I had this idea also and thought it would be super cool to just have a nice collection of sprays, telling
PUMP 5X for X effect or 10X for Y effect
for any interesting compound. But here is what I believed to end up as results ...
= makes no sense, way too weak via nose and very irritating
no mater if Freebase or Fumarate Salt used (both sting strong for 20+ minutes), 50 mg even have a pretty low effect, that's why I never dared 100 mg.
= I believe I tried it once, but like DMT it was weaker than anticipated. Probably stronger than DMT as it is generally stronger in effect. I read somewhere it might be less efficient this way due to high polarity and lower chance of readily diffuse membranes. Also I think same kind of nausea like when eaten and vasocontriction, which mostly would be the bottleneck preventing truly psychedelic dosage I guess.
= obviously bad idea, due to strong sting. But as original poster wrote about 2C-X in general, maybe some others are better?
= not soluble in water so no chance. You could change with DMSO, but even here solubility is too low and you would end up spraying multiple ml into your body. Technically not hazardous, but practically impossible as it would just run down your throat like a waterfall.
Also my nose always was full brown even 30 min later, so I never believed they would have a good absorption here, but then people having great results doing sublingual way, so maybe would work for others. Still DMSO would act as a pretty good carrier here to overcome the bad absorption (which I experienced at least for me).
= no effect
This would be a super crazy spray of world-shattering power, but just this year wrote on this forum how I sprayed 10 mg up my nose and did not feel anything.
= With some pure LSA it might work - just like LSD is already known to do. But the actual content in seeds is SUPER low. This means you would need to heavily reduce your extract, nearly to 0. If I remember correctly a typical nose-spray buff will have around 75 µl. You can check by weighing a tissue before and after and giving it like 10x spray shots. So as you would only end up with a few 100 mg's of LSA from a big seed extraction you will have that in like 500 ml of solvent, best case water then. You would need to evaporate this down 500x at least to get a decent spray strength. But then probably the dead end is, LSA extracts are not pure or at least nobody has posted a working procedure with also proven purity. More certainly it will contain like X % of LSA and Y % of other stuff, with Y being much bigger. So even if you could extract it and then evaporate it down by 500X it would become a solid rock due to the big Y that is still inside.
What could work is 5-MeO-DMT as it is much stronger than DMT, so it might not be as irritant. In contrast snorting 5 mg is reported to give quite an effect, while 50 mg of DMT is not really doing any worthy stuff. So 5-MeO might be the way to go. Would be dissolved first in a little ethanol and then add 4x amount of water if you want to use it as the freebase component, probably prefered as it might cross membrane barriers faster.
What definetly works is LSD, but that is probably anyways well known with all those mini-bottles that are often passed around, which you can also apply to your nose instead of tongue. That's basically a nosespray then

I think there are some recipes for long-term storage. But sadly I think this is the only one proven working, maybe 5-MeO having similar chances.
That might sound not too encouraging, but still weigh a known amount of DMT and check its activity by nose. Maybe more stuff is happening and you will decide that it might be worth it. Regarding Bufotenine, just extract some and check if you get any vasoconstriction or nausea. If not, then this might be also a chance.
Jamie wrote:Observant, I am interested in ketamine nasal sprays as well..I realllly want to try ketamine..
It works like a charm - I think for that stuff its the best ROA by far

Empty a typical nose spray (need to buy the ones that can be unscrewed), fill like 2 g into whole thing, fill it back up to full = 10 ml and then 2x is weak, 4x is medium, 6x is strong.
ImPsimon wrote:Question Observant. Do you know if powder ketamine would be completely dissolved in the distilled water recipe?
Will always dissolve 100 % or you got bunked material

Solubility > 300 g / L