no I suppose that is what I was thinking about trying next...
But DMT is about the only thing I can smoke inside my house, enhanced leaf would leave too much a smell behind for my "roomies" I believe.
I have to go outside to smoke pot, but the smell of vaped DMT is gone within about 5 mins, by the time you come down.
It is much too cold here to be blasting off outside as well D:
So enhanced leaf will be like pot right? leave a burnt smoky smell that wouldn't work for people who cannot smoke inside their house?
Should I just try the glass vapor genie method then?
I could do an ash bed method or some such.
hmm options options.
Do you think the reason I have been failing is because I have been getting the pipe too hot? constantly holding the torch on instead of babying the torch on and off?
I could have sworn I had the smoking method down, I blasted off like 10 times in a row no trouble whatsoever with that piece and lighter, then all of a sudden bam I am struck with misfortune