the Gifts Options
#1 Posted : 3/15/2010 1:15:30 AM


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Question. Have you been offered a/the gift yet and if so, what was it and did the giver expect anything in return?

Also, have you been offered more than once? What was expected, etc...

If you read this post then please answer, it'll only take a moment. Very happy

<reposting in the nursury>
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung


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#2 Posted : 3/15/2010 3:39:14 AM


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Last time I went deep,
probably four months ago Now
They told me that this was it:

I was married to my lover by them. Would you consider that a gift? (I do)

They've given me cosmic insight that never, ever leaves. I am constantly looking out through hyperspatial eyes. I consider this to be the greatest gift of all [as well as a burden when trying to deal with my current cultural situation].
Every little bit of conscious data thats been transferred to my CNS I consider to be a gift.
The burden is also a gift, for it is constantly beckoning me to be a stronger, wiser, human.

I will be processing and integrating these experiences for the rest of my life.

Never any objects, never any raping fucking alligators, just universal consciousness and all that flows through it.


p.s. the spice is one of the greatest gifts of all.
what else forces such a great flood of consciousness?
what else unkinks, accelerates, recalibrates, and unveils the truth?

Whatever put it inside of us is laughing into eternity.

#3 Posted : 3/15/2010 6:18:50 AM

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I've heard reports of people who've received things that sound like 9-dimensional rubik's cubes or infinite disco ball type objects ... but I've never had anything like that. I always come back saying 'thank you' repeatedly ... for healing, for shared knowledge, for the sheer magnificence.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#4 Posted : 3/15/2010 6:34:08 AM

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i'll make this short. I broke through and dog/lizard/fish combos were licking my face. I was on a floor looking up. A motherly presence of light and geometry greeted me with several children of the same nature. The father then came and had the nature of the buddha, and even morphed into the buddha (fat style) Saying "if you chooose to see me this way so it will be" The mother appeared again and crystals began flowing from her, their weight piling in my arms and pulling me down to the dog/lizard/fish pets. I said "thank you! thank you!" and the vision began to fade. the palace fell apart and I was pulled through a tunnel back into my body. My experiences usually aren't like this
#5 Posted : 3/15/2010 11:08:26 PM


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I like these answers. Thank you. I am speaking more or less of objects(9-dimensional rubiks cubes, etc.) rather than the wonderful insights and wisdom that spice inherently offers.

I ask because I was offered one once, at a price. I have struggled with whether or not this was simply my subconscious or part of the incremental reprogramming that takes place over the course of many journeys.

All answers are appreciated.Very happy

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#6 Posted : 3/15/2010 11:37:24 PM

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Espiridion wrote:
I ask because I was offered one once, at a price.

What was the price?

I ask because I can only describe my journeys as a symbiosis. By taking the Spice Route, I am committing to a symbiotic relationship with a plural extradimensional entity(ies).

And symbiosis in our plane of reality/understanding is a process where each participant must gain something from the symbiosis. I was concerned for some time - until a few days ago, in fact - as to what it was They got from the relationship. They are always getting into my mouth - which is fine, except when They take the form of something hideous, evil or devious. Then, frankly, I shit myself: I have often wondered if they were feeding on my soul or sucking my life force out of me ...

But I feel better, not worse, after each journey. More grounded. More connected. More attuned to the needs of those around me.

SO I've started to think that maybe they want to use my body - and they are keen on fixing it up while they're in it. And that the shiny stuff is a distraction, because they have a bit of dirty work to do they don't want to trouble us with - a bit like your dentist playing music or telling you a golfing story to take your mind off the fact that he's rooting around in your teeth Confused

I don't know. But I have to trust that their intention is good. Maybe that is naive, but I feel such a positive difference in my life, I guess its a bargain I'm inclined to accept right now.

"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#7 Posted : 3/16/2010 3:45:13 AM


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88. You hit the nail on the head. It seems, however, that when vaping after subL caapi alks, that it is a 'particular' spirit that shares my conciousness.

This post is actually about the first month of spicing and the novelty and wonderment and not knowing what I was really getting myself into. I was asked to trade my soul for this 'bliss-device' which spun around and generated the most amazing feelings of euphoria. I fell hook line and sinker. Caveat emptor I suppose.

