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#1 Posted : 3/2/2010 4:41:07 AM

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In peoples opinion here, who should you share this experience with?

Many people have been asking me lately, and I turn most of them down because I know they do not have the respect for the sacrament I do.

This one guy took a 50mg rip and just sat there fighting to keep his eyes open the whole time acting wierd.

I tried to explain to him how you have to let go/ surrender. and its best when you sit back and close your eyes, yet I guess that is just not what they are looking for.

It seems most people I try to share it with just end up looking at it "as another way to get f'ed up".

I have been thinking lately that maybe it is just something I should keep to myself, and those few people who actually understand and hold great respect for it.

How do other people here decide who you will share and who you will not share with?

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#2 Posted : 3/2/2010 5:24:44 AM

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Only with those who approach it with UTMOST seriousness. Other than that, anyone who is genuinely interested. If I am unsure if their intentions are pure I tell them to come here and make an account, then go to the introduction essay portion and explain why they have come to DMT. Why they want to experience it, what has led them down this path and why they feel they want to enter the tryptamine landscape. The way I see it is if they can't take 20 mins out of their life to make an account and an honest post expressing their intent in using ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL CHEMICALS ON THE PLANET!!! Then they are not worthy.

As of yet no one I've told to do that has actually done it, so I guess I'm somewhat of a good judge of character in that regard. Which is really sad honestly. I would have done ANYTHING to try DMT when I first started reading about it. I had the extraction memorized in weeks. I had no means to do such an extraction at the time as I was a kid in highschool and didn't get my hands on quality spice for atleast 2 years after the beginning of my initial research. Kids these days just wanna get their rocks off which saddens me. Crying or very sad
Step forward into your cave. That's right. You're going deeper into your cave. And you're going to find, your power animal...

Imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light. It moves over your body, healing you. Now keep this going, remember to breathe, and step forward through the backdoor of the room. Where does it lead?
#3 Posted : 3/2/2010 5:25:31 AM


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Different people do react immensely differently to spice.

SWIM's roomie, a big pothead and thinks everything is to get high, thinks he will go clubbing on pharma... he refuses to close his eyes at all any is just like "that was fucked up, wish I could remember it"

SWIM's brother has yet to breakthrough even on 50mg, he is used to be a huge psychedelic party boy. He sat through the whole experience saying nothing but "mmmmmm...." and "the visuals.... are intense" after he was just talking how he wanted to breakthrough, but never did.

SWIM's brother's fiance smoked 30mg and connected with alien spirits, learned to "bend light" and coming out said "I know everything!"

SWIM's roomie's old GF was panicking and hyperventilating the whole time even though it was a small small dose.

SWIM thinks there is a big need to discuss what it has shown you and what you felt in your first few times, that gives them the best chance to actually get something out of it.
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs

#4 Posted : 3/2/2010 5:29:23 AM


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mattritt wrote:
Only with those who approach it with UTMOST seriousness. Other than that, anyone who is genuinely interested. If I am unsure if their intentions are pure I tell them to come here and make an account, then go to the introduction essay portion and explain why they have come to DMT. Why they want to experience it, what has led them down this path and why they feel they want to enter the tryptamine landscape. The way I see it is if they can't take 20 mins out of their life to make an account and an honest post expressing their intent in using ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL CHEMICALS ON THE PLANET!!! Then they are not worthy.

As of yet no one I've told to do that has actually done it, so I guess I'm somewhat of a good judge of character in that regard. Which is really sad honestly. I would have done ANYTHING to try DMT when I first started reading about it. I had the extraction memorized in weeks. I had no means to do such an extraction at the time as I was a kid in highschool and didn't get my hands on quality spice for atleast 2 years after the beginning of my initial research. Kids these days just wanna get their rocks off which saddens me. Crying or very sad

Very well said! SWIM relates to your approach to spice to the letter!
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs

#5 Posted : 3/2/2010 12:16:46 PM

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I have a friend who is all ways in that mind frame where you must get as fucked up as possible. He came over to my house and didn't have any booze, so said "yeah, give me a massicve dose od DMT". He had done it before and knew the powers of it. I let him rip it... fuck me it was a big hit. He then had his head between his knees and was convulsing and seemed like he just couldn't breath. I had to push his body back into a semi lying down position and yelled "breath" into his face and he took a massive gulp of air. I was scared shitless that i had killed my friend. I knew he would come out of it soon, but also knew he wouldn't remember any of the experience, due to the amount he took. Why do it for the sake of not remembering it. Silly man. He has all ways been the one in the room who has to take every drug in the book to feel satisfied. If he doesn't get scared on the way his mind is doing backflips, he's not satisfied. I still love the guy... but he has a weird mindset when it comes to all drugs.

