Dear Forum,
for about 2-3 months I did not do any DMT.
Yesterday was the time to do it again.
And so I had the chance to try my extract of pure THH from FlowingVisions.
After I gulped down approx 200mg gooey wet DMT (extracted with Limonene tek from mimosa) + about 1.75 ml of thh dissolved in hot water i ate a little piece of bread and prepared myself for the coming experience.
I go to bed and after about half an hour the effects began.
I'll try to show you the different images I saw and experienced:
I. Getting energetically, physically healed by entities which i didn't see.
II. I experienced the "DEVIL". I saw the lusty, bad, animal-like (negative way) entity. Now I know where the religious term "devil" comes from. That wasn't scary at all. I just saw for the first time in my life, what it means if you connect to such entities. I think many people connect with that entity in their daily lifes without recognizing. I hope I can avoid the devil

III. I connected to some healers. First I found myself again in a shamans house, lying on some bed and getting cured.
Another image: Some shamanic INSECT (!) gives me a potion which should help me.
IV. Being thought by the elves, which were not visible to me, but their presence was felt. They were talking to me. They showed me that I'm rich and beatiful and mighty. I just have to live my fullest potential. Be positive, spread the love. Be lovely, avoid bad thougts and actings, be more loving to all the people around me. Etc. etc.
V. Just lying there, feeling caressed by some kind energy, feeling like a cat being crawled.

The funny thing is, I even purred like a cat.

My muscles contracted and pulsated to the positive vibe.
I thought, maybe we are like cats to the elves.
Some lazy animal which could do better, if it wished.

Of course ultimately we are the creators of our own experience. I get that, but somehow after the experience of DMT wears of, the feeling of richness and love wears also off.
I would like to stay in that state of being, but I come back to the normal reality after the next morning.
But, of course, the experience leaves its traces.
As we all know.
elusive illusion