#1 Posted : 3/14/2010 5:00:25 AM

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i've been wanting to write this for a while now....i just read a post by our dear brother joebono and that was the little kick in the keester i needed.

here goes:

i am a pro cyclist and a seeker of truth. a shaman and a competitive subscriber to the illusion all wrapped up into one tidy lovable lump. i have worked with entheogens since i was 12 and i am now 39. i have spent the last 15+ months breaking through on DMT almost every single day.

on some days, i broke through many times...

the last 15 months of my life have seen me learn things, see things, unlearn things, know things, become things, surrender things and, in the end, accept things that i never could have imagined before experiencing the spirit molecule. as an athlete, i went on to have my greatest season ever during this time of exponential awakening and i can only think that becoming aware of my interconnetedness to all things had a hand in that...

i kicked a cannibis habit that had ruled every waking hour of my life for over 6 years. i grew closer to my love and, as of a couple weeks ago, i was even inspired to get engaged.

so....where am i going with all of this? Wut?

about three weeks ago i got really sick. i had been sick for a few months but only found out three weeks ago that it was from a root canal gone bad.... either way, i was forced to go on antibiotics (the gnarliest ones out there) and from that point until now i have been utterly wiped out, weak, lame, feeble, and......depressed... Sad

i would not allow myself to do much work during this time, so i consequently fell into a little bit of a financial logjam which only added to my happy-meal of woe. and because of all of this, i drastically reduced my journeying into hyperspace. i simply didn't want to go in in such a state.

set and setting my brothers and sisters. set and setting...

slowly. very slowly. i began to pull my life together. i began to get healthier. i began to take care of business affairs. i dealt with a lot of challenging crap. i did all of this while not going to 'church'. i missed it horribly, but i just knew i couldn't stress my CNS anymore than it had already been from fighting a low-grade infection for the past three months.

and now we get to it...

during this time off, i have noticed something quite profound. my mind has been working in ways i've never known it to work... it is almost the same feeling i get when i take that month off at the end of a hard season of racing. the muscles....DEEPLY fatigued and destroyed from 9 months of competition...are allowed to heal down to their innermost fibers. tissue comes together and heals stronger than before. after one month of doing essentially nothing, i am stronger, healthier and happier than i am all year.

i love this particular month. it's september. last year i went to thailand during this month....

so, my mind has had it's official end-of-a-seaon break. my synapses have all realigned (with countless new receptors to fire off to). trillions of new neurons have been awakened and allowed to get the lay of the brain land. new receivers have been allowed to 'cure'. no more raw antennae....everything is primed for maximal transmission.

i even noticed that after a week or so i didn't even crave going for a while....i could literally FEEL like this was a time to allow all of the work i had done to sink in and truly realign things. i knew when all was done i would be sent a message that it was time to go back...

last night i was summoned, but gently. a beautiful, gentle caapi/bufotenine journey in bed. i drifted from deep hyperspace into a soul-refreshing slumber and woke up this morning a transformed being. antrocles 2.0 . .. .

to joe and anyone else who is feeling overwhelmed with all of the information you have downloaded, i would encourage you to consider taking a small break and allowing your 'spirtiual weight-lifting' to come to fruition. as a personal trainer down here in l.a., i have a little saying i tell all of my gung-ho clients. "YOU DON'T GET STRONG FROM TRAINING. YOU GET STRONG FROM RECOVERING FROM TRAINING."

this is gospel. it is what allows an athlete to make it through an entire season with minimal injury. it is the difference between winning the world championships at the end of the season and burning out and not even making it to the state championships mid-season.

i am personally a little embarrassd i only just realized that this should and does apply to spiritual/mental/psychological training as well. but now that i do, rest assured i will be taking the occassional respite to allow this deep realigning to fully change and evolve me into the highest expression of the universe that i am capable of being.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."

