The Drunk New Guy. Options
#1 Posted : 3/20/2010 6:17:06 PM

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So I was "the drunk new guy" at a party recently, i wasn't preforming very well. but there was some extra pressure because i knew that despite their best disguises, my fellow party-ers were aliens....

This is what happened; and the lessons I’ve recently learned.

These are all dim CEVs (I don’t get OEVs) of a 4 hour oral experience.

14g RAW Cacao
8g Cacao butter
1 cup warm Soy milk
1 Tbsp Honey
40g weak caapi (copy equivalent)
200mg weak THH
2.5g MHRB juice

(i was told about the Cacao idea from this dream)

this is the best-tasting combo EVER. I really enjoy the oral experience; it's like a tough long hike up a mountain, whereas IMO, smoked spice is like standing on a sheet metal atop a pile of dynamite and launching yourself up a cliff like a projectile Wink

These are obviously the ramblings of a crazy man:

+ After intake I played piano for 40 minutes until the body-load became too great and I had to stop. I sat on my knees on the floor I listened to the harmonics between the notes rise up like sparks in the air. It seemed to be the best improvisational playing I’ve done yet (though if I had recorded myself, this opinion may be suspectLaughing ).

+ As I played, i knew i was "being watched." I suddenly experienced the vague ghost of General Robert E. Lee: he had intentionally lost Gettysburg because he felt The Confederacy didn’t deserve independence. I felt tremendous gratitude and appreciation at this realization from me/him.

+ I laid down once I felt the first waves of hyperspace lap at my feet. My first images were of death. A vague face appeared before me with flesh falling off. I saw that fear is the test! It highlights your “fear circuitry” so They know what to change (if needed), and it is always the gate we must deliberately pass through.

+ I began to get cold just laying on the floor. I knew I needed a blanket. Use your gears, I thought: down-shift and crawl. wow. my eyes popped open and i felt rather sober, "down-shifting” and “up-shifting” is an incredibly helpful image to use. I am in fact becoming more and more suspicious of these type of thoughts, I don’t always know how much of them are “mine” during these journeys. The best way to influence someone (without stress) regarding any new idea is to make the new idea seem like it was theirs all along... I think this is Their savviest trick.

+ CARL SAGAN WAS RIGHT!!! Omg omg omg he was right! I am now 1000x certain he was an MJ-12!
An hour after intake the body jitters became extremely intense and I was convulsing on the floor in shock. During this I saw a little dot hovering in the middle of a strobe light; the movie Contact popped into my head. The scene where Jodie Foster’s character falling through that huge spinning contraption into a worm hole is exhilarating and tremendously helpful to a psychonaut (and we don’t have to spend $2 trillion dollars to do it!Wink ). My body was jittering because “I” was still locked in "the chair of my body” and I needed to “unclip myself” for this turbulent journey through colorful tubes; that thought made me instantly more peaceful. Also, once I provided the context that “this is like a ride,” much of the confusion and nausea went away. These tubes of color lasted for ten minutes and soon I popped up into a huge warm, gooey indoor pool under a dark dome. The place had plenty of air, but it reminded me of a giant architecturally simulated womb. I then saw MY very first moment awareness in the womb as an infant and this was a rather special moment.

+ I got the impression my thoughts were free to drift. After a few moments, I saw myself as child. I was about three and was asking to learn. A humanoid entity of dim translucent gray/blue morphed towards me from the left, and crouched down to my level. He said: “You must hold an intention for EVERY SECOND.” This is how we guide ourselves. He looked like the robot/aliens at the end of AI, though more full bodied and less skinny.

+ ::then more hyperspace goo:: and I thought about a poorly written book I was reading for eBook research. It was way too self-referential on the author’s use of Iboga, and then I felt a pop in my head. And a clear and distinct visual of an African guy with a very long face and white war-paint stood before me and again he poked me in the face with his finger with a *pop*. He was Iboga! He wanted me to try Iboga. Though I thought he wanted to steal my soul and told him to go away. He wouldn’t leave and I had to shove him off to the right. I hope I wasn’t too rude, but he was annoying and kept coming back. But i've learned in hyperspace that just because you're swimming around with your own insanity doesn't mean you DON'T have to still follow some standard rules of social decency.

