i have been afraid to post something lately. it started a couple months ago with a particular breakthrough i had and, as i have been having more and more (and now pretty much exclusively) the same types of experieces, i feel like it is just something that needs to be shared with you all.
this is not a god complex.
this is not a deluded, insane mind.
those who have met me and worked with me can vouch for my 'sanity'. what i am about to say here is the most abstract thing i've ever put forth on this forum and i do have a fear that i will be seen as wierd or 'gone off the deep end' for saying it...but the fact that it is everything that i am being show for some time now and the message is becoming more and more pronounced and clear compels me to at least put it out there.
many 'pieces' of this puzzle have come over the past 16 months of daily breakthroughs. however, with a good 10 day break to integrate all of the rewiring and to meditate on the lessons i've been given, i have had some of the greatest awakenings of this entire process.
and then i started working again.

i'm just gonna tap this out and let the chips fall where they may.
i have been shown, in images and scenarios as real as any in this density, a vision of our origin. of a planet colliding with what was to become earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. of societies that have risen and fallen in the wake of a giant planet's return into our solar system. of how all life that exists on this planet, also exists (and originated from?) another planet. that during that collision so long ago, water and spores and amino acids and all the building blocks of our web of life here on earth were exchanged and deposited from this other world.
i have been taken to this other world countless times. it is as familiar as walking into the house you grew up in. the archetecture is a fusion of egyptian, mayan...and yet...so much more impossibly advanced. there is a golden shimmer to everything. like it is all made out of gold. the beings that live here are much larger than humans. they all have a tremendous capacity for consciousness. they ARE consciousness.
they are evolved as a whole. they have their individual selves, but they are 'connected' in a way we are only just beginning to realize might be possible here.
there are crafts. great crafts that are propelled by consciousness. held together by consciousness. the crafts ARE the beings in a sense. they are simply so much more advanced than we in this physcial reality.
i have been in contact now with these beings on a level that makes me both rapturous and deeply insecure. it has reached a point now with my work where i can consciously request communication and one or more will meet me immediately.
gone are the rooms. gone is the inability to communicate or be at any sort of facility over 'there'. with consistency, my breakthroughs go something like this:
one giant, deep inhale from my GVG (approx 20-25 mg spice)
a grid of geometric webbing with a connection port...almost like a hose...with a circular link-up decends down toward me. the carrier wave gets louder as the link gets nearer.
a connection is made
i am on a ship, i am on a world, a being/beings shows me something or gives me some sort of test to pass. this portion, the deepest portion, has a solidity to it. things are almost plasic-like in their texture. colored, solid...3-dimensional.
after some time, i am dropped down into a aspect of consciousness where everything is no longer 'solid' per se, but rather constructed out of an almost see-through material. i've come to call it 'thought-chitecture' it is as if all things are only so because they are held together by consicous intent. it is always in this particular aspect that i meet a very intelligent insectoid race of beings. they operate all of the machinery and also do much of the healing work i've ever undergone.
strangely, it is on my way back that i have had my deepest entity contacts. almost completely back, i will feel almost like a towel being rung out for every last drop of information. it will feel like a deep, warm coursing of blood throughout my body accompanied by a hug from god. in this 'squeeze', a powerful vision will orgasm forth and i will be face to face with someone and the deepest message of the entire journey will be told to me with jaw-dropping illumination.
this has been the norm for some time. one of the last journeys i had before my hiatus was also one that really started to tie everything together for me.
i was on THIS planet, THOUSANDS of years ago. i was making love with a beautiful, asian-esque looking native woman. all of the other natives were celebrating this union. my ship was landed several meters from where we lay in a field. others of my race were around and the LOVE that was present was palpable beyond anything.
as can only be experienced in hyperspace, i was at once making love and simultaneously watching and experiencing this event in every possible way. i looked at the woman and her skin was brown and warm and i saw through her into the earth upon which she lay. the earth seemed to consume her and support her. i saw her flesh blend into the earth and then be reborn from the earth with every thrust. it was rapturous and sacred.
my attention shifted to myself and my vantage changed to give me a perspective slightly above my own form. like a microscope, my sight zoomed in deeper and deeper on my body to reveal a thin, membraneous suit. it was enervated with impossibly numerous, technologically advanced circuitry. it was the most advanced false body imagineable. i was not of this earth. i was a visitor here. living here, breeding here, being a part of this world...but not from here.
i was deeply shaken by this particular journey. i remember distinctly having a few days of deep meditation on this notion. something about it felt.....right.......i still feel this strange lightness...
on that note, i took a break. ten days later i went back. i had been feeling a tremendous connection to this particular race of beings i had been seeing time and again. i wanted to be shown more.
my first journey was a huge dose for me. i broke through and went straight into a complete ego-death. a complete looping eternity that some part of my soul recognized immediately as a test.
i made no attempt to struggle. i surrendered completely. if this would be forever, i would be here forever. i am more than all of this. i am the very heart of all of this.
and then it happened...

a being in an incredibly advanced space suit was over me. holding me with what appeared to be some sort of geometric energy grid. it was how 'they' were able to hold on to a spirit freed from it's shell. i was held and beheld. a loving, concerned examination to check over this extention of self. the being in the suit was me. my psyche was almost like a remote-controlled car down here. i was meeting my other self....
i was on a ship again. in orbit around a world that is the origin of life here. i am of this earth but not from this earth. the 'carrier wave' that i hear when i first connect is the sound of the entirety of a world. as if you could plug a fax cable into a whole planet and transfer all thoughts, knowledge, memories, feelings (although, feelings have evolved tremendously there to be seemingly pure information....much different than how we know them).
the transmission of all this information is like an alarm clock for neurons within me that have up til now been asleep. kind of like in battlestart galactica when the 5 'sleeper' cylons just started hearing music in their heads and BOOM they were awoken. the carrier wave has become everything for me. it is my connection to my home. even the visual spectacle is secondary for me. the carrier wave...it is like a mother's heartbeat to her unborn fetus..i am home...
the sounds are images. they are ideas, thoughts, experiences, past, present, future...i have had deeply visionary breakthrough experiences now where the carrier wave was NOT present and have returned much as one would from a so-so movie. visually stimulating, but noone was there. no information was downloaded.
it actually leaves me sad when this happens...
it is my belief that the plants of this world also exist on another older, more evolved world. their consciousness and the transmission/connection of it is beyond our understanding. their ability to communicate information, to elevate consciouness and to evoke changes in brain chemistry are truly magical. when these plants open frequencies within us, they put us in touch with the consciousness of all that is here....AND THERE. in THAT world.
i don't know if it's the Pleiades. i don't know if it's Nibiru told of by the Sumarians. i cannot say where it is.... i just know that i have come to the point now where i can actually WORK with DMT and it has begun to tell me a story. something massive is coming. an age of evolving. a time for us to become the gods we have forgotten we are. i stand for the growth and evolution of all who would go forth into this great awakening and ring in a new age of unity. there is something wonderful beyond measure coming. for those who would begin now to do away with defunct thought cycles and fear-based forms of behaviour, you will all be entrusted with a new paradise. a world capable of finally awakening as a planetary whole.
my name is antrocles. i am here to help.
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."