Headache, and nothing else Options
#1 Posted : 3/9/2010 9:11:17 PM

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I must have gone down the rabbit hole too many times or maybe I did something wrong to offend the elves, because spice no longer works for me. It doesn't matter how big a dose I try to vaporize. I feel the body load come on, and then instead of crossing over I get a massive headache that ruins my whole day or night. I get no visuals, no euphoric rush, no love, zilch. It has been quite a downer for me lately because DMT was the main light in my life, but now that light is gone. I have some jungle that has been sitting in D-limonene for two weeks, and I haven't had the motivation to extract it. I guess I have to find something else to look forward to, which won't be easy.

Has anyone had a second chance after being stonewalled by the spirit molecule seemingly for good?
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#2 Posted : 3/9/2010 11:16:21 PM

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Had a few sessions that were pretty lacklustre but always get back to normal on the next try.

Also you could try Pharma or changa etc to see how those work for you.
Here you!!! Gonnaenodaethat

"Iceberg???? - What Iceberg????"
#3 Posted : 3/9/2010 11:26:44 PM

Got Naloxone?

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Hi DiscipleofSpice,

I am very sorry you are going through this. I think I have a sense of how difficult and stressful it can be - like having a falling out with a great friend - very dismaying.

I had about 8-10 ugly (no visuals or literally UGLY) and/or difficult trips in a row after kind of going through a heavy-use honeymoon phase. I pushed it too much and almost lost the ability to work with the spice entirely. I had to take a serious break. I told myself 6-8 weeks. 5 weeks later I am trying again and still having difficulty. Not until 10 weeks later did the colors, joy, euphoria, love, connection and numinous divinity come back to this tired old reformed atheist . . .

For me, I am coming to learn that there are cycles in working with the spice. I am not sure if they follow the seasons or if they are something more fundamental to the core of myself. I am going to find out though.

Please do not give up hope. I believe the light will come back when it and you are both ready . . .

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#4 Posted : 3/10/2010 12:21:03 AM

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yes cycles for sure. I struggle alot with spice. sometimes forgetting why I'm even trying in the first place.
Fear comes up in the remembering of how intensely powerful the stuff can be. Thats why after 2 days of trying and feeling like i was getting nowhere the other night I was rewarded with a truly amazing experience that reaffirmed why I do this in the first place. It felt so good to be in that hyperspacial realm and think yes yes this is incredable this is unlike anything else and is truly worth the struggle. In the past I have pushed the limit and been disappointed and frustrated . The best thing to do is to take some time off and work on your life. Thats what I do
and it seems to work. After such a break I carefully wait for the next opportunity . I try to make the moment as perfect as I can on all levels set and setting. This respect and careful preparation always seems to pay off...
best of luck, keep the faith

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#5 Posted : 3/10/2010 12:38:11 AM

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I have had rough experiences... low to no visuals.. extra heavy body load. Never headaches though. I would give it a break and come back later with some smaller than usual doses along with some weak caapi tea.

That said... is there a chance that your spice is no good? Is this from an extraction that has given you the desired effects? I have a friend who has some spice that has only ever given him a heavy body load. I tried it and too got a heavy load with not much else. We then sampled my goodies and were both knocked deep into hyperspace. I know his bark was good (same batch as mine) but I've always wondered if his spice was contaminated with excess sodium carb from freebasing etc...but never got to the bottom of it.
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#6 Posted : 3/10/2010 1:22:14 AM

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i would brew up some ayahuasca or pharma after a week away from all some meditations and focus on health and diet for week..then brew and drink..

I stopped smoking DMT for the most part the last 2 months..and started to drink more ayahuasca instead, becasue my vaped experiences were getting too confusing and i wasnt getting there and kept chasing after it smoking more..

With ayahuasca its never like that though for me..and the few times i have smoked DMT in the last few weeks have been after drinking a brew as well..and they seemed to give so much more...other than that i have been smoking lots of bufotenine..

I'll be smoking more spice again soon though after I get around to another extraction..

Good luck DOS!
Long live the unwoke.
#7 Posted : 3/10/2010 6:55:13 AM

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Pandora wrote:
Hi DiscipleofSpice,

Please do not give up hope. I believe the light will come back when it and you are both ready . . .

Thanks, Pandora. I hope you are right and that the light will come back to me like it did with you. You're right that it does feel like a falling out with a great friend.

Madcapv2 wrote:
That said... is there a chance that your spice is no good? Is this from an extraction that has given you the desired effects? I have a friend who has some spice that has only ever given him a heavy body load. I tried it and too got a heavy load with not much else. We then sampled my goodies and were both knocked deep into hyperspace. I know his bark was good (same batch as mine) but I've always wondered if his spice was contaminated with excess sodium carb from freebasing etc...but never got to the bottom of it.

I don't know why my spice would be no good. The problem started when I was finishing off the last of a previous extraction which I had many many breakthroughs with. I did a freeze precipitation of naptha, and then did one spice wash with ice cold distilled water. I figured if there was any residual lye it would be washed away, but lye is not soluble in Naptha anyways right?

fractal enchantment wrote:
i would brew up some ayahuasca or pharma after a week away from all some meditations and focus on health and diet for week..then brew and drink..

I've never brewed ayahuasca...I do have some caapi vine I haven't touched yet aside from smoking a little. Maybe I'll start in on that.
Thanks for the encouragement everyone. It helps talking to Nexians who understand the importance of DMT, because no one I know physically really understands what I'm going through. I feel less isolated.
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