+ I’ve been wondering a lot lately about when I need to work, and when I need to just sit and accept the fate of the universe? I don’t want to be lazy, but also don’t want to waste energy; be it mine or Their’s. They said “of course you need to work. We’re experts at pulling strings and have been doing so since before your species was born. Just go and be.” What about The Nexus? if we are ground zero for alien contact on Earth, how are we supposed to do all this work? Here, I received the best advice yet: “Walk tall and be a man.” ...i think Each and every one of you on this forum needs to understand how special you are. They were actually Thanking ME for helping to make Their jobs easier and were very proud at how far i had developed since the my last spice adventure (which was only a few weeks to me, but to decades to Them).

+ I wanted to met people; some dead US Presidents showed up and started clapping for me and invited me to a cocktail party. The room was dark and seemed to be a large library parlor from the 1800s with two levels lit by candles. It was full of people and everyone was looking at me and very proud, happy, and still clapping. I had a champagne glass and toasted to the crowd and focused hard on making some sort of thank you speech, which I did. It was obvious I was way too drunk and incoherent to say much, but They didn't mind. I told them thank you for having me and thank you for all the tremendously hard work They must be doing. Then every one went back to their previous conversations and ignored me. I was the new guy. I walked up the stairs to try talking with these guests (the Presidents stayed on the bottom floor talking amongst themselves). I met a very friendly fat lady in a fancy old dress who asked what I thought of the party, and if she could download my brain. I said why of course! And I disappeared into a flurry of bubbling dark colors.

+ I tried to think myself back to the party, I thought of a block of wood and named it “old hickory” like President Andrew Jackson, but all I got was the image of a giant redwood tree. it felt a very tall and serene. Are you the spirit of the redwood trees!?! I asked? “Yes...” Was the answer. He was very sad about all the tress getting cut down but felt things were thankfully okay because of the park reserves. I then grew suspicious, “you’re not a redwood are you?” I asked. “Haha nope” he replied “but it’s part of the learning.” I then got images of an alien cliff-side against a warm ocean with giant fuzzy cacti the size of redwoods spaced along the rocks looking out to a clear blue sky. My awareness became confined to small nook in the cactus were all I saw was blue sky and the coming and going of bird like things. As I settled in, I suddenly felt complete and utterly alien shift in consciousness into a flower-like-nipple which was so rapid i almost vomited. but then i drifted away.

+ after a few more minutes of hyperspace goop, I met a giant beaver couple who sat across a table from me with a beer at a clean, well light lumber-jack bar full of wood paneling in Canada! They were very friendly, I asked them why I was imagining them as the beaver couple from the Narnia movie and they chided me that They, not I, had picked the image to best approximate them. [the fact these IMDB pictures near EXACTLY fit the images i had somewhat disturbs me]. I then asked Them if they’d like to join me for a real drink on Earth sometime and They said They’d love too, but it’d be bit too far and perhaps not the wisest use of energy... They couldn’t tell me exactly, but they left the impression They were in a galaxy cluster several hundred million light-years away. but i saw a picture of it!

+ I then met a strange giant alligator lady who wanted to meet me by running out of a swamp-like-place and eat me. She liked it when prey was still alive in her belly. It wasn’t scary, it was just how she wanted to d/l me.

+ I’m a very visual person and love photography; I had the image of an underwater snapshot of a stove 15 ft below the Caribbean ocean sitting amongst a soft white bed of sand and a short weeds. Placed on the front right burner coil was a goldfish swimming in his bowl. I thought this was so funny and wondered what it might mean. --And since I was underwater, I wondered where all my aquatic friends might be? I soon felt dolphin like creatures swimming around me who wanted to know all about Earth’s oceans. They were obviously sad about the pollution, but were tremendously impressed by how huge blue whales were!Shocked

+ In time my experiences faded away. Though as I came down I realized “god” isn’t one guy on a cloud, it’s a whole civilization.

+ i spent the next 2-3 hours incredibly hung over, and INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL.

thank you.

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#2 Posted : 3/21/2010 9:24:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow - acolyte, that is just incredible. WOW. Seeing your first moment of awareness in the womb - that is just amazing. The encounter with Iboga - hilarious! So much detail; what a journey. wow! Thanks for sharing this.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#3 Posted : 3/21/2010 9:40:03 AM


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I like this.....pharma/aya sounds TRULY amazing.....more so than vaped spice. I have the ingredients, I really should experience this..I've heard many people say they have the feeling of their thoughts being able to drift and float...I can't imagine what that is like but it sounds incredible.

