My last journey was an amazing Pau d'Arco/Caapi journey and it was so good, I wonder why I would ever have any fear again. All day I have been thinking about this evening's journey and this evening I began to brick it. The apprehension was overwhelming.
I chatted with 88, who had the most beautiful report, it was encouraging to say the least. He urged me 'DIVE DIVE DIVE IN!!!'
And so I did. 120mg 50% Pau d'Arco/Caapi extract 50% Electric Sheep. I managed to get it all in one hit. I went in declaring my thanks for the love that we receive. I went in asking for confirmation of that love.
I got it, but I can't remember for the life of me what happened. It was one of those. I feel satiated, winded but beautifully so. It left me thankful and loved. I was welcome where I went.
All I have to share with you is my altar. I would like to show you all what I journey with. I have two cats, my furry little co-pilots. When the DMT opened my eyes, my boys come and sit on my lap and purr, they love it! They are my little guardians. They know when I am going in and they look out for me. I love these little guys :-)
Here are some pictures.
ghostman attached the following image(s):

(606kb) downloaded 55 time(s).
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(766kb) downloaded 56 time(s).Peace in mind, Love in heart