Haven't touched DMT in quite some time because my last Salvia/DMT journey was fought from the minute I started becoming immersed in the experience.
Tonight, something was different.
Watched a movie on cosmic energy and meditation, and one on marijuana and spirituality.
They got me in a good mindset

I'll say the experience as one full experience, instead of two separate ones.
Twice tonight I tripped on DMT. It was over the course of 30 minutes so that's why I'll just make it one long trip report.
Loaded about 20 mg in my lightbulb and hit away. After about 3 hits I started feeling the initial rush of the DMT. Vibrations on everything in the room along with a weird body feeling.
I was listening to some music, and eventually I had some energy blanket put on me and I felt this buzzing sensation all throughout my body. I started to smile and the smile consumed me. Usually when I trip I can still think quite clearly and I remembered that for ayahuasca (haven't tried yet) that shamans sing icaros to guide the trip so I started vocal singing.
THe vibrations made the visuals move to the beat that I was emitting, but this lasted very shortly because my throat had a tickle from the DMT and I didn't want to start a coughing episode.
The next part of the trip is the second trip. I turned off the music and laid down on the floor. The movement of me standing, turning off the music, and laying down happened in about 3 seconds but I must have had at LEAST 50 conscious thoughts in this time span.
The visuals started becoming "sexual" in nature. That was the best way to describe it. I saw curves of a woman, a woman's lips, and then I just started seeing colors and randomly human being-looking people would appear and disappear. I left the experience with a big ol' grin on my face, despite the fact that I felt like I was burning alive from the inside because my room is quite hot.
While I was having the experience, I felt many "jolts" in my physical body that seemed to not stop, but I felt it was just my Astral body moving. Not really sure. ALl I know is the way that the visuals were appearing, and the feeling they gave me, made me think of SEX. But not in a physical way. nor emotional. Very hard for me to explain at least.
Is sexual energy something normal with DMT trips?
Are sexual desires evil? It seems like the ego desires this and since most religions see the Ego as the illusory part of the Self, it is something we should not give into. Yet this sexual energy I was seeing/feeling was so captivating.