DMT must be respected and some people just don't get it. I love giving spice away to people i feel would really gain from it, but they must be on a level. Peas!
#6 Posted : 3/2/2010 12:25:57 PM


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This is a big issue for me. I have introduced (the idea) of it to only a handful of people I deem worthy or 'in need' of the sacrament.

B says he does not want to try it now that he tried smoking Salvia. ! @*%$ "180 degrees OPPOSITE of Salvia", Said I.
still trying to bring understanding without 'pulling/pushing'. That is a difficult thing to do. My ego starts this whole "does-not-compute" thing and tells me I am angry. He SOOO needs it since he is into yoga in the morning but drinks himself numb in the evening. Medicine. Need good medicine...

E actually tried it but that one is SO locked into their own ego it is not even funny. They also 'already know everything' and are happy with their world view. Skim, Judge, Move On. Skim, Judge, Move On. Everything filed away in the 'I know it' box. Sad.

J had never heard of it but is a good candidate. Balanced, though not on 'the path'. When J visits from a neighboring state he can see firsthand the glory.

My opinion on the matter is allow the spice to choose. I too would have given half my testes to try spice when I first read about it. This must have been over twenty years ago when I read about the roots of the mimosa hostilis plant containing it. I asked nursuries and read books but before the internet, research was alot more difficult and until early last year I had all but forgotten about it. The seed, however, was planted and I aligned myself with the molecule when I was finally ready. I had gone into and come out of the dark side of my path and was ready to respect the light.

Good thread, good luck.

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#7 Posted : 3/4/2010 6:00:54 PM

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The last time I shared with friends, it was with a small group of four. All had prior entheogenic experiences, and RESPECT for the medicine as entheogenic.

We started with Ayahuasca, there was lots of singing and playing instruments. We moved into the mushrooms... and finally, I introduced the changa. Three of them had never smoked DMT before (though all had at least one experience with Ayahuasca). I have this ridiculous, shiny, shimmering bong--it glimmers like the spirit of Mimosa, pinks, purples, and gold--I fill the water with crystals, add some drops of agua florida, it radiates sanctity, and when I unveiled it, everyone was like, "WHOA....!! Like a corvette...!!"

While each person went under, we all played music and held space until they returned. When they returned, we discussed everything. I facilitated the conversation, as all were dumbfounded and completely unable to speak, asking about broad types of sensations, until finally, they pieced together the language to translate their journeys into solid memories.

Everyone broke through the first time. Everyone had incredible, powerful, moving experiences, every time. And everyone was so incredibly grateful (which made me SO HAPPY to have shared).

Those I didn't see regularly came to visit me to recap about how they were feeling post-ceremony the week after. Followups are HUGELY important. Definitely check up on your friends. Smile

We will have a nice yurt to visit in the summer...

I see lots of other people who would treasure the experience, but I approach them indirectly to feel them out, first. I brought a copy of The Spirit Molecule with me when I went to visit another person the other day, and his eyes just locked onto the book and he was like, "We have to talk about this!" He loves aliens.

I smiled mysteriously and told him, "When you are ready to meet the aliens, let me know. I'll give them a call. Pleased "

There is no greater liability than caring for SOMEONE'S CONSCIOUSNESS! I would never want to be responsible for injuring, damaging, or shattering someone's consciousness. Very huge price. So, I would screen candidates wisely, prepare them properly, provide an extremely safe, loving, and caring environment, and then check up on them again, after the journey.
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#8 Posted : 3/4/2010 7:29:25 PM

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its a tricky thing with other people.
I find that I love the stuff maybe too much so my expectations are high . Its important to remember its not for everyone. I've had a few intense experiences introducing it to other people. One person had a tough time experiencing an epic near death journey like nothing I've ever experienced myself. The good part is this person totally gets it now in a beautiful way even though he got a full-on ass kicking.

