Salty Tea EtOAc Tek by ModernGrower
So I've had trouble doing the cielo tek even with small volumes and the aroma is quite strong even in ventilated location. Even with the 24 hour fridge rest I wasn't able to get crystals in the ethyl acetate so kept researching to find a solution and also thinking of different methods to use less material
I've only done two small runs so this still needs some work to be perfect but I've already fixed a few of my errors and worked out some numbers for easier processing.
Materials needed
Dry or fresh cactus material
Ethyl acetate 100-200ml
citric acid 1g
Sodium Carbonate 100g (can make from 150-175 sodium bicarbonate in the oven)
sodium chloride 50g (without iodide recommended)
*potassium chloride may also be used but requires a little bit excess (needs testing)
Material to cut cactus to make tea
coffee filters filter and cotton balls
separatory funnel of 500mL (smaller or larger is fine)
glass jars for decanting and salting
ph strips
Make a concentrated tea from your cactus either fresh materal or dry
Mix cactus tea/shot with saturated sodium carbonate solution
In seperatory funnel mix the alkaline tea and EtOAc
After mixing (NO SHAKING JUST SWIRLING) allow to settle
Add salt into the funnel and let it sit for 2H after swirling well
Separate the EtOAc and decant a few times until clear
Precipitate mescaline from ethyl acetate with citric acid same as cielo
Store ethyl acetate for reuse same as cielo
No Fridge Rest Needed Can Add CA after separating the EtOAc
Can Start with fresh or dried material to make tea
Can do normal cielo and use salt brine rather than fridge rest
Can use less EtOAc then normal cielo tek.
Less smell of EtOAc since most of the process is down in the Seperatory funnel
Start off making your concentrated tea. I used Pressure cooker for 30 minutes then filter and reduce down the liquid to around 500ml filter with cotton pads to remove more material that is not water soluble and squeeze the filters to keep the liquids. Reduce further to around 50-100mL making sure it doesn't become a tar. I use citric acid to make everything water soluble. You can reduce with vinegar or just water just make sure you reduce it enough to a workable volume without it being a tar.
Once you have your cooled reduced tea to desired volume add a saturated sodium carbonate solution to the tea. You MAY be able to use a tar but needs to be liquid after alkaline. DO NOT ADD the powdered sodium carbonate directly to prevent increase in volume it will foam like crazy. Keep adding until you see a color change. After the color change check ph. Keep adding sodium carbonate either the solution or now the powder until the ph is around 12 or until you start to see sodium carbonate no longer dissolving into the liquid (completely saturated) Now add the alkaline tea to the separatory funnel.
Adding powder will lead to extreme foaming if you don't first neutralize the acid in the tea. If you get foaming try adding to separatory funnel and add your ethyl acetate to reduce the foaming but keep adding sodium carbonate until ph is near 12.
Now add Ethyl Acetate to the tea either in 50ml pulls or 1:1 volume of the tea. Swirl the funnel without shaking to prevent emulsion. Mix a few times after allowing them to separate a few times. Solvent amount required isn't high and should get most of the alkaloids with 50% volume of water layer. But more testing is needed. 50mL pull got most but there was some still left in the tea.
After you are satisfied with your pulls pour salt in 18g/100ml water layer. 20g is too high and will not dissolve perhaps a lower amount can be used but during my very first runs 18.5g/100ml worked (calculated backwards making sure to add water until all the salt dissolved).
If you added too much salt keep adding fresh water until it dissolves (May take a few mixing to disolve) Solubility of salt in pure water is around 35 grams per 100ml but with saturated sodium carbonate the solubility seems to be 2/3 that. At 18g per 100ml based on the chart the water content is closer to 2.6 (pure water) Reswirl the salty aqueous and solvent after adding the salt. After mixing well let it settle for at least 2 hours for everything to settle. Make sure there is no salt still dissolved.
The water content in the EtOAc should be close to 2.1+%. Adding salt will reduce the amount of water in the EtOAc and reduce the solvent lost into the water. Adding too much salt will make the EtOAc too dry but maybe this can be combined with a CASEA but I've not tested. With excess salt used it leads to goo when salting with CA.
Separate the Aqueous layer for further extractions or discard. The very last ml between the two phases should be placed into a shot glass you want ZERO salt brine in the EtOAc. Make sure you sacrifice a fraction of a mL so all the salt water is out. You want to see a small film of ethyl acetate in the shot glass.
Now place the EtOAc into a dry clean glass. You may need a few depending on if there are some bubbles on the side of the seperatary funnel glass that were carried with the EtOAc or not. If there is just decant into a new clean glass and the bubbles should stick to the bottom of the glass you may need to repeat this a few times but make sure ZERO bubbles in the Ethyl Acetate.
Now in the clear EtOAc add Citric Acid at 5g/L without needing to do the fridge rest. I used Anhydrous CA and let it sit for a day covering the top with some aluminum foil since I used a mini beaker.
Side notes
The water content suggested in CIELO of 2.3% may be wrong since solvent info shows different amount at 30C. The paper used for the 2.3% calculation is from 1986 and other sources show different values... It works no question.
For some reason I didn't get crystals from fridge rest for 24h but those that prefer can still start with a concentrated tea and do the 24H fridge rest or you can do normal cielo extraction from dry material and do the salt brine wash with 31g per 100ml brine using 1:1 ratio. (The 1:1 ratio can be tested to use less)
Things I've messed up in the trying to make this tek.
I've tried using calcium hydroxide but the solubility was terrible and didn't work for the ph. I also mixed calcium hydroxide and added sodium carbonate which resulted in annoying precipirate of calcium carbonate.
(the sodium hydroxide formed from double displacement didn't affect the ethyl acetate)
My first run I didn't reduce the tea but seemed to have worked fine. You want to reduce the tea or you may lose excess solvent into the water or just need to use too much solvent.
During the separation of the organic and aqueous layers when you get down to the last ml add a middle pull and make sure you allow a bit of the solvent to be sacrified. I left a tiny amount of the bubbles and it didn't work.
You want none the salt brine You may have some 'bubbles' from the wall of the funnel come over with the aqueous layer
End Notes
Many aspects of this technique can be mixed and matched with CIELO. You can preform a normal cielo extraction and then do a salt wash with 31g per 100ml brine (pure water solubility is different from saturated sodium carbonate solution) and skip the fridge rest.
You can also skip the salting and do a fridge rest but start with the ethyl acetate you pulled from the concentrated tea which should have required less ethyl acetate.
After the first run you should save all the liquids and you can reuse them after filtering.
Ethyl Acetate can be reused after neutralizing with baking soda wash like with cielo.
Salt without iodide is cheap but can also be reused if you decide to salt EtOAc seperate from tea.
Sodium carbonate brine even if includes tea can also be reused to make the next tea alkaline but is also cheap or easy to make from baking soda.
modern attached the following image(s):

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