Well Swim made his first mhrb extraction at the weekend, He only yielded about0.7 from 100g of mhrb, a little disappointing but im sure he'll yield more next time

On to the experience, Mr X we shall call him (a nexus member

let me try his spice while we were waiting on swims freece precip, i dont know what i was expecting but as soon as i hit the pipe my first thought was WOW this is just like shrooms, a low dose of shrooms. It was lovely and colourful and stuff but nowhere near a breakthrough.
The next day (yesterday) Swims dmt was ready and last night i loaded 30mg into the bowl and melted it into the ash, i took a deep breath and composed myself and held the lighter over the dmt and inhaled slowly, the dmt is so smooth you can hardly feel it entering your mouth and lungs. I clear the bowl and then the trip comes on me, quite slow at first but then it burst into a swirling pulsating vision of greatness!
I was in my girlfriends living room but i felt like i was outside, everything was 3d lol a fast food takeaway menu my girlfriend had become alive asnd the chicken on the front of it was cooking and sizzling away on the cover

this simple menu became an organic 3d "something" lol i cant think of the proper words.
I lay on my back with my hands behind my head and my girlfriend was sitting on the couch in front of me, she was just out a bath and still wrapped in a towel. She looked like a goddess sitting in front of me, she became almost something else but not quite, she was like the most beautiful woman in the world! awe inspiring beauty

the hue around her was morphing and changing and she had an almost angel like aura around her.
I just kept thinking wow and this is only 30mg lol. In my head everything was spacious and clear the same as how my body felt, the visuals are very similar to shrooms but the dmt makes you feel a bit euphoric. Ive had 4 attempts at the dmt now but this one was the best. I have 50mg that im going to smoke later, so hopefully i'll breakthrough and write a report later.
Thanks everyone at the nexus for being so friendly and supportive, mostly thank to Mr X you're a cool dude mate and i hope we stay friends for a long time. Thank's again