Jokes on me :) but the pleasure is mine. Options
#1 Posted : 3/9/2010 4:26:48 AM

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This has certainly been an interesting night Smile

The objective was to have my first ride with mother aya. 90g's white caapi was boiled 3x 3hours and then reduced to 300ml with no acid present. This was left to sit aside in the fridge for a week, then this night I poured half of that in a pan and warmed it up until it became shiny again. My diet today has consisted of fruits, nuts, seeds, rice and fish, and a cup of mate' in the morning, then the rest of the day I drank only water.

First of all, I don't understand how anyone can say this is the most disgusting taste in the world. In terms of drinking concertrated alkaloids in solution this was probably about the nicest combo yet. I was expecting to gag, struggle holding it down for around 20 minutes, then purge hard for a good ten minutes. Clean extracted harmalas could never be as smooth as this. After drinking I must have lay there a good 30 minutes thinking about how I should have used an acid, or maybe boiled it at a higher heat, as I only cooked it so it was just lightly steaming. After about 30 minutes of pondering on this severe lack of nausea, I decided the only way to make sure of the quality of the brew was to vape some goodness.

22mg was weighed... inhaled...

All I can say here is god must have gotten bored, that exact second I took that hit, as he took it upon himself to tweak one of his puppets for his own immusement. What I'm about to attempt to describe has never happened to me before. I put the pipe down, then sat up, then SOME HOW... started ever so dutifully taking bread loaf size cuts of meat off of my person that were somehow coming out of my leg and arranged them in a row paralell to eachother, then sitting back and awaiting further instructions. It was like I kept removing my thigh and laying it next to the other thighs in walmart style precision. Undertstand here I wasn't physically removing bits of myself, but I was somehow collecting them from somewhere. I then sat there completely blank for what would have been a good 5 minutes until I could actually process what I had just done. "What?" was as far as I was ever going to get. "How?" Beats me... "Why?" Yeah right! This was a moment of what can only be described as pure delirium in the sense that I was acting without reason, but then I have perfect recall of the situation. I can still see all the me-loaf Smile Now I've been surprised while using DMT on countless occasions and I know there will always be surprises still to come... Never THAT surprised... then after all that I have this energy inside me. So much energy, that it makes me think there's something I need to do, but what? I have no purpose right now. I just am. It's around here that I finally understood all this "spirit of caapi" that everyones been going on about. A feeling that you have a powerful organism coursing through your veins, like nano-robots linking up every cell inside you on a new operating system. Then after just a few wire adjustments, how that once still mind wonders! So many thoughts racing through my mind that I can't sit still. Around here I put on some music ( Ott - Skylon Cool ). This effort centres me now. I finally understand the reason for the Icaros. Sound can be so guiding in this headspace. Now I load up a random amount of spice in my pipe, just to sip on once in a while for some extra power while spinning through thoughts.

It would take hours to go through the details, but in this next moments I was confronted with my own shortcomings and was stuck in a loop of my own frustrations with myself. It went round and round until I grasped reason, at that I remember the reason for using psychedelics in the first place. Such powerful tools for improvement...

Now I realise, this holy vine especially Smile

I let the experience fade with thoughts of my loved ones and soft hits of my pipe... completely baffled about how it's only just getting up to 4 hours since I consumed the brew.

A powerful allie was made this day.

Much, much, much and much love to you all.

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#2 Posted : 3/9/2010 9:07:18 AM

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Location: Earth, of course??
She is a very powerful spirit/tool/ally/being.

me-loaf....... hahahahha.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

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#3 Posted : 3/9/2010 9:16:01 AM

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Excellent read soulfood, thanks. How long did the vaped spice last?

Any dreams or visions when you got to sleep?
#4 Posted : 3/9/2010 11:27:02 PM

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The vaped spice seemed to last for ages. A good 30 minutes after first vaping, I remember looking as some printed text on my wall and the sentences were constantly rewriting. Then I must have gone to the bathroom briefly, then came back and probably lay there for another half hour, so it was an hour strong at least

The visuals with the vine are very interesting also. With rue everything was always pretty dark in a way and with pure THH everything seemed quite electric but with the vine they were... so much more... and kind of cuddley Smile It's so much more guiding than isolated alkaloids also. I remember sitting there inhaling these random amounts out of my pipe and it wasn't until I realised I had, what I can only describe as "shiva fingers" like I had multiplied numbers of fingers on each hand that I started to realise the amount I was smoking. There was absolutely minimal awareness in this shift from one dimension to the next, it was so seemless, zero anxiety, maximum bliss... but only after hard lessons were learned.

A very rewarding entity Smile
#5 Posted : 3/10/2010 10:01:58 PM

tryptamine photographer

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I agree the taste of the Caapi brew is fantastic!

So wonderful, oral harmalas and smoked spice... beats smoked harmalas.

But I love Rue too: I had some incredibly benevolent experiences with oral/smoked Rue and smoked spice!
#6 Posted : 3/11/2010 12:06:27 AM

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Right, Ive never gotten myself to vape any spice while dreaming with aya, this post of yours just gave me an urge to do it.

Last time I smoked some changa while on a pharma journey, I purged so hard, I wasnt expecting it to come on so hard, least to say I wasnt ready for a purge, bless my wife for beeing so understanding, a nice bath followed the purge, thanks to the missusSmile

next time I dream, il be sure to add a caapi changa there.

Thanks soulfood.
#7 Posted : 3/11/2010 12:09:09 AM

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I never tried smoking spice after consuming rue. I just used it for oral DMT, through which I have learnt many great lessons. Always in extract form though mind.

I may try smoking rue at some point in the future, but I think now I have found a kinder allie for my stomach Smile But rue definately should not be overlooked as it is so rich in the right kind of stuff.
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