Pandora wrote:
I am (and can never be) nowhere near your level, yet I have been shown the blessing of the place/stillness/source you describe.

let me be the first to say that this is simply not true. i have no special power or ability that i am aware of. i have a strong will and a strong desrie to be free....but who doesn't? i have a tenacity and a determination developed through my career as a competitive athlete...but one doesn't need to compete to cultivate these qualities.

in truth, my experiences ARE your experiences. yours are mine. we ALL grow from one another's experiences and that is why this community is as strong, as healthy and as beautiful as it is.

i want you to be empowered by what i share, not humbled. i have read your reports have your challenges with the molecule but you are a warrior as much as any here. these 'levels' are nothing more than time spent working with it.

i have just worked with it a lot. that is the only difference. the more you work with a thing (in a respectful and humble manner of course), the more your relationship develops, the more comfortable your relationship becomes and the more you open up to it and it opens up to you.

i wish you all had a L.O.V.E. chapter in your respective lives. a wonderful real-life community you could 'go to church' with and discuss your work with afterwards. there is no greater way to heal than through strong community. that's what we are here.

i'm not trying to be in any way blunt here. you know i absolutely adore you pandora. i'm writing this more in response to several PM's i've received since posting the "my name is antrocles" report. many have accused me of having a messiah complex, of being cultish, of being dogmatic and deluded. i guess i just saw your post and, though i know it was written with love..i felt it would be a good opportunity to let it be known once and for all that i am simply a member of this community. nothing more. nothing less. i guess my feelings got a little hurt that i would be seen as having an agenda like this.

i'm born the year of the dog and i am in very many ways just like a big ol' dog. i love people. as in, LOVE people. i always want to help. i always want to see people in harmony, loving one another. from the very beginning i communicated with this community with the deepest love and gratitude. these are not throw-away words for me. i have had each one tattooed into my wrists for the better part of a decade now. i AM that vibration.

i want to apolgize to any and all who have felt that i have been preachy or inauthentic. all i can say is that when i say something, i mean it. i am passionate and my heart is always in the right place. if i call you brother or sister, i mean it. you are that dear to me. if i say that i stand for the growth and evolution of all, i mean just that. this isn't a guru slogan i'm ranting from a bullhorn. it is just me.

anyways....just wanted to clear the air. thanks for allowing me to share...


"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#5 Posted : 3/23/2010 4:30:41 AM


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whatever you do, don't change the way you flow because of the doubt. (and I know you won't, but I know it will transform, and I know you know that)
throughout history, it seems like all the greatest thinkers were doubted.
#6 Posted : 3/23/2010 7:34:46 AM

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antrocles wrote:

it's funny...when i first started working with DMT, I used to use the term DEEP MEDITATION THERAPY as a sort of secret code name....

guess the joke's on me... Wink

Antrocles you crack me up man, love it.... flow on brother flow on....

Sometimes the lights all shining on me, other times I can barely see....
#7 Posted : 3/23/2010 9:01:48 AM

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Big love, brother. Thanks again for sharing an excellent report. It's fantastic that you have a band of brothers out there in meatspace who've got your back. We all have to take care of one another here.

Keep on keeping on!

antrocles wrote:

... with the deepest love and gratitude. these are not throw-away words for me. i have had each one tattooed into my wrists for the better part of a decade now.

You have "Love & Gratitude" tattoo'd on your person? That is very, VERY cool.

As one of your devoted disciples, I am going to follow your example. Fire up the tattoo machine. ZZZzzzzzzzzz ... L.O.V.E & G.R.A.T.I ... shit! I ran out of fingers!! Where'd you say you did it?
Laughing Laughing Laughing
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#8 Posted : 3/23/2010 2:42:08 PM

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antrocles wrote:
"there ARE other dimensions of experience. other consciousness. other intelligences" , i am told. "beyond all of them there is a oneness. a great oneness that all are a part of."

Amazing report!
i want to know more about this voice. was it telepathically yours, or was it clear and distinct and external? if so, who was it?

i think it would be an excellent tag line for CEL. OR I think it would be cool if we had a Hyperspace Quotes/Thoughts page!!! Actually, i'm gonna set one up now. Here it is.Cool
#9 Posted : 3/23/2010 3:16:10 PM

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88 wrote:
Big love, brother. Thanks again for sharing an excellent report. It's fantastic that you have a band of brothers out there in meatspace who've got your back. We all have to take care of one another here.

Keep on keeping on!

antrocles wrote:

... with the deepest love and gratitude. these are not throw-away words for me. i have had each one tattooed into my wrists for the better part of a decade now.

You have "Love & Gratitude" tattoo'd on your person? That is very, VERY cool.

As one of your devoted disciples, I am going to follow your example. Fire up the tattoo machine. ZZZzzzzzzzzz ... L.O.V.E & G.R.A.T.I ... shit! I ran out of fingers!! Where'd you say you did it?
Laughing Laughing Laughing

hehehe....yeah....that GRATITUDE was a tough one....even the japanese kanji for it (Kansha) is pretty lengthy....fortunately, japanese kanji length goes up and down and not horizontally Pleased

LOVE (Ai) is easy.

hmmm....'love is easy'.....i like that....

antrocles attached the following image(s):
gratitudeinthepark.jpg (142kb) downloaded 105 time(s).
loveinthepark.jpg (158kb) downloaded 105 time(s).
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
Rgeular Dudess
#10 Posted : 3/23/2010 3:34:37 PM
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How are you able to use these substances so openly in public (park for example)?
#11 Posted : 3/23/2010 5:13:33 PM

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i have a particular tree i set up beneath. though there are people around, no one is particularly near to me. i throw my hoodie over my head to create a little tent world where anything that takes place is for nobody's eyes but my own.

after a deep inhale, i sit up in one motion removing the hoodie with the same hand the GVG is in. both the lighter and the GVG are now wrapped in my hoodie which is placed either beside me or under my head as a pillow. i hold my hit as long as i can so very little vapor is exhaled and noone is close enough to see what little there may be.

my last visual record of the density is a blue sky and a life-giving sun as they dance between a network of branches and leaves. it is a holy bon voyage. the earth beneath me envelopes me and surrounds my shell in protective electro magnetic fields. my cells vibrate with the exact same rhythm of the great yin below and the great yang above. i become the 10,000 things that are begat...

nature is life. as long as care and awareness are exercised (along with common sense), all will be well....

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#12 Posted : 3/23/2010 5:44:24 PM
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I imagine the tree enjoys your company as well.

Really really nice report man.

Had a similar experience, only once, the first time actually, and the deepest still. Rushed so quickly past the layers, the patterns, the chrysanthemum, the entities, the machines, the folds, entire worlds. Stopped suddenly in deep space over an infinite plane of light but felt like the arrival was less of an arrival and more of a time confluence of rejoining with a location/time which had already been present for an eternity? Not sure if that makes sense, but an overwhelming and profound feeling of arriving and already being there at the same time. Most extensive time dilation yet experienced. Quite literally 5 hours, 5 minutes, and an eternity all in one. Deafening silence, and blinding nothingness but not at all in a bad way (not the 5meo void). Stillness is definitely the best descriptor. An amazing lesson in the nonlinearity of time.

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