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#2 Posted : 3/14/2010 5:05:34 AM

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YES, YES, YES! That is a brilliant connection you've made. You're right, that it is sort of like working out at the gym - the growth comes from rest. The metaphor is perfect and I am excited about the Antrocles 2.0. Thanks for posting this.
#3 Posted : 3/14/2010 5:14:32 AM

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much love to you little brother. your last post was the little push needed to get this out and now that it is out, may it help others like you and i who hunger for the work but sometimes fail to see the need for resting and integrating it all.....

my brain started out as a nearly full cup.....then it got emptied out a little....then a little more....then it finally became an empty cup.

with this rest, i just traded it in for an empty mug. Pleased

i'm keeping this up until i'm a salad bowl the size a galaxy!! Laughing

rest up joe! come back stronger and wiser!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#4 Posted : 3/14/2010 6:27:59 AM

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Wow. Respect. Nemo Amicus and I know about dental work gone bad/wrong. Mad Crying or very sad Amazing comeback from a literally, life-threatening condition, as I understand it.

Somehow, even in reading all of those posts, I had missed that you had quit cannabis.ConfusedEmbarrased Again, respect. Cool

As usual, yours feel like words of truth and wisdom. I appreciate the priveledge of having them to gel within my mind.

I am confident that whatever you decide, you will be on the correct path. We all love you very much man.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#5 Posted : 3/14/2010 6:41:31 AM

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Hey Antrocles! It's great to read your post. I'm so glad that your systemic poisoning episode was weathered and turned into an enlightening experience. You and your posts are a great pleasure and insight for me. I haven't been posting much lately. I am in need of a good blast off. I get distracted by life and job and the ease of too much cervesa to relax from it all. Take care 'Bro
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#6 Posted : 3/14/2010 9:27:15 AM

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Yeah... I cant imagine keeping up the pace you have man. It is kind of like music I guess in that it sometimes is what you dont play that matters. The silence in between the notes can be the real worker of magic.

The real work is in the processing I believe. It is that constant paying attention to the to the notions and intuition. Or it may not be that at all... What beauty their is in the inexplainable.

I am fresh in the clouds from my first Changa experience which happened a mere hour ago, and I just wanted to say that all of you are invaluable and I apologize for my arrogant blabbing and my ignorant questions, I have struggled from the get go with the discovery and sorting out of this experience. My head has been quieting for sometime now and I am glad to hear that after such a pace that you have kept, that it is still possible to appreciate the stillness in between the experience.

Much gratitude to you and Joebono

Changa later

have you ever taken that ferry from San Francisco to Berkeley and looked back and seen that while in Berkeley, San Francisco doesn't exist?

#7 Posted : 3/14/2010 9:34:18 AM

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That's very true antrocles. I don't have the chance to go in very often, but what i notice is, that the days after a profound journey, things would "fit together". It just keeps on healing for days and months afterwards. Thought patterns change and you realize the beauty of life once more before you get wrapped up again in this destructive culture and it calls you again.
The Wizard
#8 Posted : 3/14/2010 1:44:49 PM

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something i like to do to make sure things are aligning right during 'the great rest' is smoke VERY small amounts of spice..say 3-5mg...just to get a few million molecules rushing through the brain...this helps remind me what i have learned and also keeps things in alignment AND allows me to think deeply about hyperspace without transporting there..

its like doing stretches after a hard run(or rideSmile) its like using the spice to work HERE...

ive recently realized that i need to change my relationship to these substances..ive come to find that i really dont like tripping anymore...BUT I DO!!! but everytime i take matter if its acid, cacti or dmt..even weed..i find it uncomfortable and i can feel the chaos and uncertainty boiling just around the corner..this all stemmed from a rather horrible couple of weeks last fall when i watched my gf slip into psychosis....delusions, paranoia, hallucinations, depression, suicidal thoughts, self loathing..that i think was stemming from past drug addiction and bad life experiences.... there was nothing i could do about it...i would spend hours trying to talk her back into her normal state..and it was one of the scariest things i have ever experienced

things were spiraling out of control so fast..i finally had to call her mother and get her some medical help because she was so far gone..but what i think i got from those experiences is...our state of mind..and being is soooooooo fragile...and if you dont see the signs of dis-ease starting and do something about it...things can get way out of hand...ESPECIALLY when working with these extremely powerful substances..

so what im getting at is i cant WAIT to work with these substances again...but i need to reprogram myself..i need to realize a few things about myself..and heal from that traumatic experience..there is nothing scarier than watching somebody you love lose control of their mind..but the good part is..she got put on some some counseling and started to feel better immediately..shes now off the medication(thank god) and is feeling a lot better..since the medication didnt make her feel very good..