It was way too powerful for this other friend. I had high hopes that he would understand and "get it" but he just got sick from it. I regretted giving it too him afterwards. Its tough to explain because no warning or explanation can truly prepare someone for what may happen. My new thought on it is to ease someone in gradually next time. I think perhaps mixing small amounts of spice with weed is a good start.

Some people are big on hitting someone full on with a big blast I don't agree with this. I understand the heroic dose philosophy . Thats all good until a good friend is convulsing and puking on the ground from something you gave him. I don't care what anyone says. No one is prepared for this stuff when it hits you for the first time.
my opinion comes from experience . I say tread lightly when dealing with newcomers to this universe.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#9 Posted : 3/4/2010 8:46:11 PM

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I have not introduced anyone to spice. I discussed it with two good friends, separately. There was no light in either of their eyes. No dice.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#10 Posted : 3/4/2010 9:32:35 PM

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When I first discovered the molecule I couldn't wait to tell EVERYONE about it...I soon learned that most people are very interested to HEAR about it, but when push comes to shove they will not partake.So I stopped talking about it, and just let it be.I've given it to 3 people.
1)an experienced psych user-he was unable to "let go" completely, but enjoyed it, and wants to try again sometime.
2)a guy who has zero psych experience-he is a "wired" kinda guy, full of energy..and said that he only saw colors..and doesn't see what the hype is all about..
3)A cocky dude, who has done pretty well every drug imaginable-He is a huge egomaniac who fought with it all the way through, and said never me the ego death was too much for his gigantic ego.
On my back and tumbling
Down that hole and back again
Rising up
And wiping the webs and the dew from my withered eye.
Bill Cipher
#11 Posted : 3/5/2010 3:20:02 AM

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It's a very delicate thing, this choosing of who and how to initiate. The only person I've ever introduced is your beloved Antrocles - and that one doesn't really count, as we both took the plunge together - I just convinced him that we should. He's since turned on a handful of others who have all been extremely grateful. As for me, I've yet to enjoy the privilege - though I'd love to, if and when it's right.

I've discussed my experiences with a number of people (maybe a dozen, give or take). Some have seemed to take a bit of voyeuristic pleasure from my stories, but none have been into trying it themselves (and I wasn't really offering). Others have reacted dismissively or in an otherwise weirdo manner that made me regret ever bringing it up. With a very few exceptions, I never have with that specific agenda - I've just needed someone to talk to about it, aside from you mugs out in cyberspace. Truth is, there are very few people I personally know who I would entrust with the enormity of the experience. I realize that may appear elitist, but I prefer to think I'm just protective of this amazing thing I've found.

I do however have fantasies about turning on people I've long admired but don't personally know. For example: there is (or was) a writer named David Foster Wallace, who killed himself in 2008. I think he was just enormously, incalcuably, unfathomably brilliant - and at 32 had already written (what for my money is) the greatest novel of my generation. What an unbelievable waste, and how incredibly sad that he chose to go out like that. Here was a guy whose brain just operated on an exponentially deeper level than most everyone walking the planet. How cool would it have been to have turned him on? To have talked about it with him afterwards? To have seen that look of awe in his eyes - that slackjawed, dumbstruck amazement? Would he still be alive and writing today? How might it have influenced his work?

Sadly, I didn't know the guy, and I didn't even discover the spice until the following January. But I bet he would have been up for it, and I imagine it would have made him think twice before hanging himself in his basement.
#12 Posted : 3/5/2010 3:39:18 AM

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Wow. Guess I've got a new author to check out!

Thanks Art.