I often read of the gifts and an artist (Ezrail????) depicts these events fairly well. One just wonders what they ARE doing to you when you have your eyes all bright and distracted. I mean come on, like I've always said, "Humans, we like shiny stuff."

They show you this great 8 dimensional bazoongawhatzix and some entity behind you opens up a small control panel on the back of your head and starts clipping all the green wires. Suddenly your talking crazy to your friends about how the spirit world is real and you GOTTA try this great new thing and see for yourself.

It is of course too late for this ground-wireless spice disciple. They are welcome to share consciousness with me.

Still, though. Tell me about your gifts people. Thanks.

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#8 Posted : 3/18/2010 2:24:11 PM

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Wow, that's an interesting thought. I have yet to be offered a gift and only actually interacted with one of the entities once and it was some wise creator teaching me how to create things for myself.
Step forward into your cave. That's right. You're going deeper into your cave. And you're going to find, your power animal...

Imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light. It moves over your body, healing you. Now keep this going, remember to breathe, and step forward through the backdoor of the room. Where does it lead?
#9 Posted : 3/18/2010 3:28:21 PM

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I've never been offered a spiritual gift - however - during my second and most powerful awakening experience on aya I was 'given' a ring. A real 3-dimensional trinity ring.

This ring was purchased many years ago with no significance other than it caught my eye. I lost all memory of it until this night.

During a particularly significant moment when it all 'came together' I looked on my dresser and behold, the ring. One of the major insights obtained prior to receiving the ring what this idea of trinity -- the binding of It (God or whatever It is), me, and this medium which allows us to communicate. I found the trinity ring just as the idea sunk in and was floored by the synchronicity of it all.

Maybe my gf found it and put it on the dresser and my mind made connections where there were previously none causing something seemingly significant. Either way, the whole experience was moving and I wear this ring during ceremony with great significance -- and I am very thankful for both it and the insights gained.

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#10 Posted : 3/28/2010 10:53:05 PM

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Wow, I remember Terence McKenna talking about the elves he encountered shifting shapes, like "jeweled self-dribbling basketballs", and making gifts, "gifts for you", using this "visible language". Personally I've never encountered entities doing anything like that. There is speculation that whatever sort of Spice McKenna was using (60's orange-yellow waxy spice) may not have been pure Spice but may have had other tryptamines in it; perhaps something like Jungle Spice. In fact, on the Jungle Spice thread at the shroomery someone mentions that one of their Jungle results had an effect just like McKenna described...

On the other hand, on a recent oral Spice journey, a golden, sunshine yellow pentagram began to shine above my head. I was told that the pentagram is a gift of protection that's always available, and all I have to do to invoke its protection and it will work. Nothing like a 9-dimensional rubik's cube, but still a gift.
"...I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats could grin..." - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
#11 Posted : 3/29/2010 6:53:03 AM

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I was once (early into my spice journey's) taunted and mocked by The Jester. I was then transported to an engine room where a large shiny metal and green Mantoid borg mind raped me. She shredded me with her pincers and literally picked me apart. It was frightening but strangely sexual. It was just like you imagine Soul Rape to be like ;-)

When I returned, in my room with my eyes open, I was given a light orb. It was vibrating different colors and humming. I was still stunned from the experience and knew that it was a gift for having endured the rape. I had no idea what to do with the light orb other than try to communicate with it.

I sat in bed humming at it and as I did that it changed color and frequency. It stayed with me for a few minutes.

It was a gift.

Another gift I received, although I was not allowed to operate it, was a time stopping hoola hoop made of gyroscopes.

I was greeted by The Jester and a The Serpent Lady. It was probably my most powerful spice trip (also early on). The Serpent Lady had me in a head-lock and had a probe in my right eye and left ear. She had my head open and was reprogramming me, building an API.

While she did this, The Jester would tell me to look and with his gyroscopic hoola-hoop he would stop time, everything would go from DMT time to a stand-still and I was then allowed to look around. It was definitely a distraction as they worked on me.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#12 Posted : 3/29/2010 12:57:14 PM


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Nice report Ghostman, ur a hardcore dude lol Very happy
#13 Posted : 3/29/2010 1:00:28 PM


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Im not sure ive been offered the gift yet but i have been promised a meeting with the boss of hyperspace.

Ive had loads of lady alien entities lap dancing on me and in me, the works, i suppose thats a gift Smile
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