but now its time for me..soooo here is my plan for getting back into the going to grow some mushrooms..and make some very weak changa..say 10-20mg per 500mg of herb...and im going to go out into the woods..on some beautiful days...and just wander around and smoke my changa low doses of mushrooms...and really get back into the tryptamine state of mind...come to terms with insanity again..and push forward..

its interesting...all of these thoughts...came into my conscious awareness after smoking no more than 4mg of here is some piece of dont have to breakthrough with get a lot from has something to teach no matter how much you smoke or eat...breakthroughs are wonderful and exciting..but low doses can help you uncover things and actually allow you to think clearly about them also calmed me down..and i felt a wonderful sense of peace from actually sort of excited to work with it again in this seems like a great way to enjoy and learn from the tryptamine state...while being basically sober with it
#9 Posted : 3/14/2010 5:04:03 PM

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^Spork if I were you id stay away from cannabis for a few months..cannabis makes these feelings worse at times when you start to get them..and almost reinforces a feedback loop feeding the feelings back to you over and over least it did for me.

When I stopped smoking cannabis I also stopped taking everything else for about 3 weeks..then i at some mushrooms and started to work with vilca and DMT again..but I needed 3 weeks of nothing to work out all the shit that built up from smoking too much cannabis.

Now I can smoke cannabis every few weeks or every few months, whatever and not feel any need to use it the way I used to, I have no pull towards it at I get alot more out of it and then just put it away..I think cannabis daily cannabi use leads alot of people into this overwhelmed feeling from psychedelics, and they dont even realize it's really the pot that is doing it.

So If you are going to take a break, I would try to remember that and make sure to stay away from cannabis as well. Everything got clearer after that for me..Id cut out all alcohol as well. Really if I was you id just go for some sort of full detox for a few weeks.

Reguardless I still take a week off from all psychedelics ever 3 weeks or so..I can drink ayahuasca every week and take bufo 2 or 3 nights a week even..and smoke DMT etc..but I always end up taking a feel week off every month it seems. It will culminate for about 3 weeks and then il wake up and be like woah, I need a week to integrate..

Do yoga and diet.
Long live the unwoke.
#10 Posted : 3/14/2010 11:05:05 PM

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I've spent the last decade of my life integrating the lessons learnt during one life-changing trip.

I dropped an anchor into the Heart of Reality and I can't let go of the rope ever since.
#11 Posted : 3/15/2010 1:22:45 AM

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that musta been one helluva trip! would love to hear about it....

it's funny- i have truly taken my athlete mentality and put it into practice in this spiritual/mental work. i absolutely view my work with DMT as training and strengthening of my highest self: my ability to surrender. repetition is the mother of success as the old saying goes... Pleased

if the moment of departure is truly about surrendering everything in an instant, i want to be absolutely comfortable in doing that. if a meteorite should fly through my bedroom window right now and take my head off...BOOM! one instant i'm here, the next i'm there. i can't help but feel that the ability to readily and immediately surrender all worldly attachments can do nothing but serve my highest expression of self in whatever lies beyond.

just my personal attitude....

either way, my approach to DMT is firmly influenced by this attitude. the notion of taking periodic 'integration cycles' during my work makes perfect sense to me and, now having had a taste of how MUCH growth that fosters, you can rest assured it is now officially a part of my 'warrior training program' forthwith!!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
Ice House
#12 Posted : 3/15/2010 3:24:23 AM

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antrocles, thank you for sharing.

These expeiences we share, diving head first into annihilation facing certain death only to be introduced to the infinite love and wisdom of all that was, is, and all that ever shall be. Slowly coming back to our personal subjective reality, only to ask ourserves- WTF! And? Bravely and often foolishly we dive back in again, much sooner rather than later.

Integration is critical. There is no set ammount of time.

I have found myself in a simmilar situation once or twice. I found spice, or spice found me, shortly after a 16 year stint as an infantry man in the USMC. I am now out and disabled, PTSD. I didnt take time to mentally recover from time in the Corps.

The molecule. The ultimate teacher. Has taught me that the most important lesson in life is to take time to smell the roses. Integrate.

I am happy for you antrocles. Time teaches, time heals.

Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
#13 Posted : 3/15/2010 3:50:39 AM

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beautiful IHS- well put.....and a wonderful way to get to know more about you while simultaneously reaping the benefits of your life's lessons. thank you very much for sharing brother. sending you heart-felt support that you come back from your PTSD. i cannot imagine how challenging it must be to witness the images of war firsthand. may you heal and find your way back to wholeness and inner peace my brother. you are a gift to this world.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#14 Posted : 3/15/2010 4:30:53 AM

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Yes definitely, I've found having breaks is a great way to get more doing less and coming back after wards is a completely new take.
#15 Posted : 3/15/2010 2:23:00 PM

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Beautiful statement, man.

You've been a fantastic teacher/shaman/leader/sensei and more. Your insight and instruction has been an extraordinary help and a gift. The fact that you kept it up, even when you couldn't go yourself is truly touching.

Thank you.
Be Like Water.

Everything I post is made up. Do not fall for it.
#16 Posted : 3/15/2010 8:08:41 PM

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Couldn't agree more about the integration intervals and the idea of the DMT experience as mind training.
I haven't had an intentional big breakthrough in a few years, life is just too noisy here right now and work/financial pressure is high. Waiting for the Call...

I agree with Spork about the usefulness of low doses! I sometimes smoke a bit of DMT combined with harmalas before going to sleep (Caapi tea and smoked basified Rue seeds, or sublingual Rue extract) - mild trip and then a sledgehammer of blissful sleepiness!
These medicines have so many possible applications, it doesn't always have to be total breakthrough... on the other hand: when I started exploring, I wasted far too much precious spice on low doses the first months - until I took a much bigger hit than ever before, I had NO IDEA. Always keep a few full 50 mg doses for the purpose of total breakthrough, just to keep that potential channel open!

Maybe this work with DMT and psychedelics in general is also (besides how it can help us to improve our lives here) a way to prepare for the post-death experience, when the bigger picture enfolds - in other words: death-training.

Thanks for another great writeup Ant!
#17 Posted : 3/16/2010 3:31:06 AM

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warrior training program .......yes indeed thats what it feels like sometimes.

I think breaks are important to serious work with this stuff. I'm in a break right now recharging bigtime. processing all the lessons and learning new insight each day.
I'm learning to use what seems to be a higher functioning brain. Does anyone else feel this?

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#18 Posted : 3/17/2010 2:17:00 PM

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Thanks for the great post as always Ant.

Really strange how so many threads seem to have this common thread in the last few days. (speaking about how important breaking and integrating is)

It is a lesson that I have needed to be taught as well!

I have been having trouble breaking through lately after a period of heavy usage. I kept telling myself No! Theres no way there is a DMT tolerance I heard it goes away in a day! I was absolutely determined to have a breakthrough before I took a break from hyperspace, now I realize I have my whole life ahead of me to journey!

I have learned very much from reading this post as well as Joe's post. I even had a subbreakthrough experience lately where I realized I might as well have been smoking out of a crack pipe if I was going to be smoking it like that and not even getting breakthroughs.

These posts have given me the inspiration and motivation to break and integrate for a while and be HAPPY about it.

I know that when I return in due time, whenever I am called, it will be BEAUTIFUL.

Whats the rush right?

I guess there really is a fine line between using it as an escape and using it as a tool.

May we all tread that line skillfully!
#19 Posted : 3/17/2010 2:39:29 PM

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cool stuff antrocles.

@xenogears: is it nessicary to have those pictures in every thread you post?

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#20 Posted : 3/17/2010 3:09:03 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Nice post Antrocles, time off and integration have been something I've tried to talk to a lot of people about, with limited success. Glad to hear that you're continuing along your path and have found time off to be so beneficial. I hope that with the following you have on the nexus, many more people will take your words and lessons to heart.

peace and love

shoe wrote:
@xenogears: is it nessicary to have those pictures in every thread you post?

yea, the nexus generally doesn't allow pictures in the signature... you can read the thread here

The Traveler wrote:
I love to keep the forum clean from distracting images and flashing avatars. For that reason I banned the flashing avatars long ago and big images in the signature aren't ideal too to say so. Pleased

Small images can be ok as long as they serve a purpose but I rather have the signatures clear from images (although the one from pandora always put a smile on my face).

Kind regards,

The Traveler

The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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