Thanks for the post man.
"The real secret of magic is that the world is made of words, and that if you know the words that the world is made of you can make of it whatever you wish." - Terence Mckenna

"Once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - Hunter S. Thompson
#4 Posted : 3/21/2010 2:43:48 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks guys! That stuff's hard to explain! I'm glad you got through the whole post!

@ DreamWaves, i definitely recommend the pharma experience. i think it gives you lots of time to learn on your own level as things arise over the 4 hours. BUT REMEMBER: the stuff's subtle. the journey is not always a hammer in the face regarding visuals, you have to work a bit at it and really think about what's going on.
ALSO add 3g of CACAO butter to EVERYTHING, it really settles down the body-jitters and your stomach.

@ 88, Iboga came back in my dreams last night!! i don't remeber what he was doing excetly but it was something about the duality of consciousness being pulled apart like putty which makes us vomit. I'm wondered as i woke up this morning if i've met a lame Freddy Krueger or if i'm a total jerk for not letting him explain himself better!
#5 Posted : 3/21/2010 10:20:36 PM


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Yes, I've heard that pharma/aya does not always give visuals? The one time I did try pharma it was with a somewhat small amount of caapi copy and furmate. The night was just like a mushroom trip, lots of thinking, but not as intense and I was able to understand things more. Only lasted 4 hours too. The first effects were a little visual, like colors being enhances, rooms having a greater vibrance to them.

I will journey again though soon, this time with proper measurement and set/setting.
"The real secret of magic is that the world is made of words, and that if you know the words that the world is made of you can make of it whatever you wish." - Terence Mckenna

"Once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - Hunter S. Thompson
#6 Posted : 3/21/2010 11:42:08 PM

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Iboga is a very powerful substance and i find it to be a very important healer. As i am sure people know, heroin addicts use it, not only to help almost completely alleviate their withdrawal symptoms, but it is really something spiritually deep within this plant. The only clinic in Europe, which actually has the governments approval (even alcohol abuse, coke, and other addictive substances) is in England (London).

What i found out about it is that it really gets inside your mind and "heals" it in a sense that it reaches deep within one's soul... The people you've hurt, which can mainly be caused by that person needing something to stop the cravings. Some say it shows you what you've done to hurt people, even stuff not remembered, but as seen from the other person's perspective. I am sure this is a tool in with doctors all over the world should use (in a controlled environment due to the dangers of it). The fact that it stops the physical withdrawals, as well as the psychological dependency, makes me think it is such an important plant, which should be looked into and practiced in other countries.

Anyways, if people haven't heard of iboga and how crazy it is in the fact that it can help people more than pharmaceuticals, when dealing with addiction, then google it. People even have used it to stop smoking. Truly amazing and mystical plant. Look it up people! Very interesting... sorry if i got off topic and ranted on about iboga (ibogain). I just have a few friends, who have headed down the wrong path, who would really benefit from it... but the clinic is too expensive. It should be free!! Hope this gains some interest.

Lots of Lub,


#7 Posted : 3/22/2010 3:37:13 AM

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DoingKermit wrote:
Iboga is a very powerful substance and i find it to be a very important healer.

haha well next time i see him i will apologize, he was probably just trying to help.
I'm still working on my hyperspace manners!Very happy we'll see if he comes for me tonight.

#8 Posted : 3/23/2010 7:13:20 PM

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Funny. Something in this post has stuck in my brain:

“You must hold an intention for EVERY SECOND.”

Those are eight potentially life changing words. I have been trying to apply it.

"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#9 Posted : 3/24/2010 4:00:58 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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88 wrote:
Funny. Something in this post has stuck in my brain:

“You must hold an intention for EVERY SECOND.”

Those are eight potentially life changing words. I have been trying to apply it.


The Entity who told this to me had the calmest, most genuine and supportive teacher-like-energy I've ever encountered. But he was much a subtle and weak visual... had i not been open and focused on the moment i would have missed the whole encounter!! Shocked

This doubly enforces his message.

I too will try harder, THANKS 88!
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