DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3 Joined: 20-Mar-2023 Last visit: 02-Mar-2024
Dear DMT Nexus, hi!
My name is Hulius, I come from the EU, from the "land of arts".
I've always considered myself as a little contemporary shaman, seeking knowledge and wisdom.
I'm glad to have found this site full of like-minded people, open to every sort of topic related to our minds, nature and the exploration of the self.
I've attended the classical Lyceum, and I dream to go to university sooner or later, but at the moment I'm working as a baker to raise some money to get on with life in this society. In the meanwhile I learned the art of taxidermy as I love animals and plants. I love to read and draw, hiking in nature, nurturing my intestinal microbiome with good food, listening and dancing to hitech, exploring my bodymind, playing a frame drum and a jaw harp, humming with them.
I started using mind altering substances at the age of thirteen, coupled with meditation, following some migraine with aura attacks that completely filled me with terror and dispair. I was really stressed at that time for my school and family situation and I had sort of a mental breakdown/burnout.
My first love was cannabis and during the years I explored its full potential on every front, but I've recently stopped using it as it was becoming more of a burden than an ally, causing me high anxiety, sleepyness and panic attacks. When I was fifteen or sixteen I had my first "psychedelic" delirant experience with benzydamine clorhydrate. I still have tracers and palinopsia from it but I take it as a reminder of how our minds build reality around us.
Other substances I've played are nutmeg twice, morning glory seeds various times, tobacco, acid four or five times, magic mushrooms up to three and a half grams a lot of times, calea zacatechichi, yopo, ketamine once, caffeine, alcohol, syrian rue and others that I can't remember at the moment.
I was introduced to DMT by a friend, four or five years ago, I smoked it with tobacco and I attained only sub breakthrough experiences, albeit really powerful ones.
Two years ago I went to a hitech party and I found some changa. I played a bit with it and then I decided to extract my own Spice.
Since then I've done four extractions on small batches of A. Confusa and MHRB, experimented and wasted a lot of it trying various ROAs and finally I've managed to infuse e-juice with a ratio to 0,9 g to 10 ml 70:30 pg/vg and it works like a charm, giving me the ability to control the experience.
I'm not sure to have attained breakthrough yet but I've encountered lots of entities and strange situations.
Thanks for the knowledge and the open mindedness!
Posts: 14 Joined: 14-Mar-2008 Last visit: 28-Nov-2024
Hello Hulius, that sounds nice! I'm glad you're signed up and discover the world. Welcome to the Nexus! Witness this object. Witness the inner rotation devoid of transaction. Shut your eyes. No salespersons will disturb. Unwind. Recline. I seek no favors from you. Recline. Unwind. Superior soil effortlessly cleanses away. Recline. Unveil. Orient yourself. Observe. Attend. Employ ears that I'd proudly claim as ours. Attend to the hush amidst the mechanical clamor. Sweetheart, heed. Do you perceive it? It's a ballad of affection.
 Got Naloxone?
Posts: 3240 Joined: 03-Aug-2009 Last visit: 09-Mar-2025 Location: United Police States of America
(:Hulius  , Welcome to the Nexus. Your life has been quite a journey so far. How are your headaches these days? Do you have them under control? Have you ever tried LSD? It has rep for helping with cluster and migraine headaches . . Wonderful that you have been extracting your own spice. That is really the only way to go. I wouldn't worry too much about breakthrough. I suspect it may not have happened yet and when it does you will know unequivocally, but it really is not up to me to say. Breakthrough is not the be all and end all of what DMT has to offer. It is such an amazing medicine. Have you tried DMT with MAOI yet? Like drinking a syrian rue tea then smoking or eating some DMT? If so, what did you think? "But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3 Joined: 20-Mar-2023 Last visit: 02-Mar-2024
Hello Chris, thanks for your welcoming! I'm glad to have signed up and to have found the courage to write and discuss on the forum finally. I had been lurking on here for years, acquiring informations and studying psychedelics and techniques. I love the ethics of this place, it is truly like a big non-physical university, full of respect and ideas to share and discuss. It is really mature.
Hi Pandora, thanks for your welcoming too, you're right, my life has been quite an odyssey, and I'm truly excited for what has still to come forth, be it good or bad.
Luckily I have my headaches under control these days, or at least they're without aurea now, but sometimes I have migraines that start in the morning, ramp up during the day and don't go away until bedtime, often really deabilitating when they're at their peak. But I've learnt to cope with them and found that hydration is the key to keep them away. I've tryed LSD more than once but not with this intention, maybe it could help, I've read some articles about it.
I had a lot of fun extracting Spice as I'm a diy guy and I love discovering new things and learning methods and techniques to have readily avaliable under my belt. It was a truly rewarding path and I completely agree with you that it is a powerful medicine, to be treated with respect and care, as with a wonderful ally.
In regards to MAOIs, yes, I've tried them both by themselves and coupled with Spice. I love their grounding and calming effect and the warm hug they give. I've played them oral, sublingual, smoked and vaporized. Always by means of syrian rue seeds, another powerful ally. About the coupling with vaped Spice I find it to smooth the experience, making it last a bit more, with a delayed onset and powerful visuals and visions. But I have still to investigate the combination deeper.
Thanks again for the warm welcoming, I love this place, it feels like home!