Bill Cipher
#13 Posted : 3/5/2010 3:40:43 AM

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It's called Infinite Jest - and I shit you not - It's the text for the revolution!
#14 Posted : 3/5/2010 8:36:47 AM

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There's no way I can't read a book called Infinite Jest, now that I know such a superbly titled thing exists.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#15 Posted : 3/5/2010 10:33:57 AM

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I've found that the best way for a person to get an enlightening experience is to introduce them to it by putting them in a dark room by themselves. I just light it for them and once I know they've had enough I turn out the light, leave the room and shut the door behind me. This has always resulted in astonishment in the party in question.
The first two times I introduced someone to it I was in the room with the person and maybe one other person was there and there was light in the room. These times didn't go very well as opposed to later when I changed the method that we did it i.e. them alone.
It's an intensely personal and vulnerable experience that doesn't require the presence of other people in the room. There is no sharing it while under the effects of it in my opinion.
In fact once I learned this I was questioned by someone I was about to introduce it to as to why it was so important that I left them alone in the room in the dark and I just told them to trust.
After this person came out of the room they said that upon exhaling they weren't quite sure why but they were very happy that they were alone in the experience. The knowledge that someone is there in front of you watching you can fuck with people but the knowledge that someone is in the next room waiting for you making sure you are ok is comforting.
#16 Posted : 3/5/2010 5:04:50 PM

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Art, it seemed to me from reading IJ and his interviews, that DFW got pretty turned on. Maybe Mama Iboga, or some apomorphine, but he had tried so many stages of drugs already that anything short of a major metabolic reset prob. wouldn't have done anything.

Can't wait for the new novel to come out though!

Edit: have you seen this, real-life Eschaton!
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
Bill Cipher
#17 Posted : 3/5/2010 7:32:19 PM

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Ah, you read it! Cool beans. I had no idea there was a new novel coming out. Was it finished at the time of his death? I read his first and didn't care for it much to be completely honest, and I've had mixed feelings about his essay collections, but IJ is definitely THE BOMB.

I wasn't aware that he had any significant first hand experience with psychedelics. It would surprise me a bit if he did, actually. I mean, he was basically a walking Physician's Desk Reference, but he was also a human encyclopedia with regard to just about everything, so who knows what he actually imbibed in, and what was assumed through extensive reading and a razor sharp intuition. My guess is that if he had experienced DMT, it's something he would have written about.

The Eschaton sequence is actually one of the very few things I would have preferred to have seen left out of the book. But Infinite Jest is just the biggest, saddest, funniest, most bombastic, mind bending reading experience I've ever had. I loved it, and for those who haven't read it, I can't recommend it highly enough. It's almost like a psychedelic experience just soldiering your way through it - the way it functions on so many different levels, with such a non-linear, multi-view narrative. And like psychedelics, it offers no answers - just inspires A LOT of questions. If you read it, I'm sure you'll understand my fantasy of hitting the spice with him.

Sorry to hijack the thread...
#18 Posted : 3/5/2010 7:42:45 PM

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Arrrrgh, more hijacking!

In an interview about why he didn't go pro-tennis, he mentions getting too into pot and acid his junior and senior year of high school. He ended up living in half-way houses for a couple of years, if I remember correctly, due to unspecified drug abuse.

As his depression got worse, he went down a series of progressively stronger mood stabilizers, until he hit on one that mostly worked, but he couldn't ever stop taking it and it had a lot of side-effects. Finally it got too much for him :S

I probably need to read the book again. And I did almost pee myself laughing, during Eschaton, but I do know that it's a heavily debated issue.

Very happy

Edit: oops forgot the link, article on The Pale King.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#19 Posted : 3/5/2010 8:48:28 PM

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i am good friends with one of his best friends here in L.A. i tried to read I.J. a few times but simply didn't have the ability to focus that intently. DFW is essentially the James Joyce of our generation and to hear his homeboy talk about him and their shenanigans together makes me think that he must've been one of those beings who's job it is to come down here and yell "wake up!!"

as for the OP- i have introduced 7 people to DMT over the past year. i learned almost immediately that it is not about "convincing" folks of the amazingness of spice. it is about creating awareness and the space for those who are searching to be united with that which they seek. the way Art brought it to me...i was open and ready for it. seeking it on a subconcious level.

when the student is ready the master will appear. i suppose all that can be done in the case of telling folks about it is to simply let them know that a teacher has arrived. the rest is up to them.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
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#20 Posted : 3/6/2010 12:29:56 AM


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Encyclopeaedic is the word. Every n seconds another word comes along I have to stop, look up, and put into context. Brilliant. Dense with wit, sardonic and sad.

Next, read Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon. Just as thick, just as dense. Deep, deep, deep.

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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